Sep 22, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin

University Admission Policies

All communications regarding entrance to the undergraduate colleges and schools of the university should be addressed to the Office of Admissions, The University of Southern Mississippi, 118 College Drive #5166, Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001 or via email at

Eligibility for admission will be determined when the application, application fee, ACT/SAT test score and scholastic records have been submitted. These items should be received before the deadline date of the semester for which the student is applying (see Calendar). The academic record, character and conditions of application of the applicant must be in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning and with the laws of the state of Mississippi. The applicant must have excellent moral character and must be willing to conduct his or her affairs so as to be a credit to the university. The university reserves the right to cancel the admission or registration of an individual whose attendance at the university, in the opinion of the appropriate administrative officer and the president, would not be mutually beneficial to himself or herself and to the institution. Any undergraduate applicant who is denied admission to the university may have his or her case reviewed by the Undergraduate Admissions Appeals Committee. To initiate the review procedure, the student should contact the Office of Admissions. Applicants should note carefully the law governing legal residence and the penalty for falsifying residence information. The law appears in the students’ expenses section of this Bulletin.

Admission requirements are subject to change as mandated by the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning, without prior notification.

The University of Southern Mississippi does not discriminate on grounds of age, sex, race, color, sexual orientation, religion or national origin. These provisions also apply to disabled individuals pursuant to current federal and state regulations subject to reasonable standards of admission and employment. All inquiries concerning discrimination should be referred to the director of the Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employment Office, The University of Southern Mississippi, 118 College Drive #5168, Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001, call 601-266-5973 or email

For information on our nondiscrimination policy, see the Student Rights and Responsibilities  section of the bulletin.

Application Requirements for Freshmen

Each entering freshman applicant is required to submit the following:

  1. Application for Undergraduate Admission
  2. Submission of ACT or SAT scores
  3. $45 nonrefundable application fee
  4. An official high school transcript, which lists the date of graduation, and grade point average
  5. The minimum REQUIRED CPC for full admission into a Mississippi public university is as follows:
  • English: 4 Carnegie units - All must require substantial communication skills (i.e., reading, writing, listening, and speaking). Compensatory Reading and Writing may not be included.
  • Mathematics: 4 Carnegie units - Algebra I or its equivalent and Math higher than Algebra I (4 units)
  • Science: 3 Carnegie units - Biology I or its equivalent and Science higher than Biology I (2 units)
  • Social Studies: 3 ½ Carnegie units - U.S. History, World History, U.S. Government (½ unit) and Economics or Introduction to World Geography (½ unit)
  • Arts: 1 Carnegie unit - Includes any one Carnegie unit (or two ½ units) of visual and performing arts course(s) meeting the requirements for high school graduation.
  • Advanced Electives: 2 Carnegie units - Option I: Foreign Language I and Foreign Language II; Option 2: Foreign Language I and Advanced World Geography; Option 3: Any combination of English, Mathematics higher than Algebra I, Science higher than Biology I, Advanced Elective category, any AP course, any IB course
  • Technology: ½ unit - A course that emphasizes the use of technology as a productivity tool. Instruction should include utilizing various forms of technology to create, collaborate, organize, and publish information. The application of technology as a productivity tool, rather than specific hardware and/or software packages should be the focus of the course.

Total - 18 units

  • Pre-High School units: Courses taken prior to high school will be accepted for admission provided the course earns Carnegie credit and the content is the same as the high school course.

  • Substitutions: Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses can be substituted for each requirement in the College Preparatory Curriculum.

  • Course Acceptance: A course may not be used to satisfy more than one requirement.

  • The Required and Recommended College Preparatory Curricula (CPC) are approved by the IHL Board of Trustees, and the IHL Office of Academic and Student Affairs maintains a complete list of courses that can be used to satisfy the CPC requirements. See The Mississippi Department of Education also maintains an online course catalog with CPC classifications for each course -

Full admission will be granted to the following:

  1. All students completing the College Preparatory Curriculum (CPC) with a minimum of a 2.0 high school GPA on the CPC, as well as a score of 18 or higher on the ACT (composite or superscore) or equivalent SAT score based on the testing concordance in place at the time of the testing date. 

