Jul 13, 2024  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Department of Interdisciplinary Studies

Interdisciplinary Majors

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS)

Dr. Marek Steedman, Chair
118 College Drive, Box 5112
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001

J. Anderson, T. Anderson, Christensen, Coleman, Eickelmann, Funk, Greene, James, Malone, Steedman

 The Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) is a uniquely collaborative degree that fosters in students the ability to think critically, creatively, and flexibly about the issues and challenges of the 21st-century world.  Guided by careful advisement and mentoring, students accepted into this program develop individualized degree plans that combine coursework from multiple areas and culminate in a capstone research project integrating their diverse interests.  Students leave our program prepared for lives and careers in a rapidly changing global society that requires complex problem solving, an awareness of and respect for diversity, and a commitment to the public good.

The Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS) Program at Southern Miss is an institutional member of the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies, an international professional organization founded in 1979.  The department also houses a Bachelor of Liberal Studies. The IDS program also helps to coordinate and serve the needs of such interdisciplinary minors as Black Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies, and American Indian Studies.

Major Requirements for the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies

Students in the BIS program must complete a minimum of 36 hours of concentration coursework selected from two or more departments; a 13-hour Interdisciplinary Studies core (IDS 201 , IDS 301 , IDS 401 , IDS 402 , and IDS 350 ); and either ENG 332  or ENG 333 . For a list of available concentrations, pleae see the department website.

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (Southern Studies concentration)

The Southern Studies Concentration BIS degree earned through an interdisciplinary series of courses on issues and research concerning the study of the Southern United States. By integrating a variety of disciplines across the Humanities abd Social Sciences, including anthropology, English, geography, literature, music, politics, religion and sociology, the BIS Southern Studies Concentration investigates the past, present, and future of the American South and its impact on the United States and the world. Its aim is to increase students’ awareness, knowledge, and critical analysis of the South as a distinct region, and to teach students a variety of skills and techniques for studying the South’s unique complexities and contributions.

Students in the BIS (Southern Studies concentration) program must complete a minimum of 2 18-hour concentrations from among the existing minors at the University. IDS core classes include: IDS 201 , IDS 301 , IDS 350 IDS 401 , and IDS 402 ; and either ENG 332  or ENG 333 .

Requirements for a Concentration in Southern Studies include:
Introductory requirements - Students must complete two of the following four courses. Students must select one course from each discipline. (ENG 370 , ENG 371 , HIS 201 , HIS 202 )

Core Concentration requirements - Students must complete 9 courses in at least 4 different disciplines. An * indicates recommended courses. Courses not taken for concentration might fill electives. (*ANT 334 , ANT 426 , ANT 433 , ENG 372 , ENG 473 , *ENG 485 , GHY 400 , *HIS 370 , HIS 373 , HIS 374 , *HIS 463 , HIS 467 , *HIS 468 , *HIS 469 , HIS 470 , HIS 475 , MUS 360 , MUS 364, PS 306 , *PS 407 , *PS 409 , PS 489 , SOC 311 , SOC 350  AND SOC 355 .)

The following courses may count toward the concentration in Southern Studies IF their content in the given semester is based on Southern Studies: ANT 416 , ANT 429 , ENG 410 , ENG 489 , ENG 470 , HIS 478 , HIS 479 , PS 453 , PS 459 , PS 473 , REL 490 , SOC 421  and SOC 425 .

IDS 491   - serves as a course in the practical application of an IDS concentration in Southern Studies.

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (Environmental Studies concentration)

The Environmental Studies Concentration BIS degree earned through an interdisciplinary series of courses whose goal is to provide a program of study geared to those with career goals in environmental policy, journalism, law, or activism, who seek a sufficient scientific background to be able to communicate relevant ideas to the public, or apply them in their own work, but who do not seek training in conducting environmental science themselves.

Requirements for a Concentration in Environmental Studies include:

Major area of study requirements (13 hours): IDS 201 , IDS 301 , IDS 350 IDS 401 , and IDS 402 .

