Feb 10, 2025  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2018-2019 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life


Office of Leadership and Student Involvement

The primary source of extracurricular activities at The University of Southern Mississippi is the multitude of student organizations and activities. More than 200 student organizations encompassing service, social, religious, professional, and honorary provide an opportunity for almost any interested student to participate. While these activities are outside of or “extra to” the formal curricula, they are unquestionably a part of a student’s total experience while he or she is enrolled at The University of Southern Mississippi.

In addition to the numerous student organizations, there are groups that, by their representative function, serve the entire student body in their various capacities and areas. These groups are Student Government Association and Southern Miss Activities Council.

While these groups are deliberative and propose to represent the views and wishes of the entire student body, other student governing groups may be found in the residence halls, the fraternity and sorority system, and the international student community.


The University of Southern Mississippi is a member of Conference USA and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

Intercollegiate sports are football, men’s basketball, men’s baseball, men’s tennis, men’s golf, men’s track, and women’s tennis, women’s basketball, women’s golf, women’s softball, women’s cross country, women’s volleyball, women’s track and women’s soccer.


College of Arts and Sciences Organizations — Alpha Epsilon Delta, Alpha Psi Omega (Theatre), American Medical Student Association, Anthropology Society, Army ROTC, Association of Black Journalists, Association for Computing Machinery, Association Française, Beta Beta Beta (Biology), Black Studies Student Alliance, Communication Studies Association, Criminal Justice Student Organization, Economics Club, Forensic Science Society, Future Black Law Student Association (Political Science), Golden Eagle Sound & Production, Golden Eagle Tuba Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Interior Design Student Association, International Club, Instructional Tech Student Association, Medical Laboratory Science Organization, Phi Alpha Theta (History), Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Pi Sigma Alpha Honor Society (Political Science), Polymer Science Association, Public Relations Society of America, Sculpture Guild, Sigma Alpha Iota (Music), Sigma Pi Sigma (Physics), Sigma Tau Delta (English), Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Society of Physics Students, South City Records, Southern Geological Society, Speech and Debate Team, Student Constructors, Student Dance Organization, Student Oceanographic Society, The Crew, Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)

College of Business and Economic Development Organizations — Alpha Kappa Psi (Business), American Marketing Association, Beta Alpha Psi (Accounting), Beta Gamma Sigma, Business Student Advisory Council, Delta Sigma Pi (Business), Eta Sigma Delta, Fashion Merchandising Organization, Financial Management Association (Finance), Investment Club, Student Economic Development Association

College of Education and Human Sciences Organizations — Child and Family Student Organization, Education Major Student Association, Library and Information Science Student Association, Marriage & Family Therapy Student Organization, Physical Education Majors Club, Psi Chi (Psychology), Psychology Club, Society of American Archivists

Games and Athletic Organizations — Chaotic Movement, Diamond Darlings (Baseball), Dixie Darlings (Football), Edge-Dance Collective, Game Over, High DEF, Quidditch, Rhythm Rush, Rugby Club, Social Dance Club, Sports Officials Association, Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, Student Eagle Club, Table Tennis Club, Tennis Club, Women’s Lacrosse, Women’s Rugby Club

General Honor Societies — Alpha Epsilon Delta, Beta Gamma Xi, Gamma Beta Phi (Service), Golden Key International Honor Society, Lambda Sigma (Sophomore Leadership/Scholarship), Phi Eta Sigma (Freshman National Society of Leadership and Success), Phi Kappa Phi (Scholarship), Sigma Alpha Lambda, The National Society for Collegiate Scholars

Graduate Student Organizations — American Chemical Society, Biological Sciences Graduate Student Forum, Chem Biochem Graduate Student Organization, Center for Writers Graduate Student Organization, Clinical Psychology Graduate Student Organization, Communication Studies Graduate Association, Counseling Psychology Student Government, English Graduate Organization, Graduate Diversity Council, Graduate Student Alliance, Graduate Student Senate, Higher Education Student Affairs Association (HESAA), School of Computing Graduate Student Association, Student Association of Social Workers

Greek Organizations — Interfraternity Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, Panhellenic Council. Sororities — Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Delta Sigma Theta, Kappa Delta, Phi Mu, Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Gamma Rho, Zeta Phi Beta

