Sep 27, 2024  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2013-2014 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Industrial Engineering Technology

  • IET 472 - Global Supply Chain Management

    3 hrs.
    Concepts, techniques and issues important in managing and coordinating global supply chain operations.
  • IET 480 - Industrial Simulation and Modeling

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 360 . Analysis of manufacturing and service operations encountered in industry using computer simulation techniques.
  • IET 491 - Seminar

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing. Tours, guest lectures, student presentations and discussions of the latest methods in the field.
  • IET 492 - Special Problems

    1-3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and approval of faculty adviser. Supervised study in area not covered by available courses.

Information Technology

  • ITC 100 - PC Hardware I

    2 hrs.
    Introduction to the architecture and peripheral devices of the Intel family of microprocessors.
  • ITC 101 - PC Hardware II

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ITC 100 . Advanced architecture and peripheral devices of the Intel family of microprocessors.
  • ITC 131 - Internetworking Technologies

    2 hrs.
    Corequisite(s): ITC 131L . An introduction to local and wide-area networking technologies emphasizing physical infrastructure planning, design, installation and management.
  • ITC 131L - Internetworking Technologies Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ITC 131 . Practical exercises in planning, installing and maintaining local and wide-area networking infrastructure.
  • ITC 132 - Introduction to Routers

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 131 . Corequisite(s): ITC 132L . An examination of router architecture, configuration and management using a popular IOS with an emphasis on wide-area networks.
  • ITC 132L - Introduction to Routers Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 131 . Corequisite(s): ITC 132 . Practical exercises in routing TCP/IP frames with distance-vector and link state routing protocols in a multi-router/multi-switched environment.
  • ITC 231 - Routing and Switching

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 132 . Corequisite(s): ITC 231L . Internetworking routers and switches to improve network performance and increase quality of service on local and wide-area networks.
  • ITC 231L - Routing and Switching Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 132  and permission of instructor. Corequisite(s): ITC 231 . Advanced practical exercise in routing TCP/IP frames with distance-vector and link state routing protocols in a multi-router/multi-switched environment to improve network performance and increase quality of service.
  • ITC 232 - Wan Switching and Dialup

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 231 . Corequisite(s): ITC 232L . An examination of wide-area networking communication protocols over packet-switched and circuit-switched networks.
  • ITC 232L - Wan Switching and Dialup Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite ITC 231  and permission of instructor. Corequisite(s): ITC 232 . Practical exercises in configuring routers to utilize dialup protocols over packet-switched and circuit-switched connections.
  • ITC 241 - Networking Security I

    3 hrs.
    An introduction to information technology security, policies, legal and ethical issues, vulnerability analysis and auditing.
  • ITC 242 - Networking Security II

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 241 . A survey of common network security components, processes and procedures; includes an examination of design principles, hardware and software tools.
  • ITC 261 - Dynamic Web Application Development

    3 hrs.
    Techniques for creating web application using data from webserver relational database (X)HTML, PHP, MySQL, Apache webserver, CPanel administration, web page email, cookies.
  • ITC 331 - Scalable Networks

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 232  or permission of instructor. Corequisite(s): ITC 331L . Design, installation and configuration of complex and scalable routed LAN, routed WAN, switched LAN networks and dial access services.
  • ITC 331L - Scalable Networks Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 232 . Corequisite(s): ITC 331 . Practical exercises in implementing and troubleshooting wide-area networks of scalable design.
  • ITC 332 - Multilayer Switched Network

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 331 . Corequisite(s): ITC 332L . Implementing campus networks using multilayer switching technologies over high-speed Ethernet with routing and switching.
  • ITC 332L - Multilayer Switched Network Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 232 . Corequisite(s): ITC 332 . Practical exercises in implementing campus networks using multilayer switching technologies over high-speed Ethernet with routing and switching.
  • ITC 350 - SQL Techniques for Applications

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): CSC 102  or permission of instructor. SQL, Create, Select, Insert, Update, Delete, nested queries, query summaries, transactions, locks, trigger, stored procedures.
  • ITC 363 - Telecommunications Systems

    3 hrs.
    A comprehensive systems-level overview of telecommunication facilities and protocols covering the full spectrum of services.
  • ITC 370 - Hardware Systems

    3 hrs.
    Corequisite(s): ITC 370L . Design, analysis and implementation of digital logic systems with emphasis on circuit construction and verification.
  • ITC 370L - Hardware Systems Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ITC 370 .
  • ITC 371 - Personal Computer Applications

    3 hrs.
    A survey of current industrial trends related to PC systems and use of current operating systems to provide control of I/O operations.
  • ITC 392 - Special Problems

    1-3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing and approval of faculty adviser. Supervised study in area not covered by available courses.
  • ITC 400 - Senior Project I

