The Business Management Certificate is a 12 hour program that provides foundational knowledge and skills in four areas of management: human resources, entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, and international management. The certificate program is offered in face-to-face and online formats, and is designed for students of all majors (except for Management and Human Resources Management) and members of the community that have an interest in developing or augmenting managerial skills.
Availability: Hattiesburg Campus and Online 100%
Admission Requirements: See University Certificate Admissions
Academic Policies and Requirements for Certificates:
- See University Academic Policies for Certificates
- In order to receive the certificate, students must receive no lower than a “C” and maintain at least a 2.5 GPA in the certificate courses.
- The Business Management certificate is not open to Management or Human Resources Management majors.
- MGT 300 is a pre-requisites for HRM 364 and MGT 454.
- Junior standing is a pre-requisites for ENTR 375 and MGT 495.
- Students may request a waiver of prerequisite requirements based on industry experience. Such a waiver requires director approval.
Hours to Certificate: 12 hours