Feb 16, 2025  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2013-2014 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Financial Aid


Financial Aid Office
The University of Southern Mississippi
118 College Drive #5101
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001

Application Deadline

Students who wish to apply for federal student aid, including grants and student loans, must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid each year. To receive full consideration, all required information and documents must be received by March 15. Late applications will be accepted and considered as funds permit.

Types of Financial Aid Programs Available

The Financial Aid office has the responsibility of administering all major areas of financial assistance. These areas will be listed in three categories — loans, grants and scholarships, and student employment. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Financial Aid office.

A. Loans

  1. Federal Perkins Loan Program
    The Federal Perkins Loan Program is for students who are enrolled at least half time in a participating postsecondary institution and who need a loan to meet their educational expenses. Primary consideration for this loan is given to students who are enrolled full time.

    Repayment begins nine months after graduation or leaving school for other reasons. Students may be allowed up to 10 years to pay back the loan. During the repayment period, five percent interest is charged on the unpaid balance of the loan principal.

    There are loan cancellation provisions for borrowers who go into certain fields..
  2. Federal Stafford Loan
    Federal Stafford Loans are low-interest loans made to students attending school at least half time.

    Students can qualify for a Federal Stafford Loan based on financial need or regardless of need — that is, regardless of their or their family’s income. It is possible for a student to have a Federal Stafford Loan partly based on financial need and partly not based on need.

    Undergraduate students can borrow up to $5,500, $6,500 or $7,500 per year, depending on their year in college and eligibility. Graduate students can borrow up to $20,500 per year depending on eligibility. Independent students may be eligible to borrow more.

    Payments normally begin six months after graduation or when the borrower ceases to be at least a half-time student, and students may be allowed up to 10 years to repay the loan. In most cases students must pay at least $600 a year unless circumstances agreed upon with the lending institution warrant a lesser amount. Repayment may be deferred if the student borrower returns to school.

B. Grants and Scholarships

  1. Federal Pell Grants
    The Federal Pell Grant Program makes funds available to eligible students attending approved colleges, community and junior colleges, vocational schools, technical institutes, hospital schools of nursing, and other post-high school institutions.

    Students may apply for a Federal Pell Grant if they are seeking their first bachelor’s degree.

    The amount of the award is based on the determination of eligibility and the cost of attendance at the school. The grants range from $400 to $5,550.
  2. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG)
    The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program is for students of exceptional financial need who, without the grant, would be unable to continue their education.