    1-3 hrs.
    Fee A special fee is charged for this course. (See Special Fees listing in Student Expenses section.) (All labs are subject to a usage fee.)
    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing. Student to complete project in his or her area of specialization.
  • ITC 401 - Senior Project II

    1-3 hrs.
    Fee A special fee is charged for this course. (See Special Fees listing in Student Expenses section.) (All labs are subject to a usage fee.)
    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing. Student to complete project in his or her area of specialization.
  • ITC 431 - Remote Access Networks

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 332 . Building remote access networks to interconnect central sites to branch offices and home office/telecommuters.
  • ITC 432 - Internetwork Troubleshooting

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 431 . How to baseline and troubleshoot a routed and switched multi-protocol Ethernet, Fast Ethernet and Token Ring networks.
  • ITC 433 - Internetwork Design

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 431 . Designing LAN and WAN architectures for scalable, multilayer, complex, multi-protocol internetworks.
  • ITC 441 - Firewalls and Virtual Private Networks

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Examination of hardware and software-based firewall and VPN technologies and methods to secure computer networks and communications.
  • ITC 442 - Intrusion Detection Systems

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Examination of IDS alerting and defense technologies and intrusion methods including scanning, buffer overflow, and denial of service.
  • ITC 453 - Communications Server Administration

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 131 , ITC 486 . A comprehensive examination of administering enterprise messaging and scheduling services in a client-server environment.
  • ITC 455 - E-Commerce Server Administration

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 131 , ITC 489 . A comprehensive examination of developing, implementing and administering Web-based services for electronic commerce.
  • ITC 463 - Wireless and Personal Communication Systems

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 363 . An examination of current and planned wireless communication systems emphasizing system architecture and access methodology.
  • ITC 465 - Satellite Communication Systems

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 363 . An examination of communication satellite systems, sub-systems and the technologies which support global communications.
  • ITC 471 - Small Computer Systems

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 100 ,ITC 101 , and ITC 131 /ITC 131L . Corequisite(s): ITC 471L . Examination of small computer operating systems and the development of software and hardware solutions to problems in technology. Emphasis is on the application and use of LINUX and similar operating systems.
  • ITC 471L - Small Computer Systems Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ITC 471 .
  • ITC 483 - Windows Client Networking

    3 hrs.
    An examination of workstation operating system architecture, capabilities and peer-to-peer networking.
  • ITC 485 - NOS Server Administration

    3 hrs.
    A comprehensive examination of the installation and administration of a popular Network Operating Systems (NOS).
  • ITC 486 - Intranetworking

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 485  or permission of instructor. A continuation of ITC 485  that will emphasize intranetworking directory architecture, binding of network protocols, creation and management of user and group accounts.
  • ITC 488 - TCP/IP

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 131 , ITC 370 , ITC 485  or permission of instructor. A comprehensive examination of the Internet’s standard protocol suite TCP/IP.
  • ITC 489 - Internet Information Server

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ITC 131 , ITC 485 , ITC 488  or permission of instructor. Installation and configuration of a popular NOS as an Internet information server.
  • ITC 492 - Special Problems

    1-3 hrs.
  • ITC 496 - Industrial Internship

    1-6 hrs.
    A minimum of 400 total hours of internship under the direct supervision of industrial professionals in collaboration with Southern Miss faculty.

Instructional Technology

  • IT 102 - Keyboarding and Introduction to Word Processing

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor required. Ability to type by touch. A thorough review of manipulative input devices with an emphasis on formatting. Letter styles, manuscripts and tabulations covered, utilizing industry-current software.
  • IT 200 - Introduction to Business Communication

    3 hrs.
    Basic mechanics of grammar usage and punctuation for business communications.
  • IT 201 - Introduction to Educational Technology

    3 hrs.
    Introduces students to the concepts and principles of using a computer as an instructional tool with special emphasis on application software use and the Internet.
  • IT 241 - Principles of Training and Development

    3 hrs.
    An introduction and overview of training professions in both the public and private sector; to include onsite visitation of host industrial organizations and other institutions.
  • IT 332 - Professional Presence and Influence

    3 hrs.
    A study of professional presence as related to business dress, appearance and behavior and its impact on interpersonal and professional relationships.
  • IT 361 - Computer Applications in Business Technology I

    3 hrs.
    Microcomputer knowledge and skill development via document production utilizing integrated word processing and spreadsheet software.
  • IT 363 - Computer Applications in Business Technology II

    3 hrs.
    Microcomputer knowledge and skill development via document production utilizing integrated database and presentation software.
  • IT 365 - Computer Applications in Education

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Pass the BTLE. Skill development in the use of computer technology appropriate to teaching, learning and managing education.
  • IT 375 - Web-Based Tools

