Sep 27, 2024  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2018-2019 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • FLM 373 - Film Animation

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor. A study of the basic principles of film animation.
  • FLM 429 - Film Internship

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Department consent. Designed for students who have an arranged internship in film.
  • FLM 436 - Western Film Genre

    3 hrs.
    The course examines the interaction of stylistic and thematic elements associated with the Western film genre.
  • FLM 470 - Contemporary Cinema

    3 hrs.
    An historical treatment of the international trends in film from 1945 to the present; feature films screened for analysis and discussion.
  • FLM 471 - Advanced Cinematography

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): FLM 371  and consent of instructor. Advanced instruction and practical production experience in 16mm motion picture cinematography; completion of senior portfolio required.
  • FLM 472 - Writing for Television and Film

    3 hrs.
    Narrative scriptwriting for television and film dramatic content; typing proficiency required. (WI)
  • FLM 473 - The Documentary Film

    3 hrs.
    Evaluation of the documentary tradition in film through viewing and analysis of selected documentaries and review of pertinent literature.
  • FLM 474 - Film Noir

    3 hrs.
    The course examines the interaction of stylistic and thematic elements associated with the Film Noir period and their impact on contemporary cinema.
  • FLM 475 - Film Business Procedures and Management

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor. Study of the business practices and problems involved in film production.
  • FLM 476 - British Film

    3-6 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor. Lecture and research in British filmmaking offered abroad under the auspices of the Institute of Anglo-American Studies.
  • FLM 477 - Advanced Film Production Workshop

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor. Advanced practical experience and instruction in film direction and cinematography. May be repeated for a total of six hours.
  • FLM 478 - Seminar in Film

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Examination of a film topic. May be repeated with a different topic or combined with FLM 448 for a total of six hours.
  • FLM 479 - Film Theory and Criticism

    3 hrs.
    Study of major film theories through study of the literature of film theory and screening and discussion of selected films.
  • FLM 485 - Film Editing

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): FLM 471  or consent of instructor. Concentration on editing of sound and picture in the 16mm film format.
  • FLM 492 - Special Problems in Radio, Television, and Film

    1-3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor. Arranged, in-depth investigation of an individual research topic. Senior Honors Project (Students undertaking a Senior Honors project must enroll in FLM 492H.)


  • FIN 200 - Personal Finance

    3 hrs.
    Personal financial management; borrowing sources/costs; auto, property, life insurance; home ownership financing; personal investment strategy; long-range personal financial planning.
  • FIN 300 - Principles of Finance

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ACC 200 ECO 202  and MAT 102 . A study of the principles of financial analysis; grade of C or better required to take higher-level finance courses for banking and finance majors only.
  • FIN 301 - Financial Management

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 300 . The application of financial theory to management decisions faced by firms.
  • FIN 302 - Short-Term Financial Management

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 300  and junior standing. This course provides a thorough overview of topics related to short-term financial management and prepares students to sit for the Certified Treasury Professional (CTP) Exam.
  • FIN 310 - Money and Capital Markets

    3 hrs.
    FIN 300  as corequisite or prerequisite. A study of the financial instruments and operations of financial markets.
  • FIN 320 - Retirement Planning

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 300 . Study of the management of personal financial affairs focusing on retirement planning and employee benefits.
  • FIN 350 - Bank Administration

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 300 . A comprehensive survey of management problems faced by banks.
  • FIN 352 - Principles of Investments

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 300 . Introduction to security analysis and portfolio theory.
  • FIN 380 - Financial Analysis

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ACC 200 . Develops understanding of small business financial needs, especially financial statement analysis and working capital management; not open to finance, PFP or real estate majors.
  • FIN 392 - Estate and Business Planning

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 300 . The role of wills, trusts, loans and insurance in a personal and business planning framework.
  • FIN 394 - Supervised Field Experience in Finance

    1-3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 350  or FIN 392  and permission of instructor.
  • FIN 400 - Financial Planning and Counseling Techniques

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ACC 220 , FIN 300 , FIN 320 , FIN 352 , FIN 392  and REI 325 . This course focuses on developing and practicing the skills required to develop a client-ready financial plan.
  • FIN 462 - Security Analysis