  2. All students completing the College Preparatory Curriculum (CPC) with a minimum of a 2.5 high school GPA on the CPC or a class rank in the top 50 percent, as well as a score of 16 or higher on the ACT (composite or superscore) or equivalent SAT score based on the testing concordance in place at the time of the testing date. (Click here and view Table A2)

  3. All students completing the College Preparatory Curriculum (CPC) with a minimum of a 3.2 high school GPA on the CPC. (Please note that students offered admission without an ACT or SAT score cannot be considered for freshman scholarships. Click here and view Table A2)

  4. Students who satisfy the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) standards for student-athletes who are full qualifiers under Division I guidelines                                     

Admission with Deficiencies

Applicants who fail to meet full admission standards as listed above may, as a result of a review, be admitted for the summer or fall semester. The review shall involve a consideration of high school performance, ACT/SAT scores, placement testing, and special interests and skills, as well as other non-cognitive factors.

As a result of the review, students who indicate inadequate readiness in English, reading or mathematics may be required to participate in counseling and testing, which will be held on campus prior to the beginning of the summer session. Applicants who successfully complete the counseling and testing program may be admitted to the university, with the requirements that they participate in the year-long Academic Support Program.

Students who are not successful in completing the counseling and testing program may be admitted with the requirements that they enroll in the Summer Developmental Program.

Summer Developmental Program

The Summer Developmental Program is an intensive nine-week program developed to prepare students for success during their first year of college studies. The program concentrates on those high school subject areas (writing, reading, mathematics) that are crucial to success in first-year college curricula. To be eligible to enroll in the program, students must first go through an on-campus interview, which includes taking a diagnostic test called the Accuplacer.

Students who successfully complete the Summer Developmental Program will be allowed to continue in the fall term with mandatory participation in the Year-Long Academic Support Program during their freshman year. Students who do not successfully complete the Summer Developmental Program will be counseled to explore other post-secondary opportunities, including those offered by community colleges.

The cost for the program is full-semester tuition plus the required study materials. A student may apply for financial aid to assist in paying for the program by filling out a FASFA application.

Realizing that applicants from other states and countries may not have the same curriculum opportunities as our in-state applicants, those students will be required to achieve curriculum standards that would be considered equivalent in rigor and content to the College Preparatory Core.

Course Placement for Entering Freshmen

The following statements in regard to developmental education curriculum for university system institutions are based on existing Board policy set forth in the Board’s policies and bylaws; they are set forth to assist the institutions in proper implementation of Board policy and to assure compliance with the requirements as set forth by the Board.

  1. All entering freshmen enrolled at an IHL university with an ACT mathematics subtest score of 19 or less (SAT quantitative score of 520 or less) will be required to take and successfully complete intermediate mathematics during their first semester of enrollment. Students who have completed The Essentials of College Math course with a grade of “80” or higher regardless of ACT Mathematics subtest score will not be required to take an intermediate mathematics course and should be enrolled in a college-level mathematics course during the first semester of enrollment. The following is not an IHL policy; it is an institution policy. All entering freshmen enrolled at The University of Southern Mississippi who do not have Essentials for College Math with a grade of “80” or higher and who have an ACT mathematics subtest score of 16 or below will be required to take and successfully complete a co-requisite lab supplement (MAT 100S  or MAT 101S ) for Quantitative Reasoning (MAT 100 ) or College Algebra (MAT 101 ). Students who have an ACT mathematics subtest score of 17, 18 or 19 the co-requisite supplemental lab is required for enrollment in college algebra and strongly encouraged for quantitative reasoning. 
  2. All entering freshmen with an ACT English subscore of 20 or higher should take English Composition I (ENG 101 ) in their first semester at the University. Entering freshmen with an English subscore below 20 (SAT 530) are required to take English Composition I-Expanded (ENG 100E ) during their first semester of enrollment. This course will prepare students for ENG 101  in their second semester. Students who score a 17, 18, or 19 who wish to enroll directly into ENG 101  in their first semester may also contact the Department of English to register for an online challenge exam to assess their readiness for that course.

    Students who have completed the Essentials of College English course with a grade of “80” or higher (regardless of ACT English subtest score) will not be required to take ENG 100E  and should be enrolled in Composition I (ENG 101 ) during their first semester of enrollment.