    3 hrs.
    Apply principles of effective Web page design to develop and maintain Web-based instructional materials. Learn how Web-based instructional tools can enhance learning.
  • IT 380 - Organizational Communication

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 , ENG 102  and junior standing. A study of communication in business organizations and the application of theory and methodology with emphasis on writing letters and reports. (WI)
  • IT 395 - Emerging Instructional Technologies

    3 hrs.
    A study of design principles applied to the development of professional, persuasive and interactive instructional presentations.
  • IT 447 - Human Relations in Instructional Technology

    3 hrs.
    A study of human behavior and interpersonal dynamics within the industrial organization and environment. Primarily for industrial educators.
  • IT 451 - Teaching Skill-Based Subjects in Business Education

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ACC 200 , CIS 313  and Gold Card. Preparation of prospective business teachers to teach accounting, keyboarding and other skill subjects.
  • IT 452 - History and Philosophy of Career and Technical Education

    3 hrs.
    Objectives, principles, aims and organization of programs in schools and colleges.
  • IT 453 - Techniques of Coordination

    3 hrs.
    A study of the techniques, procedures and problems in the operation of cooperative education programs.
  • IT 456 - Methods in General and Career/Tech Business Education

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 313 , IT 451  and Gold Card. Preparation of prospective business teachers for certification in intensive business training and vocational office training.
  • IT 456L - Methods in General & Career/Technical Business Education Practicum

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 313 , IT 451  and Gold Card. Corequisite(s): IT 456 . A course designed to relate the study of theory to practical experience in a business education setting.
  • IT 465 - Educational Technology Applications

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Basic computer-literacy. Course prepares students to integrate technology into the teaching and learning processes by using appropriate technology tools.
  • IT 467 - Desktop Publishing

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Basic computer literacy. Microcomputer production of typeface/graphics-enhanced media designed to be both pleasing in appearance and effective in communication.
  • IT 468 - Instructional Animation Development

    3 hrs.
    Apply instructional design principles in educational environments to develop instructional animations.
  • IT 469 - Multimedia Design and Development

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Basic computer literacy. Interactive instructional design and applications for effective presentations.
  • IT 485 - Instructional Technology Capstone

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing. Design, development and presentation of practical instructional technology project.
  • IT 492 - Special Problems in Instructional Technology

    3 hrs.
    Individualized project relevant to the student’s skill specialty. Scholarly research paper or instructional project on an approved research topic or instructional problem.
  • IT 493 - Student Teaching in Business Technology Education

    6 hrs.
    Fee A special fee is charged for this course. (See Special Fees listing in Student Expenses section.) (All labs are subject to a usage fee.)
    Prerequisite(s): All courses required for major. Supervised field-based experience in secondary business technology education; repeatable to 12 hours.

Interdisciplinary Studies

  • IDS 101 - Introduction to Interdisciplinary Inquiry

    3 hrs.
    Interdisciplinary inquiry allows students to explore a specific topic from a variety of perspectives. Topics and disciplines will vary with faculty and student interests.
  • IDS 110 - Citizenship Seminar in Service Learning

    3 hrs.
    The Luckyday Citizenship Seminar on Servant Leadership prepares students to be leaders through service on campus and in the community.
  • IDS 181 - Explorations in Service Learning

    1-6 hrs.
    This course will connect a hands-on service experience with the academic reflection integral to the interdisciplinary practice of service-learning.
  • IDS 301 - Foundations of Interdisciplinary Inquiry

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  and ENG 102  and permission of department; required to enroll. Course for majors only. Students learn from a scholar-team how various disciplines complement one another to reach beyond the limitations of a single discipline.
  • IDS 351 - Leadership Development for Community Living

    3 hrs.
    This course explores the interdisciplinary skills and techniques needed to change the policies, programs and/or systems that affect people with disabilities and their families.
  • IDS 401 - Integrative Research Methods and Design

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): IDS 301 . Students research and design an individualized project integrating disciplinary and interdisciplinary training to advance knowledge in their selected concentration area.
  • IDS 402 - Internship in Interdisciplinary Studies-Capstone

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): IDS 401 . Students share research experiences and apply interdisciplinary knowledge and skills beyond the university setting.
  • IDS 490 - Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor required. This course allows faculty and students to explore interdisciplinary topics developed from themes and issues related to their areas of expertise and their research interests.
  • IDS 491 - Practicum in Interdisciplinary Studies

    1-9 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor required. Practicum experience for students involved in interdisciplinary studies research or projects.
  • IDS 492 - Special Problems in Interdisciplinary Studies

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Department consent required. This course allows students to explore special problems from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Interior Design