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 352 . A study of international, national, industrial and corporate effects on security prices.
  • FIN 472 - International Business Finance

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 300 . A study of the financial management problems faced by multinational business firms.
  • FIN 492 - Special Problems in Finance

    1-6 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 300  and consent of chair. Individual study of an approved topic in finance. Senior Honors Project (Students undertaking a Senior Honors project will enroll in FIN 492H.)
  • FIN 498 - International Finance Seminar Abroad

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 300  and consent of program director. A series of lectures and discussions involving authorities on international financial issues and practices.
  • FIN 499 - International Finance Research Abroad

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 300  and consent of program director. A research course in international finance offered for students enrolled in FIN 498 .

Foreign Languages

  • FL 181 - Beginning Credit for Study Abroad

    3-6 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): prior arrangements for evaluation and receipt of credit. Credit will be granted for systematic study of the language and culture of the language and literature of a foreign area. Study must be under the direction of a recognized teaching institution approved in advance by the Department of Foreign Languages; the department will examine and grade the progress and achievement of the participants in this program before granting credit.
  • FL 281 - Intermediate Credit for Study Abroad

    3-6 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): At least six hours at the 100 level; otherwise same as FL 181 .
  • FL 310 - German Literature in Translation

    3 hrs.
    A study of major works, including Goethe’s Faust, in their cultural and historical contexts.
  • FL 333 - Greek Literature and Culture

    3 hrs.
    A study in translation of the works of such authors as Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Plato and Aristotle.
  • FL 340 - French Literature in Translation

    3 hrs.
    A study of the major works of French literature from the medieval to the modern period.
  • FL 353 - Roman Literature and Culture

    3 hrs.
    A study in translation of the works of such authors as Lucretius, Cicero, Vergil and Seneca.
  • FL 354 - Medieval and Renaissance Humanism

    3 hrs.
    A study in translation of the works of such authors as Augustine, Boethius, Abelard, Petrarch, Dante and Erasmus.
  • FL 370 - Spanish Literature in Translation

    3 hrs.
    A study of the major works of the literature of Spain from 1140 to 1940.
  • FL 381 - Junior-Level Credit for Study Abroad

    3-9 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): At least six hours at the 200 level; otherwise same as FL 181 .
  • FL 401 - World Languages and Cross-Cultural Training

    3 hrs.
    Introduction to major world languages with accompanying cross-cultural training. May not be used to fulfill requirements for either a major or minor in foreign languages or to fulfill the language requirement for the B.A. degree.
  • FL 431 - Foreign Language Film

    1-3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor. Study of literary and linguistic aspects of foreign films in a given foreign language.
  • FL 461 - Teaching Second Languages: Theory into Practice

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): consent of the instructor. Familiarizes students with the major aspects of foreign/second language teaching theory and with the variety of instructional approaches and techniques pertinent to the foreign/second language teaching and learning situation; may be taken for a total of six hours.
  • FL 461L - Teaching Second Languages Lab

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): Must be taken concurrently with FL 461 .
  • FL 462 - Translation

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
  • FL 481 - Senior-Level Credit for Study Abroad

    3-9 hrs. Arranged.
    Prerequisite(s): At least six hours at the 300 level; otherwise same as FL 181 .
  • FL 490 - Foreign Language Capstone

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): At least six hours at 400 level and senior standing.  Provides opportunities for students to research current topics in foreign languages and present their findings in written and oral formats.
  • FL 492 - Special Problems

    1-3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor and approval of chair. May be repeated twice. Senior Honors Project (Students undertaking a Senior Honors project will enroll in FL 492H.)
  • FL 494 - Student Teaching in Foreign Language I

    6 hrs.
    Fee A special fee is charged for this course. (See Special Fees listing in Student Expenses section.) (All labs are subject to a usage fee.)
  • FL 495 - Student Teaching in Foreign Language II

    6 hrs.
    Fee A special fee is charged for this course. (See Special Fees listing in Student Expenses section.) (All labs are subject to a usage fee.)