Fraternities — Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Alpha Psi, Kappa Sigma, Omega Psi Phi, Phi Beta Sigma, Phi Kappa Tau, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Epsilon

Gulf Coast Organizations — Collegiate DECA Gulf Park Chapter, Gulf Coast Student Chapter of the Society for Marine Mammalogy, Gulf Coast Psychology Student Association and Psi Chi, Gulf Coast Student Nurses Association, Gulf Coast Wesley Foundation, Sigma Tau Delta (English), Social Work Student Government Association

College of Nursing and Health Professions Organizations — Athletic Training Club, BSW (Social Work ) Club, College of Health Ambassadors Campus, Eta Sigma Gamma, Exercise Science Club, Health Administration Student Association, Student Academy of Audiology Chapter, Student Nurse Association, Student Nutrition Society, Student Speech and Hearing Association, Sport Management Club, Medical Lab Science Club 

Religious Organizations — Adventist Student Union, Baptist Student Union, Campus Crusade for Christ, Campus Ministry International, Catholic Student Association, Chi Alpha, Church of God in Christ Fellowship, e5 Campus Ministry, Generation 6:20 Campus Ministry, Miracle in the Making Praise Dance Club, Muslim Student Association, Reformed University Fellowship, Southern Christian Student Center, The Episcopal Church, Wesley Foundation

Residence Hall Organizations — ACCESS, Residence Hall Association, National Residence Hall Honorary

Service Organizations — Amnesty International, Big Brothers,Big Sisters, House of Hope Project Partners, Southern Miss Campus Civitan Club, Southern Students About Service, Sustainabilty Advocates, Volunteer USM

Special Interest Organizations — Afro-American Student Organization; Anime Club (Japanese Animation); Chinese Student Association, College Democrats; College Republicans; Eagle Connection; EagleTHON; Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance; Gay/Straight Alliance; Honors College Ambassadors, I.D.E.A.L. Women; Increasing Minority Access in Graduate Education (IMAGE); Korean Student Association; Latino Student Union; Luckday Leadership Team; Men of Excellence; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); Roots and Shoots (Environment); Southern Miss Activities Council; Southern Style; Stage Monkeys (Comedy Improv); Step Up; Student Government Association; Student Involvement Ambassadors; Student Veterans; Students for Human Rights; Student Alumni Association; The Tea Club; Vietamese Student Association; Wellness Ambassadors; Women’s Empowerment Association

Dramatic, Musical and Other Performing Groups — The university’s pre-eminence in the fine arts fields of theater and music is reflected in the prominent role of student performing groups. The Debate Squad and the university’s own radio station also encourage student performance.

The Southern Miss Repertory Dance Company is open to all university students by audition and is sponsored by the Department of Theatre and Dance. This performance group presents reconstructions of masterworks and original choreography in informal and formal concerts, lecture demonstrations, workshops and tours. Auditions are held at the beginning of each semester.

The University Theatre is the campus dramatic organization sponsored by the Department of Theatre and Dance. Open auditions are held for all productions, and any student enrolled at the university is eligible to participate.

The Opera Theatre, open to all students of the university by audition, performs many works of musicodramatic interest during the year.

The Oratorio Chorus, a large symphonic chorus, is open to students and members of the Hattiesburg community. Its two major concerts each year highlight the masterworks of Western art music for chorus. No audition is required.

The University Chorale is a select choir made up of auditioned singers. Their repertoire, performed on campus and on tour, encompasses sacred and secular music from all music eras.

The University Singers is a mixed chorus of about 60 voices. One of the most popular campus groups, its frequent performances touch a varied repertoire of music for chorus. An audition is required.

Jazz Singers is a small select ensemble made up of excellent student singers who concentrate on performing vocal music in the jazz idiom, especially original music and arrangements made popular since 1960. Membership is by audition only.

Carillon select ensembles, tours regularly and rings about 40 performances a year. Carillon, a handbell group, concentrates on contemporary sacred music. An audition is required.

The Symphonic Wind Ensemble, the Symphonic Band and the Concert Band are open to all university students by audition. The university’s bands have an outstanding record of service to the university and the state.