    SEOG is available to eligible students seeking their first bachelor’s degree. Graduate students and students seeking an additional bachelor’s degree are not eligible.
  3. TEACH Grant
    The U.S. Department of Education’s Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program provides grant funds to postsecondary students who are completing or planning to complete coursework that is needed to begin a career in teaching, and who agree to serve for at least four years as a full-time, highly qualified teacher in a high-need field, in a school serving low-income students. Eligible full-time students may receive $4,000 per year in TEACH Grant funds, up to a maximum of $16,000 for undergraduates and post-baccalaureate study, and $8,000 for graduate study.
  4. University Scholarships (These scholarships are subject to change without notice.) The following awards are available to entering freshmen or transfer students from a community/junior college. Continuation of the scholarship is subject to satisfactory progress.
    1. Presidential National Merit Finalist Scholarship – Students progressing to National Merit Finalist status will receive the Presidential National Merit Finalist Scholarship, which is designed to cover the cost of tuition (and nonresident fees, if applicable), campus housing, and a meal plan for four years, including a semester book stipend. Finalists will further receive a $4,000 study-abroad scholarship to participate in a Southern Miss study abroad program of their choice. Finalists must list The University of Southern Mississippi as their first choice institution with the National Merit Scholarship Corporation.
    2. Presidential National Merit Semifinalist Scholarship – Students designated as National Merit Semifinalists will receive the National Merit Semifinalist Scholarship, a scholarship equivalent to the value of tuition (and nonresident fees, if applicable) for four years.
    3. Presidential Scholarship: Presidential Scholarships are designed to cover the cost of tuition (and nonresident fees, if applicable), campus housing, and a meal plan for four years, including a semester book stipend. Typically, students have at least a 30 composite ACT score, or a combined SAT score of 1330, excluding the written portion of the SAT. Presidential Scholars must enroll in the Honors College. Students must have completed the Competitive Freshman Programs Application and submit all application materials for admission to the university by the published deadline for the scholarship. This scholarship precludes any other university scholarship.
    4. Academic Excellence Scholarship: Students with a composite ACT of 26 (combined SAT score of 1170) and an above average core GPA (as calculated by the Office of Admissions) will be automatically considered for these awards upon admission (no application necessary).
    5. Golden Opportunity Scholarship: Students with a composite ACT of 24-25 (combined SAT score of 1090-1160) and an above average core GPA (as calculated by the Office of Admissions) will be automatically considered for these awards upon admission (no application necessary).
    6. Regional Scholarship: This award is available to students who are not residents of Mississippi and represents the full value of nonresident tuition.  Students with a composite ACT of 21 or higher (combined SAT score of 980) and an above average core GPA (as calculated by the Office of Admissions) will be automatically considered for this award upon admission (no application necessary).
    7. Leadership Scholarship: The Leadership Scholarship is for students who have a 3.0 high school grade point average, a proven record of leadership in high school and community activities, and exceptional leadership potential at Southern Miss. To be considered for this scholarship, students must complete the Competitive Freshman Programs Application and submit all application materials for admission to the university by the published deadline for the scholarship.
    8. Luckyday Foundation Citizenship Scholarship: The Luckyday Foundation Citizenship Scholarship is for exemplary students who have a 3.0 high school grade point average, who are outstanding citizens committed to service in the community, campus involvement and academic excellence, and who need financial assistance for college.  A student also has the opportunity to apply for study abroad scholarships for a Southern Miss study abroad program of the student’s choice once enrolled in the Luckyday Scholarship program. To be considered for this scholarship, the applicant’s parents or guardian must be residents of Mississippi, and the applicant must graduate from a Mississippi high school, complete the Competitive Freshman Programs Application and submit all application materials for admission to the university by the published deadline for the scholarship.
    9. Mississippi Community/Junior College President’s Scholarship: This scholarship is a one-time award of $1,000.  Students must be nominated by the president of the community/junior college, and only one student nominated is allowed per branch.  To be eligible for consideration, students must be entering Southern Miss for a fall semester, have 48 hours completed or in progress, submit all required materials for undergraduate admission, and submit the Transfer Scholarship Application by the published deadline.
    10. Community/Junior College All-Academic Team Scholarship: Community and junior college transfer students who have been nominated to the state or national All-Academic Team are eligible for a one-year, $1,000 award. To be eligible for consideration, students must be entering Southern Miss for a fall semester, have 48 hours completed or in progress, submit all required materials for undergraduate admission, and submit the Transfer Scholarship Application by the published deadline.
    11. Community/Junior College Transfer Achievement Scholarship: Students transferring from a community/junior college with a 3.25 cumulative GPA and are members of Phi Theta Kappa can be considered for this award.  To be eligible for consideration, students must be entering Southern Miss for a fall semester, have 48 hours completed or in progress, submit all required materials for undergraduate admission, and submit the Transfer Scholarship Application and proof of Phi Theta Kappa membership by the published deadline.
    12. Transfer Golden Opportunity Scholarship: Students transferring from another institution with at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA and are not members of Phi Theta Kappa can be considered for this award.  To be eligible for consideration, students must be entering Southern Miss for a fall semester, have 48 hours completed or in progress, submit all required materials for undergraduate admission, and submit the Transfer Scholarship Application by the published deadline.
    13. Transfer Regional Scholarship: This award is available to students who are not residents of Mississippi and represents the full value of nonresident tuition.  To be eligible for consideration, students must be entering Southern Miss for a fall semester, have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA, have 48 hours completed or in progress, submit all required materials for undergraduate admission, and submit the Transfer Scholarship Application by the published deadline.

Information concerning scholarships and scholarship applications may be obtained from the Office of Admissions. Students must be enrolled full-time to receive these awards.

  1. Office of Financial Aid Foundation Scholarships: Scholarships are available each year to students based upon general academic achievement, leadership, major field of study, financial need and other stipulations that may be imposed by the donor. Application deadline is March 15, of each year. The value of these awards ranges from $100 to $1,400 per academic year. Applications may be completed online at www.financialaid.usm.edu by March 15. Click on Scholarship Search.
  2. Alumni Scholarships: Scholarships representing payment of nonresident fees only may be available to nonresidents of the state of Mississippi. Award is contingent on a parent being an active contributing alumni member and the student’s achieving an ACT composite score of at least 21. Continuation is subject to the student maintaining at least a current GPA of 2.5 or better. Apply to Alumni Association, The University of Southern Mississippi, 118 College Drive #5013, Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001.
  3. Service Scholarships: These scholarships are available in art, athletics, dance, music, theatre, etc. Service scholarships are based upon skill and performance in such endeavors as music and athletic ability. Applications can be obtained by writing dean, College of Arts and Letters, The University of Southern Mississippi, 118 College Drive #5031, 39406-0001; for athletic scholarships, write athletic director, The University of Southern Mississippi, 118 College Drive #5017, Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001.

