Sep 26, 2024  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2013-2014 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • ENG 203 - World Literature

    3 hrs.
    Acquaints students with significant figures and works of world literature. (CC 2413, 2423, 2433, 2453, 2463)
  • ENG 221 - Fiction Writing I

    3 hrs.
    Introduction to fiction writing.
  • ENG 222 - Poetry Writing I

    3 hrs.
    Introduction to poetry writing.
  • ENG 301 - English Grammar

    3 hrs.
    A comparative study of traditional and structural grammars, with attention to usage and rhetorical uses of grammar.
  • ENG 311 - Survey of Contemporary Literature

    3 hrs.
    Surveys major contemporary writers and their influences (required for secondary or middle grade certification).
  • ENG 312 - Postcolonial Literature

    3 hrs.
    A study of literature concerned with the discursive, cultural and political independence of peoples subjugated by colonial empires.
  • ENG 313 - Survey of Multiethnic Literature

    3 hrs.
    Provides a comparative survey of writers from mulitple ethnic backgrounds. Repeatable with varied content to six hours.
  • ENG 314 - Popular & Genre Fiction

    3 hrs.
    Variable topic survey of popular genre fiction and literature, such as science fiction, mystery, fantasy, or noir. Repeatable with varied content to six hours.
  • ENG 319 - Literary Study of the Bible

    3 hrs.
    Examines the literary structure, style and content of the English Bible.
  • ENG 321 - Fiction Writing II

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 221 . Stresses the techniques of short fiction writing.
  • ENG 322 - Poetry Writing II

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 222 . Stresses the techniques of poetry writing.
  • ENG 330 - Writing and Education

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  and ENG 102 . Emphasizes writing and speaking in professional education settings.
  • ENG 332 - Advanced Composition

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  and ENG 102 . Junior standing recommended. Emphasizes writing, research and documentation skills needed for professional papers.
  • ENG 333 - Technical Writing

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 , ENG 102  and junior standing or 12 hours in student’s major field. Stresses report writing in student’s major field.
  • ENG 340 - Analysis of Literature

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 , ENG 102 , ENG 203 . Introduces the discipline of literary criticism.
  • ENG 345 - Introduction to Children’s Literature

    3 hrs.
    Studies in children’s literature from the 17th century to the present.
  • ENG 350 - Survey of British Literature I

    3 hrs.
    Surveys major British literature from the Old English period to the Romantic period.
  • ENG 351 - Survey of British Literature II

    3 hrs.
    Surveys major British literature from Romantic period to the present.
  • ENG 370 - Survey of American Literature I

    3 hrs.
    Surveys American literature from its beginnings to the Civil War.
  • ENG 371 - Survey of American Literature II

    3 hrs.
    Surveys American literature from the Civil War to the present.
  • ENG 372 - African-American Literature

    3 hrs.
    Surveys major African-American writers and their influences.
  • ENG 373 - American Poetry

    3 hrs.
    Surveys American poetry.
  • ENG 400 - Senior Seminar

    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing. Explores various literary topics in a seminar setting; repeatable to six hours.
  • ENG 401 - Composition Study for Teachers

    3 hrs.
    The study of composition and composition theories with pedagogical applications.
  • ENG 402 - Literature Study for Teachers

    3 hrs.
    The study of literature and literary theories with pedagogical applications.
  • ENG 403 - Language Study for Teachers

    3 hrs.
    The study of language and language theories with pedagogical applications.
  • ENG 406 - History of the English Language

    3 hrs.
    Surveys the development of the English language from Old English to the present.
  • ENG 410 - Studies in Ethnic Literature

    3 hrs.
    Provides a focused study of ethnic writers; repeatable to six hours with varied content.
  • ENG 411 - Studies in Postcolonial Literature

    3 hrs.
    Examines postcolonial literature from the 19th century to the present.
  • ENG 412 - Studies in African Literature

    3 hrs.
    A study of major contemporary African writers.
  • ENG 413 - Survey of The Modern Novel

    3 hrs.
    Examines major British and continental novels of the last 100 years.
  • ENG 415 - Survey of Modern Poetry

    3 hrs.
    This course will acquaint students with the work of the significant modern poets, as well as the modern period’s important poetic innovations and movements.
  • ENG 416 - Literature of the Transatlantic World

    3 hrs.
    English language writings of and about the New World through the 19th century, charting the literacy, cultural and commercial exchanges that define the Atlantic world.
  • ENG 417 - Survey of Modern Drama

    3 hrs.
    Surveys important British and continental dramas of the 20th century.
  • ENG 418 - Literature for the Adolescent

    3 hrs.
    Study of literature and pedagogical theory for use with secondary school students.
  • ENG 419 - Studies in World Literature

    3 hrs.
    Focuses on world literature, other than British and American, from the 19th century to the present; repeatable to nine hours.
  • ENG 421 - Fiction Writing III

