Sep 27, 2024  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2018-2019 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • DAN 309 - Ballet Elective

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DAN 202  and DAN 302  or DAN 402 . Studio sessions in special aspects of ballet (partnering, pointe work, classic repertory).
  • DAN 310 - Dance Composition, Theory and Application

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DAN 210 , DAN 212 . Methods and approaches used in making dances.
  • DAN 312 - Junior Choreographic Project

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DAN 210 , DAN 212 , DAN 310  and junior standing. Choreographic approaches for development toward the Senior Choreographic Research Project.
  • DAN 319 - Dance Technology Elective

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DAN 212  and DAN 310 , or by department approval. The study and practice of technologies used in dance arts.
  • DAN 320 - Dance Production

    1 hr.
    Developing an awareness and application of production skills; may be repeated up to eight times; open to non-majors with consent of instructor.
  • DAN 324 - Repertory Dance Company II

    1 hr.
    The study and practice of choreographic works, for concert and k-12 audiences.
  • DAN 328 - Dance Performance Project

    1 hr.
    The study and practice of faculty and guest artist choreographic works for performance. May be repeated for a total of eight hours.
  • DAN 331 - Dance History/Criticism Elective

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  & ENG 102 , or departmental consent. An examination of dance/dance history through writings of dance critics. Students develop dance writing voice & skills.
  • DAN 340 - Music Analysis and Choreographic Application

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DAN 240  or consent of instructor. The study and practice of the principles of music and how those principles relate to movement and choreography.
  • DAN 351 - Labanotation I

    3 hrs.
    Introduction to elementary Labanotation, a system of recording movement; open to non-majors with consent of instructor.
  • DAN 365 - Integrating Dance in the K-12 Classroom

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Gold Card, or 1 yr prof K-12 educational experience. Methods, materials & preparation/use of instruction & assessment tools to provide integrated dance experiences for K-12 students.
  • DAN 380 - Experiential Anatomy for Dancers

    3 hrs.
    This course explores the human body’s structure and function, focusing on areas of particular importance for dancers. No prerequisites.
  • DAN 381 - Dance Injury Rehabilitation for Modern Technique

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): By department consent. For rehabilitating from an injury. Replaces modern technique class with student participation/engagement in monitored physical rehab practices.
  • DAN 382 - Dance Injury Rehabilitation for Ballet Technique

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): By departmental consent. For rehabilitating from an injury. Replaces ballet technique class with student participation/engagement in monitored physical rehab practices.
  • DAN 384 - Introduction to Somatics for Dance

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DAN 380  or departmental consent. An introduction to somatic movement practices and their application to dance.
  • DAN 386 - Dance Conditioning

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DAN 380 . A studio-based course teaching and practicing principles of dance conditioning. Repeatable up to 4 hours.
  • DAN 401 - Modern Dance Technique IV

    3 hrs.
    May be repeated for a total of 12 hours. Advanced modern dance technique and applied analysis of movement; a continuation of DAN 301 ; open to non-majors with consent of instructor.
  • DAN 402 - Ballet Technique III

    3 hrs.
    Continuation and further enrichment of the technique of ballet for the dance major; may be repeated for a total of 12 hours; a continuation of DAN 302 ; open to non-majors with consent of instructor.
  • DAN 409 - Practicum in Dance

    1-3 hrs.
    May be taken for a total of nine hours. Practices and projects in ballroom dance, dance theory, performance or choreography for the undergraduate student; open to nonmajors with consent of instructor.
  • DAN 410 - Senior Project for Dance

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DAN 210 , DAN 212 , DAN 310 , DAN 312 . A choreographic or performance project undertaken in the senior year.
  • DAN 411 - Thesis Writing in Dance

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DAN 210 , DAN 212 , DAN 310 , DAN 312 , DAN 410 . A written follow-up to a choreographic project of an original work. writing-intensive
  • DAN 420 - Repertory Dance Company

    1 hr.
    May be repeated for a total of eight hours. The study and practice of faculty and student choreographic works for performance; by audition only.
  • DAN 431 - 20th Century Dance Forms

    3 hrs.
    The history of the development of 20th century dance forms and the artistic and societal frameworks in which they evolved; open to non-majors with consent of instructor.
  • DAN 451 - Labanotation II

    3 hrs.
    Continuation of DAN 351 .
  • DAN 471 - Dance Internship

    1-6 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DAN 212  and DAN 310  for BFA in Dance (Performance/Choreography) students; DED 261  for BFA in Dance (Dance Licensure) students; or permission of department. Requires application to the department. An individualized internship in the professional dance world.
  • DAN 482 - Precision Dance