C. Student Employment

  1. Federal Work-Study Program
    The primary purpose of the Federal Work-Study Program is to stimulate and promote part-time employment for students. The program also seeks to encourage students receiving federal student financial assistance to participate in community service activities that will benefit the community and the nation. The program is designed for those students who are in need of earnings to pursue their course of study at Southern Miss. Primary consideration is given to students with the greatest financial need.
  2. Student Employment On Campus
    The university also employs students who are not eligible to receive federal work-study. Jobs are posted as they become available. Contact the Student Employment Office, McLemore Hall, for additional information.
  3. Student Employment Off Campus
    The Student Employment Office makes available many types of off-campus, part-time jobs with businesses in the surrounding area. Referrals are made on an individual basis to jobs matching the student’s qualifications and schedule.

D. Other

  1. ROTC Scholarship Program
    See the Military Science  and Aerospace Studies  sections of this Bulletin for information on two-year, three-year and four-year ROTC scholarships.
  2. Marine Officer Programs
    Qualified students may apply for an officer program leading to a commission as a second lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps. Commissions are offered in both ground and aviation components. The Platoon Leaders Course (PLC) is offered to freshmen, sophomores and juniors who attend precommissioning training during the summer. Financial assistance and flight indoctrination programs are available. Qualified seniors attend 12 weeks of training in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) after graduation. For details, contact the placement officer or the Marine Officer Selection officer when he is on campus.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Students receiving federal student aid are required to adhere to academic standards that may differ from those already required through the Office of the University Registrar.

In order to receive and maintain federal financial assistance (grants, student loans, and work-study employment), students are required to progress satisfactorily toward completion of their course of study. If a student does not maintain the minimum satisfactory academic progress after the spring semester, the student will be placed on financial aid suspension. Satisfactory academic progress is measured based on the following:

  1. The student must progress qualitatively by maintaining the required minimum grade point average.
  2. The student must progress quantitatively by successfully completing the required minimum number of credit hours each semester.
  3. The student must complete a program of study within a reasonable time period.

Qualitative Measure

The Office of Financial Aid strictly adheres to the academic standards presently practiced by The University of Southern Mississippi and printed in the university Bulletin. Students who have attempted up to a total of 29 credit hours must maintain at least a 1.5 cumulative grade point average. Students who have attempted up to a total of 59 credit hours must maintain at least a 1.75 cumulative grade point average. Students who have attempted 60 or more total credit hours must maintain at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point average. Total hours attempted will include credits taken at the university and any credits transferred from another academic institution. Grade point averages, however, are based solely upon credits earned while enrolled at The University of Southern Mississippi. Minimum acceptable academic standards are represented below:

  Total Hours Attempted   Minimum Cumulative GPA  
  (Including Transfer Credit)   (Southern Miss Work Only)  
    0-29     1.50  
    30-59     1.75  
    60 and above     2.00  

If a student does not maintain the minimum acceptable grade point average outlined above for total hours attempted after the spring semester of each academic year, the student will be placed on financial aid suspension. A student placed on financial aid suspension is ineligible for any federally-funded financial aid programs until the student’s grade point average improves to the minimum required level.

Quantitative Measure

Students receiving financial aid must also complete a minimum number of credit hours each semester. The minimum requirements are outlined below:

Undergraduate: Undergraduate students enrolled during a fall or spring semester must attempt at least six credit hours in each of those semesters in order to receive financial aid, while undergraduate students enrolled during the summer semester must attempt at least four credit hours. At the conclusion of each semester during which aid is received, undergraduate students must complete at least 67 percent of the classes attempted (undergraduate students with a full-time enrollment status must complete only 67 percent of the classes attempted based on the minimum full-time enrollment status of 12 semester hours). The Office of Financial Aid reviews this measure at the conclusion of each spring semester.

Graduate: Graduate students enrolled during a fall or spring semester must attempt at least four graduate-level semester hours in each of those semesters in order to receive financial aid, while graduate students enrolled during a summer semester must attempt at least three graduate-level semester hours. At the conclusion of each semester during which aid is received, graduate students must complete at least 67 percent of the classes attempted (graduate students with a full-time enrollment status must complete only 67 percent of the classes attempted based on the minimum full-time enrollment status of 9 semester hours). The Office of Financial Aid reviews this measure at the conclusion of each spring semester.

Completed grades include A, B, C, D, E, and P. Grades of F, N/A, I, AW, W, WP, WF, and Audit are not accepted as completed grades. Students failing to complete the minimum number of semester hours after the spring semester will be placed on financial aid suspension, making them ineligible for federal financial aid.

Declaring an Academic Course of Study

Students must declare a major within a reasonable time frame. The following guidelines have been established:

Undergraduates: First-time Undergraduate Undeclared Majors: A first-time undergraduate undeclared student with a clear admission status is eligible to receive federal financial aid until they have exceeded 48 hours of earned credits (including transfer hours). Failure to declare a major after the student has earned 48 credit hours could result in the student being placed on financial aid suspension. The Office of Financial Aid reviews this measure at the conclusion of each spring semester.