Additional requirements (40 hours) -

01. (12 hours) - BSC 111 , BSC 111L , CHE 106 , CHE 106L , GHY 104 , GHY 104L  or GHY 105 , GHY 105L , or GLY 101 , GLY 101L  

02. (10 hours) - CHE 251 , CHE 251L , BSC 340 , GHY 472  or GHY 422  

03. (12 hours) - Select 4: PHI 457 , PS 403 , ANT 422, CJ 431 , GHY 370 , ECO 225 , COA 306 , HIS 470 , HIS 472  

04. (3 hours) - Select 1: IDS 492  (CA), GHY 443 ; IDS 491   may be used to fulfill this requirement with an approved environmental field experience or internship. 

05. Select 1 option (3 hours): ENG 332  or ENG 333  

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (Disability Studies concentration)

The Disability Studies Concentration BIS degree earned through an interdisciplinary series of courses whose goal is to introduce students to the social, cultural, and institutional systems that both shape the experience of, and provide services to, persons with disabilities, and their support networks, at all stages of life; and to provide students with the skills to understand disability as one dimension of social diversity. Students will take 6 hours of required courses before selecting one of three 18-hour ‘tracks’. The concentration is completed with 12 additional hours of electives, as well as the 13 hours of interdisciplinary coursework required of all majors.

Requirements for a Concentration in Disability Studies include:
01.  Core Concentration requirements - (6 hours) - IDS 151  and SPE 121  

02.  Select Track 1 (18 hours)

  1. Community Living Track: IDS 351 , SWK 300 , PSY 331 , SPE 492  and SPE 498  
  2. Development and Education Track: SPE 405 , SPE 420 , SPE 498 , PSY 436 , SHS 211  and SPE 492  
  3. Disability and Diversity Track: SOC 423  or SOC 450 , CMS 440 , HE 319  or HE 492 , SWK 415  or SWK 315  
    Select 2: ANT 420 , SOC 350 , SOC 415 , SOC 301 , PS 406 , PSY 413 , WGS 301  

03.   Concentration Electives (Select 4) (12 hours): SHS 211 , SHS 323 , SHS 329 , SHS 340 , SOC 340 , SOC 424 , SOC 405 , PSY 210 , PSY 330 , PSY 432 , PSY 400 , PSY 446 , SPE 421 , SPE 422 , PSY 477 /SPE 477 /CD 477 , PSY 478 /SPE 478 , SPE 497 , SPE 492 , SPE 421 , SPE 422 , SWK 300 , SWK 315 , SWK 415 , PSY 210 , PSY 313  

Interdisciplinary Centers and Minors

American Indian Studies

Dr. Tammy Greer, Director
Department of Psychology
118 College Drive, Box 5025
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001

Center for Black Studies

Dr. Sherita Johnson, Director
Department of English
118 College Dr., Box 5047
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001

Dr. Cheryl Jenkins, Associate Director
Department of Mass Communication and Journalism
118 College Dr., Box 5121
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001

The Center for Black Studies offers a minor based on multidisciplinary inquiry into a wide range of topics related to contemporary and historical experiences of peoples in Africa and the Black Diaspora. The mission of the Center is two-fold: to promote research and provide educational opportunities related to the history and culture of African-Americans and the Black Diaspora and to facilitate connections between the university and the various social, political and economic entities that address black experiences. The minor offered through the Center reflects this dual focus. Students are expected to take courses related to black studies and also to complete a three-hour project that involves application of course material through an internship or service-learning project. The aim of the minor is to engage students in the center and increase their knowledge, involvement and critical awareness of race in the human experience.

Women’s and Gender Studies Program

Julie Reid, Director
118 College Drive, Box 5112
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001

The Women’s and Gender Studies program offers a minor earned through an interdisciplinary series of courses on issues and research concerning women. Its aim is to increase students’ awareness, knowledge and critical analysis of gender issues and differences.