    1 hr.
  • DAN 491 - Senior Capstone Experience in Dance

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing. Examination and clarification of goals. Dance resources, survey of contemporary dance studies, dance writing. writing-intensive
  • DAN 492 - Special Problems

    1-3 hrs.
    May be taken for a total of nine hours. Open to non-majors with consent of instructor; a directed individual study planned and approved by a faculty adviser. Senior Honors Project (Students undertaking a Senior Honors special problems project will enroll in DAN 492H.)
  • DAN 499 - British Studies

    3-6 hrs.
    Studies in dance and movement sciences abroad (five weeks).

Dance Education

  • DED 260 - Field Observations in Dance

    An introduction to dance education as a profession. Initial field experience and pedagogical benchmarks must be met for DED majors.
  • DED 261 - Introduction to Dance Education

    1 hr.
    Prerequisite(s): DED 260 . Intro to dance education, focusing on knowledge, skills & dispositions, needed for dance educators. Includes K-12 teaching exposure.
  • DED 360 - Methods in Dance Education K-12

    3 hrs.
    Methods, materials and practical experience for teaching dance, K-12 and beyond.
  • DED 361 - Practicum in Dance Education

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DED 260 , DED 360 . A course focused in defining a personal approach to teaching elementary classroom fieldwork and extensive research.
  • DED 365 - Methods of Teaching Dance II

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DED 260  and DED 360 . Advanced methods and practical experiences in planning, instructing, assessing, and establishing dance education programs in K-12 schools.
  • DED 460 - Student Teaching in Elementary Dance

    6 hrs.
    Fee A special fee is charged for this course. (See Special Fees listing in Student Expenses section.) (All labs are subject to a usage fee.)
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to teacher education program, DED 260 , DED 360 , DED 361 , DED 362, PSY 374 , SPE 400 , REF 400 , REF 409. Student practice teaching in elementary dance education.
  • DED 461 - Student Teaching in Secondary Dance

    6 hrs.
    Fee A special fee is charged for this course. (See Special Fees listing in Student Expenses section.) (All labs are subject to a usage fee.)
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to teacher education program, DED 260 , DED 360 , DED 361 , DED 362, PSY 374 , SPE 400 , REF 400 , REF 409. Student practice teaching in secondary dance education.
  • DED 491 - Senior Capstone Experience

    3 hrs.
    Prepares educators for work in the field, teaching philosophy, current discourse; open to graduating senior dance education majors. writing-intensive

Department of Public Health

  • DPH 101 - Personal Wellness

    3 hrs.
    An examination of the relationships of various lifestyle components to various levels of wellness. (CC 1213)
  • DPH 210 - Introduction to Health Education

    3 hrs.
    A study of the health education profession, specialties, manpower and philosophies.
  • DPH 305 - Introduction to Public Health

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH majors or minors only with 2.5 GPA. Introduction to public health concepts and practice.
  • DPH 310 - Practicum in School Health

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH majors or minors only with 2.5 GPA. A course designed to relate theory to practical experience in a public school setting.
  • DPH 321 - Community Health

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH majors or minors only with 2.5 GPA. Introduction to community health practices, professional standards, policy and functioning of health agencies.
  • DPH 341 - Safety

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH majors or minors only with 2.5 GPA. Accident problems, safety programs and methods of prevention.
  • DPH 347 - Foundations of Health Care Marketing

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH majors or minors only with 2.5 GPA. This course provides students with an understanding of the key principles underlying health care marketing and how these principles are applied in the health services industry.
  • DPH 375 - Health Education Foundations

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH majors or minors only with 2.5 GPA. Theoretical and ethical foundations in health education/promotion.
  • DPH 408 - Health Education Methods

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH major or minor only with 2.5 GPA. A survey of teaching methods that are appropriate for health education program delivery.
  • DPH 409 - Community Health Education Planning

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH major with 2.5 GPA; university WI and SI requirement; DPH 375 , DPH 408 . Diagnostic phases preceding program development, skills in planning, organization and implementation of health education programs in the community.
  • DPH 410 - School Health Education Planning

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH majors or minors only with 2.5 GPA. Diagnostic phases preceding program development, skills in planning, organization and implementation of school health education programs.
  • DPH 411 - Health Education Curriculum for Secondary Schools

