Feb 07, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin

Allied Health BAS

Allied Health is a fully online program of study specifically designed for allied health professionals with an associate degree. Allied health professionals such as public health technologists, respiratory therapists, dental hygienists, physical therapy assistants, and surgical technologists are trained in community and public health practices to enhance their skills and increase employment options, allowing them to move their careers forward. This degree program is specifically designed for students who have earned technical credits in an associate degree allied health program, are currently working in health care as an allied health professional, are interested in increasing their credibility within the health care setting, are seeking promotion opportunities with their allied health field, or are interested in pursuing post-graduation education in a related field. 

Students accepted to the program must submit an associate degree in an allied health field from an accredited program. 

Students completing the program may remain in their current allied health career or may seek leadership roles within their professions. Students also may use the degree to bridge to a professional degree in health care, such as physical therapy, physician assistant, or medical doctor, to name a few. Other students may seek employment outside their allied health field, for example, in public health or education. 

Allied Health BAS (120 hours)    

Allied Health BAS Semester Guide    

Availability: Online 100%

Admission Requirements:

  • See University Admission Policies  
  • Students must have graduated from an accredited two-year public health technology program OR allied health program with an associate’s degree and be eligible to sit for a national certification examination in the specific discipline area for the associate degree level allied health professional.
  • A cumulative GPA of 2.50 is required for admission into the program

Program Academic Policies and Requirements:

  • See University Academic Policies and Requirements  
  • A cumulative GPA of 2.50 is required to take DPH required coursework
  • A grade of C or better must be earned in all program curriculum courses in order to complete the degree.
  • Though a student may be admitted to the program based on a cumulative GPA earned at a previous institution (i.e., junior college), once admitted the student must obtain and maintain a University of Southern Mississippi cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better to remain in good standing within the program.
  • Students whose cumulative University of Southern Mississippi GPA goes below 2.50 will be placed on program probation and will not be allowed to enroll in required coursework until the cumulative GPA is once again at 2.50 or above.