The Marching Band, known as the “The Pride of Mississippi,” presents colorful half-time shows at the university football games and appears regularly on national television. It is open to all university students.

The Dixie Darlings, a precision drill group, open by audition to the best female dancers of the university, are well-known nationally through their many televised appearances with the marching band.

Chamber Music (i.e., small, expert, student ensembles) includes brass, woodwind, string quartets; large homogenous groups (e.g., Trombone Choir); and groups devoted to the performance of early music (e.g., Collegium Musicum). For information, please consult the School of Music, Fine Arts Building, room 211.

The Percussion Choir and Marimba Ensembles utilize programs of original music for chamber percussion performance.

The Jazz Laboratory Bands are full-size modern jazz ensembles that play the latest arrangements of music in the big band contemporary idiom.

The University of Southern Mississippi Symphony, open to all students and faculty members of the university by audition, gives a number of concerts each year in addition to assisting with oratorios and operas.

Service awards are available to talented students. Auditions may be arranged through the School of Music.

WUSM-FM is a university-owned public radio station that serves the diverse educational and cultural needs of the Hattiesburg community. Students interested in joining the WUSM-FM staff should contact the radio station.

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) of Southern Miss represents all students enrolled in the university. It is structurally set up with executive, legislative and judicial branches. The officers of the SGA comprise the executive branch, elected representatives from the academic colleges and places of residence make up the senate or legislative branch, and the student courts comprise the judicial branch.

The SGA, however is much more than a structured student organization. It is the official voice of the student in university affairs. In addition, the SGA serves the student in special services and projects, along with providing representation on committees and boards.

SGA projects and services include the Miss Southern Pageant, student elections, spirit activities, recruiting and legal services.

The Student Government Association is constantly striving to improve programs and services available to the Southern Miss student population. By working with the university administration and voicing student concerns, the SGA promotes the welfare of all students in all phases of university life.

Student Publications

The Student Printz, winner of many national awards, is the university newspaper published semi-weekly by a staff of students under the direction of faculty advisers.

Southern Miss Activities Council

Southern Miss Activities Council plans, produces and promotes a variety of entertainment for The University of Southern Mississippi community. The organization is run entirely by students.

Dedicated, hardworking and enthusiastic students enjoy the benefits of SMAC involvement. SMAC members gain practical leadership, organizational and interpersonal skills that they can use both inside and outside the classroom.

SMAC members gain valuable event-planning experience, meet new friends and have a great time bringing educational and entertaining programming to Southern Miss!

The Student Community and Campus Life

Department of Housing and Residence Life

The Department of Housing and Residence Life is committed to providing a high quality physical, social and cultural environment that encourages and supports the holistic development of the residential student. The department is made up of 14 residence halls, 10 sorority houses and 9 fraternity houses for an on-campus population of more than 3,000 students.

Research indicates that students who live on campus in University housing academically out perform students who live off campus and are more likely to graduate than those who commute to campus. The Housing and Residence Life staff encourage high academic success by offering programs that help students with study skills, as well as providing them with quiet study lounges in most halls. We also provide free tutoring in the halls for general courses.

The safety and security of residents is a top priority of the Housing and Residence Life staff. All residence halls offer controlled card access entry, 24-hour desk assistants and hall staff that live on each floor. In addition, University police officers assist with nightly oversight and patrol the exteriors and interiors of the halls.

Housing and Residence Life at Southern Miss strives to provide a safe environment that allows for the development of student relationships and the building of fun, living-learning communities…an opportunity for friendships that last a lifetime!


After being admitted/accepted to Southern Miss, application for campus housing can be made through our Web site at www.usm.edu/housing. In order for your housing application to be considered complete, you must have submitted the Housing Contract Lease Agreement and gone through all the steps of the application until you receive a final confirmation. * The non-refundable processing fee must also be paid.

The Department of Housing and Residence Life accepts applications for housing regardless of age, race, creed, color, sexual orientation or national origin.

For more information, contact our office at 601.266.4783 or reslife@usm.edu.

Dining Services

Get a Bite on Campus

What is the most important meal of the day? The next one, right?

Eagle Dining has you covered with 12 locations, from all-you-care-to eat residential facilities to favorites like Chick-Fil-A, Freshens and Starbucks. There is definitely a location to fit your busy schedule.