  3. All entering freshmen enrolled at an IHL university with an ACT reading subtest score of 16 or less will be required to take intermediate reading (CIE 99 ) during their first semester of enrollment. Students who have completed the Essentials of College English course with a grade of “80” or higher will not be required to take Intermediate Reading. Students whose ACT Reading subscore is 17, 18 or 19 are strongly encouraged to take intermediate reading.
  4. Students enrolled in intermediate reading (CIE 99 ) are not permitted to take reading-intensive courses such as literature or the social sciences.
  5. The following IHL Board Policy guidelines apply to students who score a 16 or below on two or more ACT indexes:
    1. must enroll in the year-long Academic Support Program (UNV 101) and
    2. will not be permitted to take more than 17 total semester hours. (The one-hour credit new students earn for orientation UNV 100  is the exception.)

When to Apply

A high school student is urged to apply for admission early during the senior year. The applicant should have his or her high school submit to the Office of Admissions a transcript complete for his or her first six semesters. This transcript should have clearly posted the current grade point average, class rank and the courses for which the student is currently enrolled. A student who applies during his or her final senior semester should provide a transcript complete for the first seven semesters. An application is processed as soon as possible after all required items are available. Freshman students who intend to enroll at The University of Southern Mississippi must be offered admission prior to the admission deadline. See deadlines on admissions website:

Application Requirements for Transfer Students

Each entering transfer applicant is required to submit the following:

  1. Application for Undergraduate Admission
  2. $45 nonrefundable application fee
  3. An official final transcript from each college or university attended (Faxed transcripts will not be accepted)

Students must be in good standing from the last institution attended and have either an associate degree intended for transfer from a regionally accredited institution or have completed the 30 semester hours of designated coursework outlined below with a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average for admission.

  • 6 semester hours of English Composition (English Composition I and II)
  • 3 semester hours of mathematics (college algebra, quantitative reasoning, or higher mathematics)
  • 6 semester hours of natural science (courses must be laboratory-based, with the lecture courses accompanied by the respective lab course)
  • 9 semester hours of humanities and fine arts (common examples of acceptable coursework are history, philosophy, religion, world literature, art, music)
  • 6 semester hours of social or behavioral sciences (common examples of acceptable coursework are anthropology, geography, sociology, psychology, social work)

A student under academic suspension from another college or university may not enter The University of Southern Mississippi during the term of his or her suspension. Upon termination of the suspension period, there is no bar to admission if he or she is eligible in other ways.

Students under disciplinary suspension are not admissible to The University of Southern Mississippi.

Transfer students may be accepted from other institutions of higher learning only when the program of the transferring institution is acceptable to the receiving institution, the program of studies completed by the student meets the requirements established above, and the quality of work performed by the student is acceptable to the Board of Trustees. The authorities at the institutions under the jurisdiction of this board are authorized to require acceptable scores on recognized tests for such transfer students. No student seeking to transfer during the midst of the session, quarter, semester or trimester of the institution in which he or she is currently enrolled can be considered.

A student currently enrolled in another institution at the time he or she makes application for admission for the following session to one of the undergraduate colleges of this university should arrange to have forwarded to the Office of Admissions an official transcript that includes a listing of courses in progress as well as all completed work. Transfer credit is accepted only from institutions of higher learning that are accredited by a regional accrediting agency.

The student must indicate on the application all previous colleges attended. An applicant is not permitted to ignore previous college attendance or enrollment. A student who misrepresents information in filling out the admission application form or a student who finds after admission or enrollment that he or she is ineligible for academic or any other reason to return to his or her last institution and who fails to report this immediately to the Office of Admissions will be subject to disciplinary action, including possible dismissal from the university.

International students who have already attended colleges or universities must meet the requirements outlined for admission as transfer students.

When to Apply

Transfer students who intend to enroll at The University of Southern Mississippi must be offered admission prior to the admission deadline. See deadlines on admissions website.

Transfer Credit Policy

Degree seeking students with transfer credit hours from regionally accredited institutions will have transfer credits reproduced on their permanent records of The University of Southern Mississippi.  This action is evidence that the credits are considered valid. Validity, however, is not to be confused with applicability.

Applicability of transfer work depends upon the coincidence of transfer credits with the requirement of a particular curriculum. Applicability varies from curriculum to curriculum, not only for transfer students from other institutions but for students transferring from one school or curriculum to another within The University of Southern Mississippi. Applicability is determined by the school director and the dean of the college to which one is admitted. Transfer hours passed will be accepted. To meet graduation requirements, transfer students must have an overall C average, calculated by the method currently in use at The University of Southern Mississippi, on all hours scheduled and rescheduled at The University of Southern Mississippi. Acceptance of community or junior college work is limited to 75 percent of the total requirements for graduation in a given curriculum.