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH majors or minors only with 2.5 GPA. Varieties of curriculum organization, scope and sequence, survey of education content, facilities and equipment.
  • DPH 412 - Measurement and Evaluation in Health Education

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH majors or minors only with 2.5 GPA. A survey of evaluation instruments for appraising and interpreting health data.
  • DPH 414 - Consumer Health

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): 2.5 GPA. A survey of consumer problems related to health misconceptions, choosing health services, medical quackery and advertising of health products.
  • DPH 415 - School Health Program

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): 2.5 GPA. Health issues related to the comprehensive school health program.
  • DPH 420 - Communicable and Chronic Disease in Man

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH majors or minors only with 2.5 GPA. Problems, control and prevention of communicable and chronic disease in modern society.
  • DPH 421 - Sanitation

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH majors or minors only with 2.5 GPA. Sanitation in the home and school, in food production, water supply, waste and excreta disposal.
  • DPH 422 - Drugs and the Whole Person

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): 2.5 GPA. Psychosocial, medical, legal and health aspects of drugs and their abuse.
  • DPH 425 - Health Administration

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH majors or minors only with 2.5 GPA. An introduction to health program administration including organization, financing, delivery systems and manpower development.
  • DPH 427 - Health Policy

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH majors or minors only with 2.5 GPA. The role of the health professional in the development of public health policy, influencing social policy and planning for social change.
  • DPH 428 - Introduction to Health Systems

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH majors or minors only with 2.5 GPA. This course is an overview to the American health care delivery system, its component organizations and management.
  • DPH 430 - Human Sexuality

    3 hrs.
    Physical, emotional and social aspects of human sexuality.
  • DPH 431 - Sexuality Education

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH majors or minors only with 2.5 GPA. Theory, methods, materials for planning, organizing and implementing sexuality in school and community settings.
  • DPH 432 - Introduction to Epidemiology

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH majors or minors only with 2.5 GPA. Concepts and methods of epidemiology as applied to a variety of health-related problems.
  • DPH 433 - Health Care Planning

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH majors, 2.5 GPA, DPH 428 , DPH 347  andDPH 457  Health services strategic planning with emphasis on analyzing organizational issues and problems, formulating policies, and implementing plans for action.
  • DPH 436 - Stress Management Techniques

    3 hrs.
    To acquaint students with educational programming related to stress management with specific techniques to manage stress.
  • DPH 437 - Health Education in Clinical Settings

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH majors or minors only with 2.5 GPA. Analysis of the role, methods and technology of health education pertaining to health care clinics and patient education.
  • DPH 438 - Workplace Health Promotion

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH majors or minors only with 2.5 GPA. Study of health education theory and practice as applied to occupational health.
  • DPH 440 - Introduction to Biostatistics

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): MAT 101  or higher and 2.5 GPA. Statistical analysis, application of descriptive and inferential statistics, measures in epidemiology and health services research.
  • DPH 457 - Health Care Financing

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): MAT 101  or higher, ACC 200 , ECO 101 ; DPH majors or minors only with 2.5 GPA.  Financial principles as applied to management of health services organizations in the United States.
  • DPH 460 - Long-Term Care Policy and Administration

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): 2.5 GPA. Introduction to long-term care policy and administration involving public and private programs and practice of health care for the elderly and special populations.
  • DPH 470 - Health Law and Justice

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH majors or minors only with 2.5 GPA. An examination of social and legal principles impacting health care delivery in the United States.
  • DPH 477 - Developmental Disabilities in Early Childhood

    3 hrs.
    Overview of contributing factors to atypical early development, identification and management of at-risk conditions, legal/ethical issues and legislation/litigation.
  • DPH 478 - Specialized Studies in Developmental Disabilities

    1-6 hrs.
    Specialized study and skill acquisition in the area of developmental disabilities topics vary.
  • DPH 485 - Communication in Public Health

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): DPH major with 2.5 GPA;ENG 101 , ENG 102  and SI; 15 hours of DPH coursework. Connects academic preparation with professional practice through application of communication methods and techniques.
  • DPH 490 - Special Topics

    1-3 hrs.
    Departmental consent required. A comprehensive study of a selected health science area in which students will evaluate current state of knowledge and apply theory and concepts to construct strategies within their own professional area.
  • DPH 492 - Special Problems

    1-6 hrs.
    Departmental consent required. Requires permission of instructor. A student-originated problem, research plan and reporting of results, with guidance of a chosen adviser.
  • DPH 493 - Practicum