Exploratory Studies

118 College Dr., Box 5112
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001
Fax: 601.266.6004

The program for exploratory students provides an organized plan of study for students who are exploring  options for their academic major. It is the appropriate place for Southern Miss students who wish to sample university life and various fields of study before committing to a definite major. While an Exploratory Studies major, students pursue the university’s General Education Curriculum and work with specially trained academic advisers. Advisers encourage students to explore, select and eventually commit to an

appropriate major, thus facilitating the timely completion of an undergraduate degree. The program works closely with Southern Miss Career Services to help the exploring student.

University Foundations

Fax: 601.266.6004

The over-arching purpose of University Foundations courses is to help students make successful transitions. These courses encourage the development of active learning skills, promote responsible decision-making, facilitate exploration of academic majors and career planning, and help students establish rewarding human relationships in college with peers, professors and the university staff.

General Studies GS 100 - Orientation 
GS 100 is a 1-hour pass/fail course for all new students seeking a degree at USM. This course is a web-based supplement to the student’s orientation experience. Curriculum is designed to provide academic and campus resources to the Southern Miss community.

University Studies (UNV) courses
University Studies course support student academic success and that provide structured opportunities for out-of-class learning.

The Department of Interdisciplinary Studies administers two academic courses designed specifically for new students, UNV 101  for new freshmen and UNV 301  for new transfers. These courses are intended to facilitate students’ transition to university life and seek to provide a common experience for first-year students at Southern Miss, regardless of major. Both courses are a two-hour, letter-graded course that may be used to fulfill degree requirements at Southern Miss. Southern Miss strongly encourages all new students to enroll in the appropriate seminar (UNV 101  or UNV 301 ) during their first semester of enrollment.

  1. UNV 101  for new freshmen
  2. UNV 120  student leadership seminar
  3. UNV 301  for new transfer students
  4. UNV 310  job-seeking skills course
  5. UNV 312  mentor training course
  6. UNV 315  course for resident assistants
  7. UNV 325  course for peer educators
  8. UNV 450  and UNV 451  research seminars for McNair Scholars
  9. UNV 392  

Learning Skills (LS) courses

  1. LS 101 - Academic Support I  for students placing into intermediate algebra math (MAT 99 ), intermediate reading (CIE 99 ) and intermediate writing (ENG 99 ) courses, according to the IHL policy (Section 600-608 - D)
  2. LS 250 - Strategic Learning  for underachieving students needing to improve their overall performance, including those on academic probation, probation continued or suspension

Given that these programs reach students at critical points in college, Undergraduate Studies is essential to the university community in terms of promoting retention and persistence, graduation rates, academic success and student satisfaction.

Developmental Education Program

118 College Dr., Box 5112
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001
Fax: 601.266.6004

The Developmental Education Program provides an academic foundation for underprepared students to make the transition to college-level courses. The DEP offers students who do not meet regular admission criteria an opportunity to enroll in a four-year public institution of higher learning in the state of Mississippi. The entire program consists of three semesters (summer, fall and spring) of prescribed study, determined by current IHL Board policy.

The summer component, an intensive nine-week remediation program, frequently referred to as the Summer Developmental Program, includes the following courses: English (ENG 90 ), reading (CIE 90 ), mathematics (MAT 90 ) and support lab (LS 90L  ). Each course is three credit hours for a total of 12 credit hours. Students who successfully complete the summer term by passing all four courses will be considered to have made satisfactory academic progress in the first phase of the program and will be eligible to continue in the fall. This includes mandatory participation in the Developmental Education program in the fall and spring immediately following the student’s enrollment.

The fall component includes enrollment in LS 101 - Academic Support I . The spring component includes enrollment in LS 102 - Academic Support II . Students must pass the fall and spring components of the Developmental Education Program immediately following the completion of the student’s summer enrollment to maintain their enrollment status.

Students who fail to satisfactorily complete all three semesters of the Developmental Education Program are considered to have made unsatisfactory academic progress and are not eligible for continued enrollment. These students will be counseled to explore other postsecondary opportunities.



    Bachelor of Interdisciplinary StudiesBachelor of Liberal Studies