Transfer Undergraduate Undeclared Majors: An undeclared transfer student with a clear admission status is eligible to receive federal financial aid until they have exceeded 48 hours of earned credits. Undeclared students transferring in more than 48 earned credit hours will be deemed eligible to receive federal financial aid for one academic semester. Failure to declare a major prior to the beginning of the student’s second semester could result in the student being placed on financial aid suspension. The Office of Financial Aid reviews this measure at the conclusion of each spring semester.

Maximum Time to Complete Course of Study

Students must complete degree requirements within a normal time frame, and the following maximums have been established:

Undergraduate: A first-time undergraduate student will be deemed in good standing and eligible to receive federal financial aid until he or she has attempted 150 percent of the number of hours normally required to complete degree requirements, usually 192 hours. Attempted hours will include all courses on the academic transcript including grades of A, B, C, D, E, F, P, W, N/A and I.

Graduate: Graduate students will be deemed in good standing and eligible to receive federal financial assistance until they have attempted twice the number of hours normally required to complete their program of study leading to a master’s or doctoral degree. Attempted hours will include all courses on the academic transcript including grades of A, B, C, D, E, F, P, W, N/A and I.

Second Degree Undergraduate: Students who have already earned a baccalaureate degree and are now seeking a second undergraduate degree will be eligible to receive federal financial assistance for up to 288 undergraduate hours attempted.

Second Degree Graduate: Graduate students pursuing an additional master’s degree will be limited to a maximum of 20 graduate hours. This total includes all graduate hours accumulated. Once a student earns a specialist’s degree, he or she will be eligible for additional financial assistance only at the doctoral level; once a student earns a doctoral degree, he or she will be ineligible for additional federal financial assistance.

Enrollment Status

Students receiving Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Work-Study, Federal Supplemental Grant or Federal Pell Grant are expected to pass 67 percent of the enrollment status on which their financial aid was based. Students on suspension are ineligible for additional federal financial assistance until they enroll at least half time at their own expense, complete all courses and earn the minimum required grade point average.

Transfer Students

Students transferring into the university will be assumed to be maintaining satisfactory academic progress. Hours transferred from prior schools will be considered when establishing class standing for grade requirements, as well as when determining the maximum number of hours allowed to receive financial aid.

Remedial Courses

A student is eligible to receive federal financial aid for up to one academic year’s worth of remedial course work.

Audit Courses

Courses taken for audit do not count for credit or graduation and, therefore, are not counted in determining eligibility for receiving or maintaining financial aid.

Inter-session or Mini-session Courses

Students are not eligible for federal student aid during these periods of enrollment and must make payment arrangements through Business Services.


A student may repeat any previously-passed course once and still receive federal aid. Also, a student may repeat any previously-failed course until it is passed and still receive federal aid. Academic standard policy limits the usage of repeats which is noted here .

Cooperative Education

Students are not considered as enrolled for credit hours during the terms they are employed and, therefore, are ineligible to receive financial assistance. Co-op students are, however, considered enrolled for purposes of deferring prior loans during periods of co-op.

Simultaneous Measurement

Academic transcripts of financial aid recipients will be reviewed at the end of each semester or term to ensure that the student simultaneously meets all the minimum satisfactory academic policy requirements stated above.


Students who have their aid suspended because they have exceeded the maximum length of time allowed to meet degree requirements may appeal that suspension only for one of the following reasons:

  • The student is enrolled in a course of study that normally requires more than 128 semester hours to complete.
  • The student has military or vocational (not technical) hours on his or her academic transcripts that are not included in his or her program of study.
  • The student has attempted fewer than 192 hours in a course of study that normally requires 128 hours to complete.
  • The student is seeking a second undergraduate degree and has attempted fewer than 288 semester hours.
  • The student has graduated and has been officially or conditionally admitted to graduate school.
  • The student is enrolled as an undeclared major with 48 or more earned credit hours but does not have the required grade point average  to declare a major.

Students who have their aid suspended because of failure to meet quantitative or qualitative standards may appeal that suspension only for extenuating reasons including:

  • Death of an immediate family member (parent, grandparent, spouse, sibling, or independent/dependent child).
  • Student’s extended illness (a documented chronic or recurring medical or emotional illness that causes the students to be absent from at least 10 class days).
  • The extended illness of an immediate family member that places a hardship on the student.
  • Other unusual circumstances that may affect a student’s ability to meet satisfactory academic progress standards.