Eagle Dining has a variety of meal plans that allow you to dine regularly at our all-you-care-to-eat facility - the Fresh Food Company. You can purchase additional Dining Dollars and receive discounts of up to 50 percent off the retail cost, as well as free guest meals.

There are meal plans available for both on-campus students (residents) and off-campus students (commuters).  All meal plans are a 1-year contract.  For your convenience, you will billed on a per semester basis.

To find out more information, stop by our table during orientation, check out eagledining.com or visit our main office located on the ground floor of the Thad Cochran Center, where any of our team members will be happy to assist you.

How Meal Plans Work


You can use your meal swipe at either of our all-you-care-to-eat locations, the Fresh Food Company or RFoC at Hillcrest.

Bonus Bucks:

Bonus Bucks are an integral part of each meal plan and supplement your residential meals.  Bonus Bucks can be used at all Eagle Dining retail locations, including any of our four P.O.D. convenience outlets.

When you have a meal plan, your student ID works like a debit card.  Just swipe it, and the meal swipe is recorded or the Bonus Bucks are deducted from your account.


How do I sign up for a meal plan?  As mentioned above, traditional residents are automatically enrolled in our Go Gold Plan.  Commuters, and residents wishing to upgrade to our To the Top Plan or make other changes to their meal plans, may purchase a plan during orientation, visit the Eagle Dining office or go online to sign-up at eagledining.com.

Can I change my meal plan?  Yes! You may upgrade or make other changes to your plan any time prior to the University’s deadline for charges to your student account, usually about two weeks into the semester. Visit our website, eagledining.com to change your meal plan or visit the Eagle Dining Office, located next to the Image Center on the ground floor or the Thad Cochran Center.  Any member of our Eagle Dining team will be happy to assist you.

Can I treat friends or family with my meal plan?  Yes! You can treat a guest with either a guest meal swipe, Bonus Bucks or Dining Dollars. Remember, 5 guest meals are included with all of our resident meal plans.

Can I carry over my unused meals to the next semester? This depends on which plan you’ve selected.  All Resident meal plans and Bonus Bucks expire at the end of each semester. If you are a commuter and have chosen the Campus Connector, all remaining meals and Dining Dollars roll over from semester to semester and from year to year. The Daily 8 plan Bonus Bucks reset every day and do not carry over to the next day, or the next semester.

What if I lose my Student ID?  You should report lost or stolen ID cards to the University’s Image Center or the University Police Department to place a hold on your account.  We won’t let you starve, though – come on into the Eagle Dining office and, as long as you have a plan, we will make sure that you are able to get a meal.

What do I do if I run out of Bonus Bucks? When you’ve run out of Bonus Bucks, just add Dining Dollars online at eagledining.com. You may charge Dining Dollars to your student account as long as the University’s deadline for charging to student accounts has not passed.  If it has, you may also purchase Dining Dollars with cash, check, money order or credit card.

How do I know how many meals or Bonus Bucks I have left on my account?  Feel free to stop by the Eagle Dining Office between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.  Any one of our team members will be happy to assist you!

Do I have to re-enroll for a spring semester meal plan? All residents holding a meal plan for the fall semester will automatically be enrolled in the same meal plan in the spring semester. Your meal plan contract is for one school year. Once again, you may change your plan within roughly the first two weeks of the spring semester, prior to the University’s deadline for charging student accounts.

All commuters holding a meal plan for the fall semester will automatically be enrolled in the same meal plan in the spring semester. Commuter meal plans may be changed or cancelled prior to the University’s deadline for charging student accounts.

What are my payment options? You may charge your meal plan to your student account, pay with cash, credit card, check, or money order.

What if I have a question that’s not answered here? Please don’t hesitate to contact the Eagle Dining office at 601.266.5376 (8-5, Monday through Friday), stop by the Eagle Dining office or visit www.eagledining.com

Medical Exemptions

Those students with a medical problem requiring a modified diet who feel their needs cannot be met by Eagle Dining should make arrangements to have their diet evaluated by the registered dietitian before registration. Documentation required for this evaluation includes a prescription signed by a physician, which specifies the student’s modified diet, and a copy of the modified diet. Eagle Dining is willing to provide personal and one-on-one assistance to those students with medical problems that require special diets.