A maximum of 50 percent of the hours applied to a degree earned through credit by examination, independent study courses, extension courses and educational experiences in the armed forces combined may be counted toward a degree at The University of Southern Mississippi. No more than 30 semester hours in a degree program may be earned through credit by examination.

While enrolled at The University of Southern Mississippi, a student is required to obtain written approval from his or her school to enroll in a course(s) at another institution. Without this approval, the course(s) may not apply toward his or her degree.

The University of Southern Mississippi awards undergraduate credit for performances on three standardized tests: the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Advanced Placement Test (AP) and International Baccalaureate Test (IB) or the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CIE) program. A maximum of 50 percent of the hours applied to a degree may be earned by a combination of independent study and military experience and then applied toward an undergraduate degree. The process for evaluating and accepting such credit is outlined below. Graduate students may not receive credit for any noncredit courses and educational experiences or test credits.

The University of Southern Mississippi may provide military students with an evaluation of non-military transcripts, Joint Service Transcripts, Community College of the Air Force transcripts, and experience credits prior to enrollment. By providing this information to the Service Member, they are enabled the opportunity to elect the path best suited while continuing to serve.

Students from fully regionally accredited institutions ordinarily will be given full credit for work transferred into the University insofar as the courses taken are the same as, or equivalent to, courses offered in the college in which the student enrolls at this institution.

Credits transferred from an accredited community or junior college will be accepted as determined by the college in which the student is enrolled. In accepting community or junior college credits, no courses will be considered above the sophomore level.

Neither vocational nor developmental or remedial courses will be accepted for degree credit. Technical credits will be accepted up to a certain number of hours. These credits are based on recommendations from the school director. Institutional credit based on acceptable nationally standardized tests is only transferable and will only be considered if official records of individual test scores are available.

Technical Credits Course Transfer Policy

The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) will apply the transfer of passed technical courses to USM degree plans that require or accept technical credit. USM will apply the transfer of work experience for college credit appearing on transfer transcripts as technical credit.

Technical Courses Defined:

  1. American Council on Education
    Courses transcribed as Lower Division (LD), Upper Division (UD), or Graduate Level (GRAD) by the American Council on Education (ACE) are accepted. Courses transcribed as Vocational Certificate (VOC CERT) are not accepted.
  2. Institutions of Higher Learning – Regional Accreditation
    Passed technical courses from institutions of higher learning accredited by regional accrediting agencies ( will be evaluated on an individual basis by the Office of Admissions.
  3. Mississippi Public Community and Junior Colleges
    Courses found in the Uniform Course Numbering for Career and Technical Education for Mississippi Public Community and Junior Colleges document under the heading “Technical Courses within the Statewide Curricula” are accepted. Courses listed under the heading “Career Courses within the Statewide Curricula” are not accepted. The document is housed on the Mississippi Community College Board website:
  4. Other Institutions of Higher Learning - National Accreditation
    Passed technical courses from institutions of higher learning accredited by national accrediting agencies ( will be evaluated on an individual basis by the Office of Admissions.
  5. Experiential Learning for College Credit (work experience)
    Students may submit credentials awarded by the National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI:, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM:, or Association for Talent Development (ATD: to satisfy technical credit requirements. Experiential learning credits will be evaluated by the Office of Admissions and posted as technical credits. No other documented work experience will be accepted as technical credit.

Credit by Examination (AP, CLEP, IB, CIE)

The University of Southern Mississippi will allow students to earn credit by examination through Advanced Placement (AP) testing, the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), International Baccalaureate (IB) examination, or the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CIE) program.

Credit earned, through the use of examination, will be included in the 50 percent of the hours applied to a degree “Limitation of Transfer Credits” rule and may not be used to meet the 25 percent of the hours applied to a degree from The University of Southern Mississippi.

Submit your AP, CLEP, IB, or CIE scores to Admissions for credit evaluation:

Mail | 118 College Drive #5166
          Hattiesburg, MS 39406

Email |
Fax | 601.266.5148 

Advanced Placement Program

For AP scores earned 2018-forward: An Advanced Placement (AP) score of 3 will earn three (3) semester hours of credit. Students scoring a 4-5 on an AP exam typically are awarded six (6) semester hours of credit, unless denoted. Different policies exist for AP scores earned 2017 and prior; please contact the Office of Admissions for additional information.