Financial Aid Appeal forms are available online at www.financialaid.usm.edu. Click on Forms to Apply, and then choose the appropriate appeal form to download, complete, and submit to the Office of Financial Aid. Students may be allowed multiple appeals throughout their academic career. However, each appeal must demonstrate new mitigating circumstances beyond the student’s control, unless it demonstrates that student is making academic progress.

The Office of Financial Aid Appeals Committee will review all appeals and notify students by email of their financial aid eligibility. Although documentation may be required, the reinstatement of financial aid is never guaranteed even if documentation is submitted with the appeal.

If a student’s financial aid is reinstated, the student will be placed on financial aid probation. The Office of Financial Aid will monitor the student’s academic progress at the conclusion of each semester. After the reinstatement of aid, if the student fails to meet the minimum satisfactory academic progress and/or conditions outlined by the Office of Financial Aid, the student will be placed on financial aid suspension.

Students whose appeals are denied by the Office of Financial Aid must continue to enroll at The University of Southern Mississippi on at least a half-time basis until they have removed the deficiency that caused their aid to be suspended. However, neither paying for one’s classes nor sitting out a semester affects a student’s satisfactory academic progress standing, so neither is sufficient to re-establish the student’s financial aid eligibility.

Official Withdrawals from the University

Federal student aid funds are awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student withdraws, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds that the student was originally scheduled to receive.

If a recipient of Title IV grant or loan funds withdraws from a school after beginning attendance, the amount of Title IV grant or loan assistance earned by the student must be determined. The institution is required to determine the amount of federal aid earned by the student as of the date the student ceased attendance based on the amount of time the student was in attendance. The percentage of Title IV aid earned is equal to the percentage of the payment period or period of enrollment completed. If the amount disbursed to the student is greater than the amount the student earned, unearned funds must be returned. The calculation of Title IV funds earned by the student has no relationship to the student’s incurred institutional charges.

Unofficial Withdrawals from the University

A student who leaves a school may not always notify the school of his or her withdrawal. A school may not know that a student has dropped out, or unofficially withdrawn, until the school checks its records at the end of an academic period.

All institutions receiving and disbursing federal student aid are required to implement a procedure for determining whether a federal student aid recipient who began attendance during an enrollment period completed the period, or if the student should be treated as a withdrawal. If a student who began attendance and has not officially withdrawn fails to earn a passing grade in at least one course offered over an enrollment period, the institution must assume, for Title IV purposes, that the student has unofficially withdrawn from the institution for that period of enrollment.

Upon the school’s determination of an unofficial withdrawal, the institution is required to perform a Title IV refund calculation for federal student aid. Federal regulations require that at least 50% of federal student aid funds be returned for students who have been determined to have had an unofficial withdrawal from the institution during a specified period of enrollment.


Students withdrawing from the university during institutional or federal refund periods who receive federal financial aid must return a portion of any refund to the financial aid programs from which aid was disbursed. The method of returning funds to financial aid programs shall be calculated using the current federal financial aid refund policy in conjunction with the University Refund Policy. A student is ineligible to receive further federal student aid until these funds are returned.


When students receive cash above their direct educational expenses (tuition, fees, books, university board and room), they are expected to use those funds to meet noninstitutional education costs. Should a student withdraw during the university refund period, the student must return that portion of any cash disbursement that could not have reasonably been used to meet educational expenses. The portion that must be returned is a repayment. The university’s repayment policy coincides with the applicable federal and university refund policy. A student is ineligible to receive further federal student aid until the repayment is made.

The University of Southern Mississippi Athletic Foundation

The University of Southern Mississippi Athletic Foundation is a nonprofit organization that manages and administers the donations of private funds. It supports and raises these funds for the enhancement of the Golden Eagle intercollegiate athletics program. These endowments are used to pay for student-athlete scholarships, renovate and build athletic facilities, assist sports programs with individual needs that may not be in regular budgets, and support the retention of quality coaches and staff members.

The foundation is governed by a 37-member board of directors and is directed by an executive committee; the board of directors consists of staff and faculty of the university as well as volunteers. The Athletic Foundation pledges to be good stewards of its annual donations and its current endowed funds.

Eagle Club


THE 1906 COMPANY (HATTIESBURG COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY): To provide athletic scholarships

THE 1958 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP FOOTBALL TEAM ENDOWMENT: To provide a scholarship to a worthy football player

THE 1962 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP FOOTBALL TEAM ENDOWMENT: To provide athletic scholarships for football

HURST AND CAMPBELL FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ENDOWMENT: To provide an annual football athletic scholarship, preferably for a business administration major

THE JIM BEAN ATHLETIC ENDOWMENT: To provide a scholarship to an athlete in the College of Science and Technology, with preference given to a construction engineering major

MARSHALL BELL ENDOWMENT FUND: To provide scholarships for track athletes

O.B. BOWEN III - RICHTON BANK AND TRUST COMPANY ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP: To fully fund an athletic scholarship in perpetuity