Academic Related Exemptions


A student must miss a minimum of 50 percent of his or her meals served per week due to an internship.

Documentation Required:

  1. A statement, on letterhead stationery, signed by the student’s adviser giving the student’s hours, on a daily basis, Monday through Friday
  2. A copy of the student’s Advisement and Registration Appointment Form, which shows the student’s class schedule

Work-Related Exemptions

University policy does not allow for meal membership exemptions for students holding part-time or full-time employment.

University Facilities and Student Services

Parking Management

The University has implemented a license plate recognition (LPR) system and switched to a virtual parking permit on all University controlled properties. Physical permits will no longer be issued. License plates will be used to verify that a vehicle can park on a campus. Faculty, staff and students are allowed to have two vehicles assigned to their virtual permit; however, both vehicles are not allowed to park on campus simultaneously.

Virtual Parking Permits (parking permit number) is an electronic authorization for an individual to park a vehicle on a University campus or teaching/research site in a specified parking zone.

E-Citation (citation) is an electronic citation via email (with the exception of non-registered vehicles). Non-registered vehicles will receive a citation on vehicle.

Faculty, staff and students are required to register online at usm.edu/parking to obtain a parking permit number. Parking registration is an individual responsibility.  Parking permit numbers are issued to individuals, and ownership is nontransferable. By obtaining a permit number, the permit holder agrees to become familiar with and abide by the parking and traffic regulations.


A visitor is any person, other than a faculty, staff, student or contract employee, who parks a vehicle on a campus on infrequent occasions. Visitors must obtain a visitor pass, complete a visitor card, and a park in legal parking spaces. Visitors who park frequently on our campuses or teaching / research sites must register for a parking permit number and are subject to all regulations herein.

Hattiesburg Campus

  • Visit the information Booth on East Memorial Drive (Front entrance of campus) or the Department of Parking Management in McLemore Hall, First Floor. Visitors must show a valid driver’s license to obtain a visitor’s pass.

Department of Parking Management
118 College Drive #5149
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001

Career Services

Career Services assists students in finding meaningful career paths, developing job-seeking skills and connecting with employment opportunities to become successful professionals.

The following services are available:

Career Counseling — We assist students in clarifying their major and career path. We also assist students in finding out the required education and build an action plan.

Individual Career Testing — Our tests assist individuals in determining career fields of interest. The test helps the student assess their interest, skills, personality and values.

Career Resource Center — Our Career Resource Center is available to all students. It contains information on numerous occupations, job descriptions, salaries, advancement opportunities and hiring trends.

Job Search Strategies — We are here to help students with the interview process, job-seeking skills, company research and résumé and cover letter development.

Online Resources — We have formed multiple partnerships with companies that provide career-oriented software tools. These tools can be found on our website and pertain to the following:

  • What can you do with your major
  • Creating a résumé
  • Career planning and education needed
  • Targeted job searches (by title, company, alumni, contact, location, etc.)
  • Interview practice
  • Federal job search

Job Location and Development (JLD) — JLD is focused on finding part-time off-campus employment opportunities for students. Students can find these opportunities on Jobs for Eagles, powered by Handshake.

Career Services
McLemore Hall 125
The University of Southern Mississippi
118 College Drive #5014
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001

Center for Pathway Experiences

The goal of the center is to enhance the connections to pathway experiences for all undergraduate students. Pathway experiences can be internships, research, entry-level jobs, conferences presentations, etc.

The following services are available:

Finding Pathway Opportunities – Access to online resources, individual appointments with a staff member to discuss goals and strategies.

Funding Your Pathway Experience – Through the Pathways Scholarship Program students are awarded competitive scholarships to help offset the cost of a pathway experience.

Tracking Your Pathway Experience – Participants in Pathway Experiences are asked to complete a Reflection and Evaluation for Cord Recognition to receive a graduation cord, at no cost, to wear at Commencement.

Center for Pathway Experiences
McLemore Hall, first floor
The University of Southern Mississippi
118 College Drive #5014
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001

Health Services

Southern Miss Student Health Services can provide students, faculty and staff with the same services available at a family doctor’s office. Student Health Services accepts and files most insurance.