Listed below are the Advanced Placement (AP) examinations accepted by the university and the Southern Miss credits to be awarded.

AP Examinations

Southern Miss Course Equivalent


Credits Earned

AP Research

IDS 101

3 – 5


AP Seminar

IDS 101

3 – 5


Art, 2-D Design

ART 111

3 – 5


Art, 3-D Design

ART 112

3 – 5


Art, Drawing

ART 101



Art, Drawing

ART 101, ART 102

4 - 5


Art, History

ART 130

3 – 5



BSC 110, 110L




BSC 110, 110L; 111, 111L

4 - 5



CHE 106, 106L




CHE 106, 106L; 107, 107L

4 - 5


Chinese Language or Culture

CHI 101



Chinese Language or Culture

CHI 101, CHI 102

4 - 5


Computer Science, A

CSC 101, 101L

3 – 5


Computer Science, Principles

CSC Elective

3 – 5


Economics, Macro

ECO 201

3 – 5


Economics, Micro

ECO 202

3 – 5


English Language

ENG 101



English Language

ENG 101, 102

4 - 5


English Literature

ENG 203

3 – 5


Environmental Science

BSC Elective

3 – 5


French Language or Literature

FRE 101



French Language or Literature

FRE 101, 102

4 – 5


**Geography, Human

GHY 101

3 – 5



GER 101




GER 101, 102

4 – 5


Gov’t. & Politics U.S.

PS 101

3 – 5


Gov’t. & Politics Comparative

PS Elective

3 – 5


History, American or U.S.

HIS 201



History, American or U.S.

HIS 201, 202

4 – 5


History, European

HIS 101



History, European

HIS 101, 102

4 – 5


History, World

HIS 101

3 – 5


Italian Language or Culture

ITA 101



Italian Language or Culture

ITA 101, ITA 102

4 – 5


Japanese Language or Culture

JPN 101



Japanese Language or Culture

JPN 101, JPN 101

4 – 5



LAT 101




LAT 101, 102

4 – 5


Math, Calculus, AB or BC

MAT 167



Math, Calculus, AB or BC

MAT 167, 168

4 – 5


*Music Theory

MUS 101, 101L

3 - 5


Physics 1

PHY 111, 111L

3 - 5


Physics 2

PHY 112, 112L

3 - 5


Physics C: Mechanics

PHY 201, 201L

3 - 5


Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism

PHY 202, 202L

3 - 5



PSY 110

3 - 5



MAT 115

3 - 5


Spanish Language or Literature

SPA 101



Spanish Language or Literature

SPA 101, 102

4 – 5


*Credit will be given if student passes placement test. An audition is required.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

The University of Southern Mississippi will allow credit by examination to those students who have participated in the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and have achieved a level acceptable to the university. A student of any age who has not earned college-level credit in the subject area in which he or she seeks credit can take a CLEP subject-area examination for advanced placement and college credit. CLEP credit cannot be used to remove an F grade. Credit will be awarded for a scaled score of 50 or above. The essay is required for all English examinations. CLEP examinations in English can, with required scores, be substituted for ENG 101. The appropriate department at Southern Miss will have final determination in the amount of credit to be awarded, based on the essay. Under this program, students are restricted to a maximum of 30 semester hours, with not more than eight hours or two courses in one subject-matter area. * It is understood that the 30-hour total includes all credit earned by examination. The Office of Admissions will be charged with the responsibility of determining a student’s eligibility to earn credit through these examinations. Credit appearing on another institution’s transcript will be accepted as transfer credit only if it meets the above cited standards.

For CLEP scores earned prior to June 2001, please contact the Office of Admissions for additional information.

Below is a list of CLEP subject-area examinations that Southern Miss will consider:

CLEP Subject Area Examinations

Southern Miss Course Equivalent


Credits Earned

*College Composition Modular

ENG 101

*50 or greater


American Government

PS 101

50 or greater


History of the United States I

HIS 201

50 or greater


History of the United States II

HIS 202

50 or greater


Western Civilization I

HIS 101

50 or greater


Western Civilization II

HIS 102

50 or greater


Human Growth & Development

PSY 275 50 or greater 3
Introductory Psychology PSY 110 50 or greater


Introductory Sociology

SOC 101

50 or greater


Introductory Business Law

BA 200

50 or greater


Principles of Macroeconomics

ECO 201

50 or greater


Principles of Microeconomics

ECO 202

50 or greater


Information Systems

CSC 100

50 or greater


World Languages

All Languages

40 - 44


World Languages

All Languages

45 - 51


World Languages

All Languages

52 - 61


World Languages

All Languages

62 – 80



MAT 167

50 or greater



MAT 103

50 or greater


College Mathematics MAT 100 50 or greater


College Algebra

MAT 101

50 or greater



BSC 110, 110L

50 or greater



CHE 106, 106L; CHE 107, 107L

50 or greater


*The essay is required for all English examinations. CLEP examinations in English can be, with required scores, substituted for ENG 101. The Department of English cannot accept CLEP examinations as substitutes for ENG 102. The appropriate academic department at Southern Miss will have final determination in the amount of credit to be awarded, based on the essay.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Student receiving an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma may receive up to thirty (30) semester hours of credit for scores of 4 or better on both higher-level and standard-level examinations. Specific policies are determined by the academic unit for which the credit is awarded.

IB Examinations

Southern Miss Course Equivalent


Credits Earned

Advanced Math

MAT 167



Advanced Math

MAT 167/MAT 168

5 – 7


Math Analysis SL MAT 128 4-7 3
Math Analysis HL MAT 128/MAT 167 4-7 6
Math Applications SL MAT 100 4-7 3
Math Applications HL MAT 114/MAT 128 4-7 6
Biology SL BSC 103/BSC 103L/BSC 107/BSC 107L 4-7 8
Biology HL BSC 110/BSC 110l/BSC 111/BSC 111L 4-7 8
Chemistry SL CHE 104/CHE 104L 4-7 4
Chemistry HL CHE 106/CHE 106L/CHE 107/CHE 107L 4-7 8
Marine Science SL MAR 151/MAR 151L 4-7 4
Physics SL PHY 111/PHY 111L/PHY 112/PHY 112L 4-7 8
Physics HL PHY 111/PHY 111L/PHY 112/PHY 112L 4-7 8
Econ SL ECO 201 4-7 3
Econ HL ECO 201/ECO 202 4-7 6

English A1

ENG 101



English A1

ENG 101/ENG 102

5 – 7


English A Lange & Lit SL ENG 101 4-7 3
English A Lange & Lit HL ENG 101 4-7 3
Geography SL GHY 101 4-7 3
Geography HL GHY 101 4-7 3
History SL HIS 101 4-7 3
History HL HIS 101 4-7 3

History of Europe

HIS 101



History of Europe

HIS 101/HIS 102

5 – 7


History of Americas

HIS 201



History of Americas

HIS 201/HIS 202

5 – 7



HIS 101




HIS 101/HIS 102

5 – 7


Comp Sci SL CSC 101/CSC 101L 4-7 4
Comp Sci HL CSC 101/CSC 101L 4-7 4
Info Tech SL ITC 103/ITC 103L/CSC 111 4-7 6
Infor Tech HL ITC 103/ITC 103L/CSC 111 4-7 6
Foreign Lang B SL SPA 101 4 3
Foreign Lang B SL SPA 101/SPA 102 5-7 6
Foreign Lang B HL SPA 201 4 3
Foreign Lang B HL 201/SPA202 5-7 6

Spanish B

SPA 101



Spanish B

SPA 101/SPA 102

5 – 7



FRE 101




FRE 101/FRE 102

5 – 7



GER 101




GER 101/GER 102

5 – 7


Film SL FLM 170 4-7 3
Film HL FLM 170 4-7 3
Music SL MUS 165 4-7 3
Music HL MUS 165 4-7 3
Theatre SL THE 100 4-7 3
Theatre HL THE 100 4-7 3
Philosophy SL PHI 151 4-7 3
Philosophy HL PHI 151 4-7 3
Psychology PSY 100 4-7 3
Psychology SL PSY 110 4-7 3
Psychology HL PSY 110 4-7 3
Soc and Cul Anth SL ANT 221 4-7 3
Soc and Cul Anth HL ANT 221 4-7 3

World Religions SL

REL 131

4 – 7


Cambridge Assessment International Education (CIE)

Students who participate in the Cambridge Assessment International Education program may be granted credit for A-level or AS-level curricula exams. The minimum score accepted is an E, awarding credit as follows:

A-Level Examinations

Southern Miss Course Equivalent


Credits Earned

English Language (9093)

ENG 101 and ENG 102

E or higher


English Literature (9695)

ENG 203

E or higher


Art & Design (9479)

