Mar 02, 2025
2016-2017 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Communication (Communication Studies), M.S.
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Research and Scholarly Integrity Education
All faculty holding Regular or Associate graduate faculty status must complete CITI training modules required by the Graduate School and their departments. All graduate students must complete the CITI training modules required by the Graduate School and their departments the first semester they are enrolled in graduate school. The RSIE policy and training information are found on the Graduate School web page – www.usm.edu/graduate-school. Contact the Dean of the Graduate School if you have any questions regarding the policy or training information.
Plan of Study. Students must submit their signed, official Plan of Study Form to the Graduate School by the end of the first semester they are enrolled. The Plan of Study Forms are available at www.usm.edu/graduateschool/planofstudy.php - click on the “Plans of Study” link.
Continuous Enrollment Requirement: Students must meet the requirement specified in the front section of this Bulletin.
All students pursuing this program in Communication must complete the following requirements: Substantive Core (6 hours)
Research Methods (9 hours)
*The research methods electives will be chosen from CMS 721 , CMS 722 , REF 602 , REF 761 , REF 762 . A minimum of thirty (30) semester hours must be completed. At least eighteen (18) of these hours must be numbered 600 and above. All candidates must take a comprehensive written examination. A 3.0 GPA is required for graduation. |
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