Student Health Services provides a wide range of services, including laboratory testing, X-ray, pharmacy, counseling and educational services. Student Health Services is staffed by several competent physicians, nurse practitioners and a physician assistant. Student Health Services is located on the bottom floor of Scott Hall. During the fall and spring semesters, Student Health Services hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday, and 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Friday. Student Health Services is open during summer semesters also. There is a $20 charge for every visit for students. There are additional charges for labs, x-ray, pharmacy, etc. They can pay with cash, credit card or charge to their student account. The staff and faculty pay at the time of visit and we will file on insurance. For more information, visit our Web site at www.usm.edu/student-health-services.

Southern Miss Student Health Services is accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Healthcare Inc. and is a member of the American College Health Association. For more information, please call 601.266.5390.

Office for Disability Accommodations (ODA)

In accordance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990), Southern Miss does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs or activities. Reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities are provided through the Office for Disability Accommodations (ODA). ODA verifies eligibility for accommodations and works with eligible students to develop and coordinate plans for the provision of accommodations. Eligible students, including those who are enrolled in degree and nondegree programs offered by The University of Southern Mississippi, are considered qualified to meet all university program requirements despite a disability, and meet the definition of disability as defined by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the ADA. To receive accommodations, students must self-identify with the ODA.

Accommodations may include exam modifications, assistive technology, accessible housing, document conversion, interpreters, note-takers and readers. In order to receive appropriate and timely accommodations, eligible students should contact the ODA before the semester begins to file an application and submit documentation of disability for review. The ODA is committed to creating a positive campus environment where students with disabilities are encouraged to pursue careers on the basis of personal interest and ability.

For an application and guidelines for documentation of disability, contact The University of Southern Mississippi, Office for Disability Accommodations, 118 College Drive #8586, The University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001 or call 601.266.5024 or 228.214.3232 or visit the Web site, www.usm.edu/oda. Individuals with hearing impairments can use Mississippi Relay Service at 800.582.2233 (TTY) to contact campus offices.

Union Complex (Thad Cochran Center, R.C. Cook University Union, Hub)

The Union Complex (Thad Cochran Center, R.C. Cook Union, and Hub) is the center of student activities at Southern Miss. Whether you are looking for a great place to eat, host a meeting, or find a quiet nook to study – the Union Complex is your place. The R.C. Cook Union, Thad Cochran Center, and the Hub houses the Union and Programs department’s administrative offices, student organization offices, Seymour’s food court, game room and more. Come have lunch at Seymour’s and then alleviate some of those studying woes with a game of pool in the Locker Room or watch TV in RC’s Lounge.

The Student Activities Hub (located inside the Hub) is the heart of student organizations and serves as your one stop shop for student involvement. If you’re looking for a way to leave Southern Miss better than you found it, this is where you want to begin. There are over 230 student organizations with more created each year that are here to enhance your college experience.

The Thad Cochran Center houses Barnes & Noble at Southern Miss, the Fresh Food Company, Post Office, Image Center (copy center and photo services), ballrooms, meeting rooms, etc. The facility also houses both the offices of Event Services and Eagle Dining. Event Services manages the reservations for these facilities, including Danforth Chapel, Centennial Green, Weathersby Lawn, Shoemaker Square, Union Plaza, etc. For our students, alumni, and community, the Union Complex is your every-occasion venue full of southern charm and modern elegance.

Recreational Sports

Through recreation, sports competition, special programs and wellness activities, Recreational Sports provides a safe environment while enhancing sportsmanship, leadership and quality of life for a diverse university community. Housed in the Payne Center, Recreational Sports provides an opportunity for the campus to take advantage of a variety of services and programs that include personal trainers, intramural sports, aquatics, fitness classes, sport clubs, outdoor programs and informal recreation activities.

The Payne Center offers indoor recreational facilities, which include four basketball/volleyball courts, six badminton courts, three championship racquetball courts, an international-size squash court, a climbing wall, a six-lane heated indoor pool (the M.C. Johnson Natatorium), a one-eighth-mile indoor exercise track, sauna, free weights, circuit training, spinning studio, cardiovascular workout room,  equipment rental and is fully accessible to the disabled. Activities and programs available include more than 40 intramural sports events from flag football to dodgeball, and sport clubs such as table tennis, badminton, men’s soccer, men’s rugby, women’s lacrosse, quidditch and ultimate frisbee. The Personal Training Office provides services that include fitness assessment, and personal training for the university community.