KRISTEN BOWER FOOTBALL SCHOLARSHIP: To provide athletic scholarships to deserving football student-athletes through the Eagle Club

JEFF BRADLEY GOLF SCHOLARSHIP FUND: To provide a golf scholarship for men’s or women’s golf

BILL AND AMANDA BROADHEAD FOOTBALL SCHOLARSHIP for a CHRISTIAN ATHLETE: To be awarded to a Christian football athlete who exhibits a high moral character; head football coach Larry Fedora will conduct coordination of selection


TONY CARBONAR GOLF ENDOWMENT: To provide funds for men’s and women’s golf scholarships

THE JIM CARMODY FOOTBALL ENDOWMENT: To fund scholarships for football players, with preference going to defensive players

JAMES RAY CARPENTER SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT: To provide a golf scholarship for a deserving Southern Miss studentathlete

JAMES E. AND MARY C. CARRAWAY ATHLETIC ENDOWMENT: To provide a scholarship to a student-athlete who is enrolled in the Southern Miss College of Business

COACH JACK CARTER FOOTBALL ENDOWMENT: To provide a football scholarship with preference going to a football player from Ocean Springs High School or Jackson County or the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

LYNN CARTLIDGE ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP: To provide an athletic scholarship to a deserving student selected by the athletic director

CELLULAR ONE TEAM-OF-THE-CENTURY FOOTBALL SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT: To provide a football scholarship for a deserving Southern Miss football player who excels on and off the field; a leader on the field and in the classroom who best exemplifies the members of “The Team-of-the-Century”

CENTRAL MS EAGLE CLUB ENDOWMENT: To provide scholarships for student-athletes.

FRITZ AND STEVE CLARK FAMILY FOOTBALL (KICKER) ENDOWMENT: To be awarded by the football coach with preference to a kicker

R.H. CLEGG: To provide athletic tennis scholarships

ACE AND CARRIE CLEVELAND ENDOWMENT: To provide scholarships for athletes

BOBBY COLLINS ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP: To provide an athletic scholarship to a deserving student selected by athletic director

KENT COLLINS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND: To honor the outstanding senior football player, as selected by the head coach, with selection based on academic achievement, leadership, citizenship and contribution to the team

THAMAS COLEMAN MEMORIAL FOOTBALL ENDOWMENT: To provide scholarship money for a student-athlete who betters the players around him through his performance and leadership

REGGIE COLLIER FOOTBALL ENDOWMENT: To create a football scholarship with preference to football athletes from D’Iberville, Biloxi and the Gulf Coast area

CRUTCHER GOLF SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT: To provide a golf scholarship for a deserving Southern Miss student-athlete at the discretion of the athletic director

CHARLES V. AND HELEN H. CULLEFER ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP: To help provide a baseball scholarship

C.L. DEWS: To provide athletic scholarships

JOHN AUSTIN DICKEY FOOTBALL SCHOLARSHIP: To provide a scholarship for a deserving Southern Miss football player

HANFORD DIXON FOOTBALL SCHOLARSHIP: To provide athletic scholarships for football, preferably for a defensive back

ALLEN DOYLE FAMILY GOLF ENDOWMENT: To provide a golf scholarship through the Eagle Club for a member of the women’s golf team

BRETT AND DEANNA FAVRE FOOTBALL ENDOWMENT: To provide scholarships in football through the Eagle Club

ROSALIE FERLISE ENDOWMENT: To provide scholarships for a walk-on football player

COL. TYLER H. FLETCHER BASEBALL SCHOLARSHIP: To provide a baseball scholarship with preference going to a criminal justice major who demonstrates strong leadership skills or at the discretion of the baseball coach

COL. TYLER AND DR. GERRY CADENHEAD FLETCHER FOOTBALL SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT: To provide a football scholarship for a deserving Southern Miss football player, and where possible, be given to a player majoring in criminal justice

PAT FERLISE FOOTBALL ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP: To provide a scholarship in football to a defensive lineman through the Eagle Club

SCOTT E. GETTYS MEMORIAL FOOTBALL SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT: To provide an athletic scholarship for a Southern Miss football player who is enrolled in the College of Business and Economic Development; this student should demonstrate financial need

RICHARD C. GIANNINI ATHLETIC ENDOWMENT: To provide a scholarship for a student athlete majoring in sports administration.