  • ID 140 - Interior Design I

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): MS Word/PP competency. An introduction to the field of interior design with emphasis on processes and resources of the designer.
  • ID 210 - Visual Literacy in Interior Design

    3 hrs.
    Studio/Lecture. Prerequisite(s): ID 140 . Corequisite(s): Should be taken concurrently with ID 238 . An exploration of various communication methods in interior design through a variety of projects. Note: ***
  • ID 232 - Interior Materials and Installation Methods

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ID 140  or *. A study of architectural materials for interiors with an emphasis on selection, cost, installation, construction supervision and code/standards requirements.
  • ID 238 - Visual Communications in Interior Design

    3 hrs.
    Studio/lecture. Corequisite(s): Should be taken concurrently with ID 210 . An introduction to visual communication in interior design with emphasis on orthographic and free-hand drawing and visual design terminology. Note: ***
  • ID 240 - Interior Design II

    3 hrs.
    Studio/lecture. Prerequisites: ID 140 , ID 238 . Should be taken concurrently with ID 311 . A studio course for the exploration and application of design methodology to interior environments. Note: ***
  • ID 242 - Portfolio Development

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ID 140  or permission of instructor. Specifically equipped personal laptop computer required. Specification available through the ID Office; (May be taken concurrently with ID 140 and ID 238.) An introduction to various portfolio techniques, documentation methods and career planning for the interior design profession. Note: ***
  • ID 303 - Interior Systems

    3 hrs.
    lecture. Prerequisite(s): ID 140 , ID 232 , ID 240 , MAT 100  or *. Corequisite(s): (May be taken concurrently with ID 232 , ID 238  and/or ID 240 .) Design aspects of interior systems that affect human sensory response, behavior, productivity and well-being with an emphasis on lighting, acoustics, plumbing and HVAC.
  • ID 311 - Advanced Visual Literacy in Interior Design

    3 hrs.
    Studio/lecture. Prerequisite(s): ID 210  or permission of the instructor. Corequisite(s): Should be taken concurrently with ID 240 . An exploration of advanced graphic communication and modeling methods in interior design through a variety of projects. Note: ***
  • ID 320 - Design Presentation Media

    3 hrs.
    Studio/lecture. Prerequisite(s): All requirements and acceptance for admission in 300/400-level interior design studio or **. The application of various media and techniques for the presentation of interior design concepts. Note: ***
  • ID 325 - History of Interior Furnishings and Decorative Arts

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ID 140  or *. A study of the historical relationships between the decorative arts, period furniture and interior design as revealed in European, Oriental and American furniture styles and domestic interiors from antiquity through the 20th century.
  • ID 333 - Textiles for Interiors

    3 hrs.
    A study of the production, properties and performance of textiles for interiors with emphasis on the selection of textiles for specific environmental applications.
  • ID 339 - Interior Design III

    3 hrs.
    Studio/lecture. Prerequisite(s): all requirements and acceptance for admission in 300/400-level interior design studio, or **. The analysis and application of architectural detailing, building systems, standards and codes necessary for programming, problem-solving and the space planning of interior spaces. Note: ***
  • ID 340 - Residential Interior Design I

    3 hrs.
    Studio/lecture. Prerequisite(s): ID 232 , ID 303 , ID 320 , ID 339 . May be taken concurrently with ID 232  and ID 303 . Advanced application in space planning, human factors, interiors for special needs and interior systems for residential interiors. Note: ***
  • ID 342 - Residential Interior Design II

    3 hours.
    Studio/lecture. Prerequisite(s): ID 325  and ID 340 . Advanced problems in space planning, human factors, historical furnishings/interiors and ornamentation for residential interiors. Note: ***
  • ID 438 - Portfolio Presentation

    1 hr.
    Prerequisite(s): ID 242 , ID 340 , ID 439 . Discussion and analysis of principles, trends and practices relevant to portfolio design and presentation for entry level and internship positions in the interior design profession. Note: ***
  • ID 439 - Contract Interior Design I

    3 hrs.
    Studio/lecture. Prerequisite(s): ID 232 , ID 303 , ID 320 , ID 339 . May be taken concurrently with ID 232  and ID 303 . Advanced problems in commercial interiors with an emphasis on office design projects. Note: ***
  • ID 440 - Contract Interior Design II

    3 hrs.
    Studio/lecture. Prerequisite(s): ID 439 . Advanced problems in commercial interiors with an emphasis on hospitality, retail and medical or institutional design projects. Note: ***
  • ID 441 - Professional Practices and Procedures

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ID 240  or **. Application of the aspects of business to the interior design profession.
  • ID 442 - Interior Design Internship

    4 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ID 340 , ID 439  with a grade of C or better and an overall 2.50 GPA for the course work completed. A practicum for the interior design student in a working-training situation with a professional interior designer. Note: **

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