  • ARA 101 - Beginning Arabic I

    3-4 hrs.
  • ARA 102 - Beginning Arabic II

    3-4 hrs.
  • ARA 201 - Intermediate Arabic I

    3 hrs.
  • ARA 202 - Intermediate Arabic II

    3 hrs.
  • ARA 305 - Reading in Arabic

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ARA 202 . Develops reading skills in Arabic.
  • ARA 321 - Intermediate Arabic Conversation

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ARA 202 . Develops oral communication skills in Arabic.


  • CHI 101 - Beginning Chinese I

    3 hrs.
  • CHI 102 - Beginning Chinese II

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): CHI 101  or equivalent.
  • CHI 201 - Intermediate Chinese I

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): CHI 102  or equivalent. Designed for greater fluency in oral and written use of Chinese (Mandarin), increased vocabulary, grammar and culture.
  • CHI 202 - Intermediate Chinese II

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): CHI 201  or equivalent. Designed for greater fluency in oral and written use of Chinese (Mandarin), increased vocabulary, grammar and culture.


  • FRE 101 - Beginning French I

    3 hrs.
    An introduction to the French language and the French-speaking world for students with no experience in French; The course provides the opportunity for students to develop all four language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. (CC 1113)
  • FRE 102 - Beginning French II

    3 hrs.
    A continuation to the French Language and French speaking world for students with experience in FRE 101 . The course provides the opportunity for students to develop all four language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. (CC 1123)
  • FRE 130 - Accelerated Beginning French

    3 hrs.
    This course is an accelerated review for students who have had previous French classroom experience; it covers the same materials as FRE 101  and FRE 102  in an accelerated format.
  • FRE 181 - Beginning French I Credit for Study Abroad

    3-4 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): prior arrangements for evaluation and receipt of credit. Credit will be granted for systematic study of French language and culture in a recognized teaching institution, in a French-speaking country, approved in advance by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures; department will examine and grade progress and achievement of the participants in program before granting credit. Emphasis on communicative skills (equivalent to FRE 101 ).
  • FRE 182 - Beginning French II Credit for Study Abroad

    3-4 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): FRE 101 , FRE 181  or equivalent; otherwise same as FRE 181 . Beginning French II: Study of the language and culture (equivalent to FRE 102 ).
  • FRE 201 - Intermediate French I

    3 hrs.
    A continuation to the French Language and French speaking world for students with experience in FRE 101  and FRE 102 . The course provides the opportunity for students to develop all four language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. (CC 2113)
  • FRE 202 - Intermediate French II

    3 hrs.
    A continuation to the French Language and French speaking world for students with experience in FRE 101 , FRE 102  and FRE 201 . The course provides the opportunity for students to develop all four language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. (CC 2123)
  • FRE 281 - Intermediate French I Credit for Study Abroad

    3-4 hrs.
    Intermediate level study abroad of the French language and culture (the equivalent of FRE 201  or FRE 202 ), with particular emphasis on communicative skills at this level.
  • FRE 282 - Intermediate French II Credit for Study Abroad

    3-4 hrs.
    Intermediate French II study abroad (equivalent to FRE 202 ).
  • FRE 305 - French Grammar Review

    3 hrs.
    Intensive study of French grammar taught in context using authentic materials.
  • FRE 321 - French Conversation and Discourse

    3 hrs.
    Development/improvement of listening and speaking skills in French.
  • FRE 331 - French Popular Culture

    3 hrs.
    Study of variable topics, ranging from politics to religion, of the French culture.
  • FRE 340 - Reading in French

    3 hrs.
    This course aims to build reading skills in French with special attention given to word recognition, global comprehension and the understanding of cultural and historical context.
  • FRE 342 - Survey of Francophone Literature

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): At least three hours of French at the 300 level or instructor’s consent. A survey of the works of writers from the French-speaking world outside of France. May be repeated if content varies.
  • FRE 381 - Junior-Level Credit for Study Abroad

    3-9 hrs.
    Intermediate-advanced systematic study abroad of the French language and culture, with particular emphasis on (I) oral communication, (II) reading, (III) writing at the junior-year level.
  • FRE 405 - French Phonology

    3 hrs.
    An introduction to French phonemics and phonetics with intensive practice in the pronunciation of standard and nonstandard French.
  • FRE 406 - Advanced Composition