MARK GINN GOLF ENDOWMENT: To provide golf scholarships for student athletes

LENNY, JOY AND JOY LYNN GLIDEWELL ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP: To be used for scholarships for students through the Eagle Club

RAY GUY FOOTBALL KICKER ENDOWMENT: To be awarded by the football coach with preference to a kicker

MR. AND MRS. LESTER HADDOX ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT: To provide a scholarship through the Eagle Club for a Lady Eagle basketball player

SAM H. HALL GOLF ENDOWMENT: To provide a golf scholarship to a student-athlete

MELVENE DRAHEIM HARDEE SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT: Award one-fourth of the annual earnings for Eagle Club scholarship in the name of Tom and Melvene Hardee; three-fourths of the earnings for Melvene Draheim Hardee Music Scholarships (graduate or undergraduate)

DR. E.L. “DOC” HARRINGTON ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP: To provide a scholarship for a deserving student athletic trainer; the recipient is to be selected by a special committee

THE MR. AND MRS. “SMOKIE” HARRINGTON ENDOWED: To provide scholarship(s) to capable and deserving tennis athlete(s) through the Eagle Club, to be selected by the head tennis coach; should the Big Gold Tennis Tournament be reactivated, monies from this would help defray those costs

STEPHEN L. HATTEN BASEBALL SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT: To provide a baseball scholarship annually for the player with the highest GPA who exemplifies the spirit of good sportsmanship, fair play, love of his fellow man and Southern Miss; selected by the athletic academic counselor and baseball coaches

WILLIAM E. “SCRAP” HATTEN ENDOWMENT: To fund a scholarship to a senior men’s basketball player who has displayed outstanding character and dignity, who loves Southern Miss, and who leads by example, not words

GLEN HNAUTICK GOLF SCHOLARSHIP: To provide a golf scholarship for a deserving Southern Miss student-athlete at the discretion of the athletic director

THE ALLEN G. HOLDER III FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT: To provide scholarship monies to a deserving athlete

THE MICKEY HUDSON BASKETBALL ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP: To provide scholarship(s) to a capable and deserving men’s basketball student-athlete(s) through the Eagle Club selected by proper athletic department personnel

INGRAM FAMILY BASEBALL ENDOWMENT: To fund a baseball scholarship for a deserving player

LARRY JACKSON MEMORIAL BASKETBALL ENDOWMENT: To provide athletic scholarships for basketball

JACKSON COUNTY ALUMNI ENDOWMENT: To provide scholarships for a deserving athlete

JERRY W. JAMES FAMILY NATIONWIDE INSURANCE BASEBALL ENDOWMENT: To provide a baseball scholarship for a deserving Southern Miss baseball player with preference for a player from Forrest, Lamar, Covington, Perry, Marion, Walthall, Pike, Pearl River or Simpson counties

JANET AND RICHARD JOHNSTON: To provide a scholarship for a football player with preference going to a center or a linebacker.

WILLIAM KATRISHIN SCHOLARSHIP: To provide scholarships for football players at The University of Southern Mississippi

EDDIE KAUCHICK FOOTBALL ENDOWMENT: To provide a scholarship to a deserving football player

BUDDY KING FAMILY FOOTBALL SCHOLARSHIP: To provide a scholarship for a deserving Southern Miss football player

ABIGAIL LEAR SOCCER SCHOLARSHIP: To support women’s soccer program

M-CLUB ALUMNI ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP: To provide athletic scholarships

ATHLETIC TRAINER SCHOLARSHIP: To be awarded to a junior or senior student majoring in athletic training who has demonstrated leadership in academics and clinical experiences

KIRBY MANNING AND MICKEY GALLAGHER GOLF ENDOWMENT: To provide scholarships for the golf team

STAN MASSENGALE MEMORIAL BASEBALL SCHOLARSHIP: To provide an annual baseball athletic scholarship with preference to be awarded to a local baseball player based upon passion, courage, leadership and teamwork and to be designated by the head baseball coach with input from the Massengale family

ED MASSEY MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT: To provide athletic scholarships.

JOLLY MCCARTY ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP: To provide scholarships for student athletes; preference is to be given to students from Jackson County or the Gulf Coast

BOB AND JUDY MIXON ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP FUND: To provide a student athlete scholarship at the discretion of the Director of Athletics.

J. G. MOLLESTON GOLF SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT: To provide a golf scholarship for a deserving Southern Miss student-athlete

KEN AND RUTH MOSELEY ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP: To provide scholarship assistance to a collegiate athlete with preference given to a baseball student athlete.

