Doctor of Philosophy Degree
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry offers the doctor of philosophy with specialization in analytical, inorganic, organic, physical, and biochemistry. The Ph.D. programs emphasize excellence in research. Qualified students holding a bachelor of science are encouraged to enter directly into the doctoral program. Individuals who are adequately prepared may take the qualifying examination at the beginning of their first semester of graduate work, but in no case can it be postponed beyond the second semester of graduate work.
Research and Scholarly Integrity Education
All faculty holding Regular or Associate graduate faculty status, must complete CITI training modules required by the Graduate School and their departments. All graduate students must complete the CITI training modules required by the Graduate School and their departments the first semester they are enrolled in graduate school. The RSIE policy and training information are found on the Graduate School web page – Contact the Dean of the Graduate School if you have any questions regarding the policy of training information.
Program Requirements
The Ph.D. programs require eighty-four (84) graduate hours beyond the bachelor’s degree or fifty-four (54) graduate hours beyond the master’s degree with a 3.0 GPA. Specific course requirements depend upon individual needs and are selected with the advice of the student’s research director and doctoral committee.
Among other requirements are
- completion and oral defense of a research prospectus
- completion of a Ph.D. comprehensive examination
- Participation in the seminar program
- Research Tools:
PHI 535 - Research Ethics , CHE 500 - Chemical Literature , CHE 509 - Chemistry Laboratory Teaching and CHE 510 - Safety Principles and Procedures in the Chemical Sciences . - completion of a substantial research project and successful oral defense of a dissertation (12 hours of CHE 898 are required)
- Residency. Students must meet the residency requirements specified in this Bulletin.
- Continuous enrollment - Students must meet the requirement specified in the front section of this Bulletin.