Recreational Sports offers outdoor facilities such as the Intramural Fields, the Bruce and Virginia Wilgus Fitness Trail, Pride Field, the Challenge Course at Lake Sehoy and outdoor sand volleyball courts. For more information regarding Recreational Sports programs and services, call 601.266.5405 or visit www.usm.edu/rec-sports.

Student Counseling Services (SCS)

Southern Miss Student Counseling Services provides individual, group and couples counseling for students. The goal of the SCS is to enhance individuals’ functioning and improve their ability to meet their life goals. The office assists students in developing their full potential to cope with various life stressors. Individuals seek the services for a wide variety of reasons, including depression, anxiety, relationship concerns, low self-esteem, substance use or abuse, sexual orientation concerns, difficulties coping with past or recent trauma, problems with eating behaviors and difficulties adjusting to university life. All counseling services are provided at no charge. Contact with counselors at the center is confidential. The SCS’s current professional staff consists of one licensed psychologist, five licensed counselors and up to four practicum students. Referrals for psychiatric services are also available as needed.

Services provided by the SCS to the larger university community include outreach and consultation. These services often include providing education and prevention programs to student groups, academic departments and other campus organizations; serving on panel discussions; and advising student groups.

SCS collaborates closely with the Department of Student Affairs staff to provide rapid and effective intervention to students in distress though the University CARE System.

Southern Miss SCS is located in Bond Hall, South East side, 1st floor lobby. To find out more about any services provided by the center or to arrange for counseling, call 601.266.4829 Monday-Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. The center also provides access to a counselor by phone outside regular hours for crisis calls. To use this service, individuals may call 601.606.HELP (4357). You can also access our Web site at www.usm.edu/counseling.

Center for Military Veterans, Service Members and Families

At USM we maintain and nurture a nationally recognized comprehensive “Military-Friendly” education support program to meet the needs of our Veterans, Service Members (active duty, Reserve Component and National Guard), Dependents (family members) and Survivors in their pursuit of academic and professional development interests.  We are proud to have been named a “Top University” by Military Advanced Education, designated a “Military Friendly” school by Victory Media, and recognized as a “Purple Heart Institution” by the Military Order of the Purple Heart.  In this regard, our Center for Military Veterans, Service Members & their Families provides all the necessary support (i.e., VA Educational Benefit administration) to make students successful based on the following organizational values:

We will provide you an environment that encourages your individual success, membership as a proud University of Southern Mississippi Golden Eagle and all the right conditions in preparing you for your professional future.

We appreciate your sacrifice for the Nation in the name of Democracy and Freedom.  In this regard, we understand the diversity of thought and “real world” experience you bring to the campus community.  We want to learn from you and grow together as a campus community.   

We will treat you as we work together to enhance your overall college experience and thus provide you the best possible conditions to achieve academic success, individual growth and degree completion.

To discover the many opportunities available to our Veterans, Service Members and Families, please go online at:  www.usm.edu/military-veterans

Center for Community Engagement

The Hub Conville Suite, Room 104
118 College Drive #5211

The Center for Community Engagement, or CCE, promotes community service and service-learning on The University of Southern Mississippi campus and throughout the Hattiesburg community through partnerships with faculty, students and community agencies. The center works with over 100 community agencies, all with unique missions dedicated to the same goal: meeting the critical needs of our community and citizens. Students can register for community service opportunities through the CCE office, and work with programs such as Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army, and Boys and Girls Club. Like to travel? CCE travels with a group of students every spring and fall to visit new areas and assist with community service efforts in those locations. CCE also offers job opportunities: it employs approximately 80 students in community-based jobs through the CampusLink AmeriCorps and REACH programs. Campus Link AmeriCorps members work with area youth organizations to serve as mentors for students grade 4-8. Through the REACH program, USM students eligible for federal financial aid are placed at community sites and schools as part of their “on-campus” job.