    3 hrs.
    Fee A special fee is charged for this course. (See Special Fees listing in Student Expenses section.) (All labs are subject to a usage fee.)
    Prerequisite(s): DPH major of senior standing with 2.5 GPA; DPH 485 . Practical experience in the delivery of health education and administration programs.
  • DPH 497 - Professional Collaboration for Developmental Disability Services

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Upper-level undergraduate students only. study of the interdependent contributions of relevant disciplines in training, service and research.
  • DPH 498 - Families of Developmentally Disabled

    3 hrs.
    Interdisciplinary approach to the study of the developmentally disabled.
  • DPH 499 - British Studies

    3-6 hrs.
    Lectures and supervised research in England. Departmental consent required. Involves variable topics. Offered exclusively through the Southern Miss Institute of Anglo-American Studies.


  • ECO 101 - Basic Economics

    3 hrs.
    Principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics applied to current social issues for understanding of policy proposals.
  • ECO 201 - Principles of Macroeconomics

    3 hrs.
    A study of a nation’s economy; topics include inflation, unemployment, gross domestic product, business cycles and international influences. (CC 2113)
  • ECO 202 - Principles of Microeconomics

    3 hrs.
    A study of market systems; topics include supply and demand, the behavior of firms and households in different market structures, government intervention in markets, barriers to trade and foreign exchange markets. (CC 2123)
  • ECO 225 - Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

    3 hrs.
    This course studies the economics of public policy toward the environmental and natural resources.
  • ECO 305 - Economic Issues

    3 hrs.
    A survey of history of economic thought, economic history of the United States and the fields of economics.
  • ECO 327 - Economics of Africa

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECO 101  or ECO 201  or ECO 202 . Introduce students to the study of the economics of Africa from ancient time to the present.
  • ECO 330 - Money and Public Policy

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECO 201  and ECO 202 . A study of the nature and functions of money, financial institutions, monetary theory, and the political, social and international context in which economic policy is formulated.
  • ECO 336 - Survey of International Economics

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECO 201  and ECO 202 . An introductory study of why nations trade, tariff and nontariff barriers to trade, commercial policy, balance of payments accounting, exchange rate determination, balance of payments adjustment and the international currency system.
  • ECO 340 - Intermediate Microeconomic Theory

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECO 201  and ECO 202 . An intermediate study of the determination of prices in factor and final product markets.
  • ECO 345 - Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECO 201  and ECO 202 . An intermediate study of the determination of aggregate income and employment.
  • ECO 401 - Public Finance

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECO 201  and ECO 202 . A study of federal and state spending and fundraising policies within the context of the social goals of the society.
  • ECO 436 - International Economics

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECO 336 . An intermediate study of international trade theory and international monetary theory; the pure theory of trade and comparative advantage, economic integration, international resource movements, foreign exchange markets, balance of payments adjustment mechanisms and international monetary systems.
  • ECO 440 - Economic Development

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECO 201  and ECO 202 . Emphasis on the economic tools for economic development with particular attention to regional growth and change; case studies include a number of countries and successful examples of regional, corporate and local development.
  • ECO 444 - Economics of Health Care

    3 hrs.
    Study of economic issues in the health care sector.
  • ECO 446 - Labor Economics

    3 hrs.
     A study of labor economics and human resource decisions. A theoretical and empirical approach to understanding the determination of employment, wages, labor force participation, and unemployment.
  • ECO 450 - Introduction to Econometric Methods

    3 hrs.
    Specification, estimation and interpretation of econometric models.
  • ECO 470 - Comparative Economic Systems

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECO 201  and ECO 202 . A course designed to acquaint the student with the origins, development and characteristics of fascism, socialism and capitalism.
  • ECO 491 - Economics Internship

    1-6 hrs.
    This course provides students with the opportunity to serve as interns at local, state or national for profit, non-profit and government organizations or agencies for academic credit.
  • ECO 492 - Special Problems in Economics

    1-6 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of chair. Individual study on an approved topic in economics. Senior Honors Project (Students undertaking a Senior Honors project will enroll in ECO 492H.)
  • ECO 493 - Contemporary Economic Problems

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECO 336 , ECO 340  and ECO 345 . A capstone course for economics majors. Application of the tools of economics to current macroeconomic and microeconomic issues.
  • ECO 498 - International Economics Seminar Abroad

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of program director. Conducted in various locations abroad, a series of lectures and discussions involving authorities on international economic issues and practices.
  • ECO 499 - International Economics Research Abroad

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of program director. A research course in international economics offered for students enrolled in ECO 498 .

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