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 221  and ENG 321 . Provides an opportunity to develop techniques of fiction writing; repeatable to nine hours.
  • ENG 422 - Poetry Writing III

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 222  and ENG 322 . Provides an opportunity to develop techniques of poetry writing; repeatable to nine hours.
  • ENG 423 - Creative Nonfiction Writing

    3 hrs.
    Workshop in writing non-fiction prose: personal essay, reviews, opinion.
  • ENG 425 - Readings in the Theory of Fiction

    3 hrs.
    Emphasizes theories and forms of contemporary fiction; repeatable to six hours.
  • ENG 426 - Readings in the Theory of Poetry

    3 hrs.
    Emphasizes theories and forms of contemporary poetry; repeatable to six hours.
  • ENG 440 - Literary Criticism

    3 hrs.
    Provides a historical approach to the study of literary criticism from the classical period to the present. Emphasis will be on major texts and critics.
  • ENG 441 - Topics in Literary Theory

    3 hrs.
    Provides a focused study of a particular literary theory or theories; course is repeatable to six hours with varied content.
  • ENG 445 - Studies in Children’s and Young Adult Literature

    3 hrs.
    Explores various literary topics in children’s or young adult literature in a seminar setting; repeatable to six hours.
  • ENG 450 - Survey of Medieval Literature, 500-1500

    3 hrs.
    Surveys world literature of the period.
  • ENG 451 - Chaucer

    3 hrs.
    Emphasizes a close reading of The Canterbury Tales.
  • ENG 452 - Arthurian Literature

    3 hrs.
    Surveys the literature treating the legend of King Arthur.
  • ENG 454 - Survey of Shakespeare

    3 hrs.
    Studies a selected group of Shakespeare’s work, including plays of several genres.
  • ENG 455 - Studies in Shakespeare

    3 hrs.
    Studies a selected group of Shakespeare’s work according to genre, theme or special topic.
  • ENG 456 - Survey of 16th-Century English Literature

    3 hrs.
    Surveys the more important English writers of this period.
  • ENG 457 - Survey of the Development of British Drama to 1642

    3 hrs.
    Surveys English drama from its beginnings to 1642, exclusive of Shakespeare.
  • ENG 458 - Survey of 17th-Century British Prose and Poetry

    3 hrs.
    Surveys the period 1600-1660, with emphasis on the “schools” of Donne and Jonson.
  • ENG 459 - Milton

    3 hrs.
    Focuses on the poetry and prose of Milton, with emphasis on the major works.
  • ENG 460 - Survey of British Literature, 1660-1740

    3 hrs.
    Surveys British literature from the Restoration to 1740.
  • ENG 461 - Major Writers of the 18th-Century

    3 hrs.
    English authors from the reign of Queen Anne through the French Revolution.
  • ENG 462 - Survey of British Literature, 1740-1798

    3 hrs.
    Surveys British literature from 1740 to 1798.
  • ENG 463 - Victorian Fiction and Prose

    3 hrs.
    Surveys British fiction and nonfiction prose in the period 1830-1900.
  • ENG 464 - Survey of the British Novel to 1900

    3 hrs.
    Surveys the development of British fiction from Richardson through Hardy.
  • ENG 465 - Survey of 19th-Century British Literature: Romantic

    3 hrs.
    Surveys poetry and prose of the period 1790 to 1830.
  • ENG 466 - Victorian Poetry and Drama

    3 hrs.
    Surveys British poetry and drama of the period 1830 to 1900.
  • ENG 467 - Survey of 20th-Century British Literature

    3 hrs.
    Surveys major 20th-century British writers, emphasizing novelists and dramatists.
  • ENG 468 - British Women Writers

    3 hrs.
    Emphasizes literature written by British women writers; variable content.
  • ENG 469 - Studies in British Literature

    3 hrs.
    Examines various topics in British literature; repeatable to nine hours.
  • ENG 470 - Studies in Antebellum Literature

    3 hrs.
    Examines the writings of Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Melville, Whitman and others.
  • ENG 471 - Studies in American Literature of Realism and Naturalism

    3 hrs.
    Examines American literature after the Civil War, focusing on realism and naturalism.
  • ENG 472 - Survey of American Drama

    3 hrs.
    Surveys American drama from its beginnings to the present, with emphasis on the 20th century.
  • ENG 473 - Studies in African-American Literature

    3 hrs.
    Focuses on specific genres, topics or writers of African-American literature.
  • ENG 474 - Studies in Colonial and Early American Literature

    3 hrs.
    Anglo-American writing of the New World, from encounter and colonization to the Revolution and the development of nationalism.
  • ENG 475 - Studies in American Modernism

    3 hrs.
    Explores topics and writers in American literature during the period 1900-1945.
  • ENG 476 - American Literature After 1945

    3 hrs.
    Surveys key topics, movements, authors and texts from World War II to the present; repeatable to six hours.
  • ENG 477 - Survey of the American Novel 1920 to 1960

