Mar 02, 2025
2016-2017 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
English (Literature), Ph.D.
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The Doctor of Philosophy
Successful applicants for regular admission to the PhD program usually have a GPA of 3.5 in all (undergraduate and graduate) English courses and will typically have completed a BA and/or an MA in English. The PhD with an emphasis in literature offers direct admission to the doctoral program from the BA. For specific details, see program requirements below. Application materials include GRE general test scores, transcripts, three letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose, and a substantial writing sample. Letters of recommendation should be from persons qualified to assess the applicant’s readiness for graduate study. For further information and links to application materials, see www.usm.edu/english. Conditional admission is sometimes possible for applicants who do not meet all the criteria for regular admission. To remove conditional status, students must meet the Graduate School requirements described in the Admission Requirements and Procedures section of this Bulletin, and they must satisfy all additional requirements stipulated by the department. Members of all underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply. Research and Scholarly Integrity Education
All faculty holding Regular or Associate graduate faculty status must complete CITI training modules required by the Graduate School and their departments. All graduate students must complete the CITI training modules required by the Graduate School and their departments the first semester they are enrolled in graduate school. The RSIE policy and training information are found on the Graduate School web page –www.usm.edu/graduate-school. Contact the Dean of the Graduate School if you have any questions regarding the policy or training information. Residency: Doctoral students must meet the residency requirements specified in this Bulletin. 45-63 credit hours Master’s to PhD
Students who are admitted to the PhD program with an earned Master’s degree must complete a minimum of 45 credit hours*, to include: - ENG 640 - Critical Reading and Methods in English 3 hrs.
- ENG 641 - Advanced Research and Methods in English 3 hrs.
- One course in literary theory 3 hrs.
- One course in each of six distribution areas (18 hrs.): 1) American Literature to 1890, 2) British Literature to 1660, 3) British Literature, 1660-1890, 4) British & American Literatures, 1890-1960, 5) Literatures in English after 1960, 6) Non-traditional Literatures in English (The Dean of Graduate School may review the student’s MA transcript to determine which distribution areas have already been satisfied.)
- Two electives 6 hrs.
- ENG 898 - Dissertation 12 hrs. (9-12 hrs. required)
Additional requirements and guidelines:
- Students must complete two Research Tools: either two foreign languages or one foreign language plus 12 hours of coursework in an allied area of study approved by the Dean of the Graduate School. For information on how to meet the foreign language requirement, see the English Department Graduate Handbook at www.usm.edu/english.
- 500-level classes count towards a degree only with the approval of the Director of Graduate Studies; at least 15 hours (5 courses) must be at the 700-level.
- Students must take ENG 690 - Practicum in the Theory and Teaching of Composition if they hold an assistantship that includes teaching as one of their duties.
- Students must successfully complete a Doctoral Qualifying Examination in August, after the first year of study. The exam may be retaken once, in the following December. Students who fail the exam twice will be dismissed from the PhD program. For further information about the Doctoral Qualifying Examination, see www.usm.edu/english.
- Students must successfully complete a PhD Comprehensive Exam. For further information about the PhD Comprehensive Exam, see www.usm.edu/english.
- Students must write a dissertation, a substantial project embodying the result of significant and original research on a subject chosen by the candidate and approved by the student’s Doctoral Committee.
- A 3.0 GPA is required for graduation.
- Students must submit their signed, official Plan of Study to the Graduate School by the end of the first semester in which they are enrolled. The Plan of Study forms are available at www.usm.edu/graduateschool/planofstudy.php - click on the “Plans of Study” link; or on the Resources page at www.usm.edu/english.
*Students who earned their MA degree in English at USM in accordance with degree requirements as stipulated in this Bulletin will consult with the Dean of the Graduate School to determine specific requirements. Bachelor’s to PhD
Students who are admitted to the Ph.D. without an earned Master’s degree must complete a minimum of 63 credit hours, to include: Additional requirements and guidelines:
- Students must complete two Research Tools: either two foreign languages or one foreign language plus 12 hours of coursework in an allied area of study approved by the Dean of the Graduate School. For information on how to meet the foreign language requirement, see the English Department Graduate Handbook at www.usm.edu/english.
- 500-level classes count towards a degree only with the approval of the Director of Graduate Studies; at least 15 hours (5 courses) must be at the 700-level.
- Students must take ENG 690 - Practicum in the Theory and Teaching of Composition if they hold an assistantship that includes teaching as one of their duties.
- Students must successfully complete a Doctoral Qualifying Examination in August, after the first year of study. The exam may be retaken once, in the following December. Students who fail the exam twice will be dismissed from the PhD program. For further information about the Doctoral Qualifying Examination, see www.usm.edu/english.
- Students must successfully complete a PhD Comprehensive Exam. For further information about the PhD Comprehensive Exam, see www.usm.edu/english.
- Students must write a dissertation, a substantial project embodying the result of significant and original research on a subject chosen by the candidate and approved by the student’s Doctoral Committee.
- A 3.0 GPA is required for graduation.
- Students must submit their signed, official Plan of Study to the Graduate School by the end of the first semester in which they are enrolled. The Plan of Study forms are available at www.usm.edu/graduateschool/planofstudy.php - click on the “Plans of Study” link; or on the Resources page at www.usm.edu/english.
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