    3 hrs.
    Practice in descriptive, narrative, analytical and research composition, with attention to style, vocabulary and morphology as well as to methods of organization and presentation.
  • FRE 411 - Advanced Conversation

    3 hrs.
    Intensive practice in formal and informal language use; on topics drawn from print and electronic media.
  • FRE 431 - French Film

    3 hrs.
    Overview of French cinema; discussions will emphasize cultural and socio-historical issues.
  • FRE 434 - France in the Fifth Republic

    3 hrs.
    Contemporary French education, politics, social and intellectual attitudes, urban and rural life.
  • FRE 435 - Modern France

    3 hrs.
    Overview of the period of French history from 1870 to 1970 including topics such as the formation of the Third Republic, the foundation of French Socialism, Modernism in art and literature and colonial and post-colonial upheaval; may be repeated for a total of six hours if topics vary.
  • FRE 436 - Francophone Civilization and Culture

    3 hrs.
    Studies in the history, art, beliefs, behavior and values of France and French-speaking cultures; may be repeated for a total of nine hours if topics vary.
  • FRE 437 - Topics in French Culture

    3 hrs.
    Variable topics in the study of French culture. May be repeated for a total of nine hours if topics vary.
  • FRE 441 - French Capstone Seminar

    3 hrs.
     Intensive practice in formal and informal language use; on topics drawn from print and electronic media
  • FRE 442 - Survey of French Literature

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): At least one French course at the 300 level. A chronological study of French literature. May be repeated for a total of nine hours if topics vary.
  • FRE 445 - Topics in French Literature

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): At least one French course at the 300 level. May be taken for a total of nine hours if topics vary.
  • FRE 481 - Senior-Level Credit for Study Abroad

    3-9 hrs. Arr.
    Advanced systematic study abroad of the French language, with particular emphasis on (I) oral and written communication (equivalent to FRE 411 , FRE 406 ), (II) culture and civilization (equivalent to FRE 435 , FRE 436 ), (III) literature (equivalent to FRE 445 ) at the senior year level.
  • FRE 491 - Advanced Studies in the French Language

    3 hrs.
    Content varies in response to students’ interests and needs; May be repeated for a total of nine hours if topics vary.
  • FRE 492 - Special Problems

    1-3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor and approval by chair. May be repeated for a total of nine hours if topics vary.


  • GER 101 - Beginning German I

    3 hrs.
    (CC 1313)
  • GER 102 - Beginning German II

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): GER 101  or equivalent. (CC 1323)
  • GER 201 - Intermediate German I

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): GER 102  or equivalent. (CC 2313)
  • GER 202 - Intermediate German II

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): GER 201  or equivalent. (CC 2323)
  • GER 281 - Intermediate German Credit for Study Abroad

    3-6 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): GER 102  or equivalent; prior arrangements for evaluation and receipt of credit. Intermediate-level study abroad of the German language and culture (the equivalent of GER 201  and/or GER 202 ), with particular emphasis on communicative skills at this level; may be used toward fulfillment of the language requirement; credit will be granted for systematic study of the German language and culture in a recognized teaching institution, in a German speaking country, approved in advance by the Department of Foreign Languages; department will examine and grade progress and achievement of participants in program before granting credit.
  • GER 282 - Intermediate German Credit for Study Abroad

    3-4 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): GER 102  or equivalent; otherwise, same as GER 281 . Intermediate study abroad of the German language and culture (the equivalent of GER 102 ); may be used toward fulfillment of the language requirement.
  • GER 305 - Conversation and Composition

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): GER 202  or equivalent. May be taken for a total of six hours if topics vary.
  • GER 341 - Reading German

    3-6 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): GER 202 . An introduction to reading German literature and other documents for comprehension and literary analysis; may be taken for a total of six hours if topics vary. (WI)
  • GER 381 - Junior-Level Credit for Study Abroad

    3-9 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): GER 202  or equivalent; otherwise same as GER 281 . Intermediate-advanced systematic study abroad of the German language and culture, with particular emphasis on (I) oral communication, (II) reading, (III) writing at the junior-year level.
  • GER 405 - German Phonetics and Diction

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.

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