    3 hrs.
    Surveys techniques and historical backgrounds of the major novelists.
  • ENG 478 - American Women Writers

    3 hrs.
    Emphasizes literature written by American women writers; variable content.
  • ENG 485 - Survey of Literature of the South

    3 hrs.
    Emphasizes the fiction, poetry and drama of 20th-century Southern writers.
  • ENG 489 - Studies in American Literature

    3 hrs.
    Focuses on notable movements, genres and problems of American literature; repeatable to nine hours.
  • ENG 490 - Reading/Writing Theory and Application

    3 hrs.
    Focuses on reading/writing theory and applications for teacher-licensure students.
  • ENG 491 - Secondary English Practicum

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 313 . Corequisite(s): ENG 491L. Focuses on methods and experiences of teaching English in secondary schools.
  • ENG 492 - Special Problems

    1-3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor. Provides the opportunity to pursue a special topic or area of interest. Repeatable to nine hours. Senior Honors Project (Students undertaking a Senior Honors project will enroll in ENG 492H.)
  • ENG 493 - Irish Studies

    4 hrs.
    A three-week course taught in Ireland as part of the Southern Miss British Studies Program. Content will vary.
  • ENG 494 - Practice Teaching in English I

    6 hrs.
    Fee A special fee is charged for this course. (See Special Fees listing in Student Expenses section.) (All labs are subject to a usage fee.)
  • ENG 495 - Practice Teaching in English II

    6 hrs.
    Fee A special fee is charged for this course. (See Special Fees listing in Student Expenses section.) (All labs are subject to a usage fee.)
  • ENG 496 - Caribbean Studies

    3-6 hrs.
    Variable content.
  • ENG 497 - Special Topics in British Studies

    6 hrs.
    In-depth study in selected topics in British literature; part of the Southern Miss British Studies Program.
  • ENG 498 - British Studies I

    3-6 hrs.
    A five-week course taught in London, England; generally offers an intensive study of topics and figures from the beginnings of English literature to 1800.
  • ENG 499 - British Studies II

    3-6 hrs.
    A five-week course taught in London, England; generally offers an intensive study of topics and figures in English literature from 1800 to the present.

Entertainment Industry

  • EI 200 - Recording Industry Collegium

    1 hr.
    Students discuss contemporary music industry topics and current industry issues. Students network and organize production and projects.
  • EI 300 - Introduction to Audio Production

    3 hrs.
    This course is an introductory overview of the modern audio production theory and practice. It is designed to provide students with both theoretical overview of the audio-recording concepts, practices, history and equipment, as well as basic hands-on experience with various types of professional audio production instruments and software.
  • EI 303 - Entertainment Industry Survey

    3 hrs.
    This course is an introductory overview of the entertainment industry’s scope, systems and practices encompassing music, broadcast, film and live entertainment.
  • EI 345 - Digital Recording

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): EI 300 . An introduction of modern audio production, theory and practice. Provides students with theoretical and practical appreciation of audio-recording concepts, practices and equipment.
  • EI 370 - Talent Management

    3 hrs.
    This course focuses on a study of the talent management strategies and practices and analysis of the management team’s roles.
  • EI 403 - Seminar in Sound Recording

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): EI 300 , EI 345 . This capstone course is a comprehensive study of modern recording, mixing and mastering practices utilizing analog and digital recording methods and signal processing.
  • EI 419 - International Music Industry

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): EI 303 . This course is an advanced survey of business, legal, marketing, distribution and management aspects of producing and merchandising live music and records on a global basis.
  • EI 421 - History of the Recording Industry

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): EI 303 . This course covers the historical development of recorded music and traces growth and progress of sound technology.
  • EI 430 - Concert Production

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): EI 303 . This course covers practice, equipment and management of technical aspects of live production.
  • EI 431 - Music Publishing

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): EI 303 . This course is an advanced, in-depth study of the music publishing business.
  • EI 432 - Record Company Operations

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): EI 303 . This course consists of the analysis of all the aspects of a modern record company’s operations.
  • EI 441 - Live Production Business

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): EI 303 . This course covers legal and managerial aspects of domestic and international live entertainment presentations and promotions.
  • EI 461 - Entertainment Law

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): EI 303 . This course is an overview of the U.S. laws pertaining to the entertainment industry, as well as the analysis of the legal issues impacting the practice of the entertainment business.
  • EI 470 - Recording Industry Seminar

    Prerequisite(s): EI 303  and senior standing. Provides a review of the entertainment industry’s scope: artist management, publishing, copyright, entertainment law, promotions, etc. Portfolio required focused on career interest

Environmental Science

  • ESC 301 - Living in the Environment

    3 hrs.
    Physical, biological, social, political and economic problems associated with current environmental issues.
  • ESC 302 - Environmental Improvement Project

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ESC 301 . Performing an actual environmental improvement project.

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