THE JOE P. PARK GOLF SCHOLARSHIP: To provide a scholarship for golf; selection to be made by athletic director

ELIZABETH NEWELL PAYNE LADY EAGLES ENDOWMENT: To provide a scholarship(s) to a capable and deserving Lady Eagle athlete(s); the student(s) is/are to be selected by a committee of Lady Eagle coaches

JACK AND MARSHA PETERS ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP: To be awarded by the Eagle Club to an athlete who demonstrates Christian leadership

PINE BELT PACERS SCHOLARSHIP: To provide athletic scholarships for cross country and track athletes with preference given first to a member of the Pine Belt Pacers and second to an athlete from Forrest or Lamar county

DR JAMES D. PRICE JR. AND IDA MARIE PRICE ATHLETIC TRAINER ENDOWMENT: To provide for a Southern Miss athletic trainer at the discretion of the Southern Miss head athletic trainer

RICK REEVES LADY EAGLES BASKETBALL ENDOWMENT: To provide a basketball scholarship to a deserving female student-athlete

DR. PHILLIP ROGERS FOOTBALL SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT: To provide scholarships for the football program

PAUL SALA ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Eagle Club - athletic scholarships

THE SANSING-NEEL SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT: To fund an athletic scholarship for a golf student-athlete

HERSCHEL AND ELIZABETH SHATTLES ENDOWMENT FUND: To provide funds for the athletic scholarship program

LYNN SHATTLES ENDOWMENT FUND: To provide scholarships for athletics

MIRIAM Q. SIMMONS SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT: To establish a scholarship for a deserving student-athlete from central or south Mississippi, with preference given to Marion county

BILL AND CATHY SMITH FOOTBALL SCHOLARSHIP: To award a deserving student-athlete a scholarship; selected by the head coach of Southern Miss football program

BETTYE REEVES SONES LADY EAGLE BASKETBALL ENDOWMENT: To provide a scholarship to a deserving student-athlete on the Lady Eagle basketball team

MIKE AND BETTY STETELMAN ENDOWMENT: To provide athletic scholarships

RANDY W. STEWART ATHLETIC ENDOWMENT: To be awarded to a student-athlete through the Eagle Club

NEAL STOKES GOLF SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT: To provide a golf scholarship for a deserving Southern Miss student-athlete

STEVE STRICKLAND FOOTBALL SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT: To provide athletic scholarships to a deserving football student-athlete with preference to an academic junior or senior who is in the College of Business

JOHN STUBBS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: To provide athletic scholarships

BECKY SULLIVAN AND DAVID FRIEDERSDORFF SOFTBALL ENDOWMENT: To provide a scholarship to support the women’s softball team at The University of Southern Mississippi; scholarship recipients must maintain a minimum of 3.0 GPA.


C.J. PETE TAYLOR MEMORIAL BASEBALL SCHOLARSHIP FUND: To provide a baseball scholarship at the coach’s discretion.

TENNIS JAMBOREE SCHOLARSHIP: To fund men’s and women’s tennis scholarships.

ADALIUS THOMAS FOOTBALL SCHOLARSHIPS: To provide scholarships for a football player

CHRISTY SONES THORNTON GOLF ENDOWMENT: To provide scholarships for the women’s golf program

NATHAN TUDOR AND FAMILY FOOTBALL SCHOLARSHIP: To provide scholarships for a football player

COACH P.W. UNDERWOOD FOOTBALL ENDOWMENT: To provide athletic scholarship for football with preference going to a walk-on player who has been with the team for at least two years; the player will be chosen by the football coaches based upon grit, determination, sportsmanship and love for the game and the team.

ROBERTA H. VALENTINE BASEBALL SCHOLARSHIP: To award a scholarship to a baseball player majoring in business with preference given to a player from Forrest County who is an active member of the Methodist church

LANCE AND CARA VARNADO FOOTBALL SCHOLARSHIP: To be deposited in the Eagle Club to be used for scholarships for athletic football scholarships

MR. AND MRS. BENNETT WILLOUGHBY ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP: To provide annual athletic scholarships

SAMMY WINDER FOOTBALL SCHOLARSHIP: To provide an annual football athletic scholarship, preferably for a running back

JUANITA WOODS LADY EAGLE BASKETBALL ENDOWMENT: To provide a scholarship to a deserving student-athlete on the Lady Eagle Basketball team

The University of Southern Mississippi Foundation Scholarships

The University of Southern Mississippi Foundation is a nonprofit organization that functions as the depository and fiduciary of private gifts to The University of Southern Mississippi. The USM Foundation is charged with the responsibility of raising necessary funds to support the academic programs of the university. Overall guidance and policies for the Foundation are determined by a board of directors composed of alumni and friends of the university.

Programs designed to raise funds include the following:

Annual Fund
Honor Club
McCarty Legacy
Corporate and foundation support

The primary role of the Foundation is to support the university in education, research and service by helping to provide scholarships, library support, faculty chairs, professorships and equipment.

Scholarships receive the largest share of annual expenditures. They are awarded according to the guidelines agreed upon by both the donor and the Foundation. While the Foundation receives and manages the funds, the awarding of scholarships is made by university personnel and scholarship committees in cooperation with the Financial Aid office and the various colleges. For a list of scholarships provided by the Foundation, please go to www.usmfoundation.com/scholarships.