ART 111

E or higher


Music (9483)

MUS 165

E or higher


Computer Science (9608/9618)

CSC 101

E or higher


Thinking Skills

PHI 151

E or higher


Economics (9708)

ECO 201 and ECO 202

E or higher



PSY 110

E or higher


Sociology (9699)

SOC 101

E or higher


History (9389/9489)

HIS 204 and HIS 102

E or higher


Biology (9700)

BSC 110 & L and BSC 111 & L

E or higher


Chemistry (9701)

CHE 106 & L and CHE 107 & L

E or higher


Environmental Management (8291)

GHY 104 & L and GHY 105 & L

E or higher


Physics (9702)

PHY 111 & L and PHY 112 & L

E or higher


Marine Science

MAR 151 & L

E or higher


Mathematics (9709)

MAT 115 and MAT 320

E or higher


Chinese Language (9715)

CHI 101

E or higher


French Language (9716)

FRE 101

E or higher


German Language (9717)

GER 101

E or higher


Spanish Language (9719)

SPA 101

E or higher




AS-Level Examinations

Southern Miss Course Equivalent


Credits Earned

English Language (9093)

ENG 101

E or higher


English Literature (9695)

ENG 203

E or higher


Language and Literature 

ENG 101

E or higher


Art & Design (9479)

ART 111

E or higher


Music (9483)

MUS 165

E or higher


Media Studies (9607)

MCJ Elective

E or higher


Digital Media and Design (9481)

MCJ Elective

E or higher


Computer Science (9608/9618)

CSC 101

E or higher


Thinking Skills

PHI 151

E or higher


Global Perspectives (9239)

GS Elective

E or higher


Geography (9696)

GHY Elective

E or higher


Economics (9708)

ECO 201

E or higher



PSY 110

E or higher


Sociology (9699)

SOC 101

E or higher


History (9389/9489)

HIS 204

E or higher


Biology (9700)

BSC 110 & L

E or higher


Chemistry (9701)

CHE 106 & L

E or higher


Environmental Management (8291)

GHY 104 & L

E or higher


Physics (9702)

PHY 111 & L

E or higher


Marine Science 

MAR 151 & L

E or higher


Mathematics (9709) P1 & P2

MAT 103 and MAT 167

E or higher


Mathematics - Further (9231)

MAT Elective

E or higher


Chinese Language (8681)

CHI 101

E or higher


French language (8682)

FRE 101

E or higher


German Language (8683)

GER 101

E or higher


Japanese Language (8281)

JPN 101

E or higher


Spanish Language (8685)

SPA 101

E or higher


Acceptance of Military Credit

  1. Credit for military schools and educational experiences in the armed forces is awarded on the basis of recommendations of the American Council on Education.
  2. Correspondence or extension courses, including USAFI (United States Air Force Institute), ECI (Extension Course Institute), AFIADL (Air Force Institute for Advanced Distributes Learning) and DANTES college-level courses, may be applied toward a degree up to a maximum of 32 semester hours. DANTES credit is allowed only for subjects where CLEP credit is accepted, with the addition of the DANTES Public Speaking test. No more than nine semester hours of correspondence (USAFI, ECI or AFIADL) credit may be earned in any field of study.
  3. Credit from the Community College of the Air Force is acceptable for purposes of admissions and may be used in a degree program as determined by the academic department. These credits will only be posted upon request.
  4. A maximum of 50 percent of the hours applied to a degree earned through credit by examination, independent study courses, extension courses and educational experiences in the armed forces combined may be counted toward a degree at The University of Southern Mississippi.
  5. Evaluation of credit will be completed after actual enrollment, upon request from the student.

Concurrent Application Program (CONAP)

The University of Southern Mississippi is an active participant with the United States Army’s CONAP (Concurrent Admissions Program).

Requirements for Certificate Programs

The university offers students the opportunity to enroll in undergraduate certificate programs offered through various academic departments. The applicant may be considered for admission providing they submit the following:

  1. Application for Undergraduate Admissions
  2. $45 nonrefundable application fee
  3. Official transcript from last school attended or GED certificate.

Students enrolled in certificate programs at The University of Southern Mississippi wishing to seek an undergraduate degree must meet full admission requirements.

Students who intend to enroll at The University of Southern Mississippi must be offered admission on or before the deadline indicated by the Office of Admissions and be in good standing with the last institution attended.

Other Routes to Admission

Early Admission

The university offers highly qualified high school students the option to be considered for early admission. Consideration is based on the applicant meeting the following:

  1. Obtaining a letter of support from the high school principal
  2. Submitting test scores of 25 on the ACT (or SAT equivalent)
  3. Completing the majority of core curriculum requirements with a 3.0 GPA
  4. Provide a letter outlining reasons for early admission
  5. Clearing the Admissions screening process

Students who intend to enroll at The University of Southern Mississippi must be offered admission on or before the deadline indicated by the Office of Admissions.

Dual Enrollment

A dual enrolled student is a student who is enrolled in a community/junior college or state institution of higher learning while enrolled in high school.

Dual Enrolled students can earn up to a semester’s worth of college credit in high school. A semester’s worth of college credit equals 15 credit hours at Mississippi community/junior colleges or 12 credit hours at Mississippi public universities.

One (1) three-hour university or community/junior college course is equal to one (1) high school Carnegie unit. (MS Code 37-15-38 (13))

Dual Credit

A dual credit student is a student who is enrolled in a community/junior college or state institution of higher learning while enrolled in high school and receiving high school and college credit for postsecondary coursework.

Dual Credit students can earn an unlimited number of college credits while in high school.

Any course that is required for subject area testing as a requirement for graduation from a public school in Mississippi is not eligible for dual credit. (MS Code 37-15-38(11))

Developmental education or remediation courses are not eligible for dual credit.

Courses eligible for dual credit include, but are not limited to, foreign languages, advanced math courses, advanced science courses, performing arts, advanced business and technology, and career and technical courses.

Mississippi’s Dual Enrollment System

  • Minimum overall GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on all high school courses and
  • Successful completion of 14 core high school units and/or junior status and
  • Written recommendation from school principal or guidance counselor
  • Minimum overall GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on all high school courses and
  • Minimum composite ACT score of 30 or the equivalent SAT score and
  • Written recommendation from school principal or guidance counselor

Transfer Admission through Freshman Requirements 

Students must meet freshman admission requirements and have earned a minimum 2.0 cumulative college grade point average for admission.

Please note that transfer students admitted through this route must submit transcripts from all colleges/universities attended after high school and that transfer credits will be applied toward their degree at Southern Miss.

Conditional Admission through Adult Status

Adult status admission is a strict probationary admission for students who are over 21 years of age and who do not meet standard admission requirements. To be admitted on adult status, students must meet the following:

  1. Must be 21 years of age and have a 2.0 cumulative grade point average on all transfer work and be in good standing from last institution attended, or
  2. Must be 21 years of age and have a high school diploma or its equivalent

Students who are on adult status may not register for more than 12 semester hours. Students that drop below 12 hours and maintain a 2.0 semester grade point average during their first semester will remain on adult status the following semester. Students must obtain a minimum 2.0 semester and cumulative grade point average for all semesters while on adult status. To continue to enroll on adult status, a student must maintain a minimum of 2.0 grade point average on all Southern Miss courses.

Students who are on adult status are not be eligible to receive any federal grants (i.e., Pell) until they have successfully completed 12 hours. Adult status students are eligible to accept any federal loans for which they may qualify and are strongly encouraged to contact the Financial Aid office as quickly as possible to discuss the implications that adult status may have on their aid package.

To clear adult status, the student must accomplish the following:

  1. Successfully complete the first 12 hours at Southern Miss and
  2. Earn a minimum 2.0 semester and cumulative grade point average the first 12 hours

Students who fail to earn a 2.0 grade point average while on adult status will be suspended from the university. This means that the student will have to leave Southern Miss and attend another fully accredited institution of higher learning (such as a community/junior college) and reapply to Southern Miss once the student meets full transfer admission requirements. The student must also have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (Southern Miss GPA will be factored in when calculating the student’s cumulative grade point average).

Non-Degree Seeking Students

For a student who wishes to complete certain specific undergraduate courses in a non-degree status, the applicant may be considered for admission providing they submit the following:

  1. Application for undergraduate admissions
  2. $45 nonrefundable application fee
  3. Official transcript from last school attended

Previous academic records are required of all applicants. Applicants for non-degree seeking status are required to certify that they are not under suspension from any college or university. A student found guilty of nondisclosure or misrepresentation in filling out the admission application form, or a student who finds after admission or enrollment that he or she is ineligible for academic or any other reason to return to his or her last institution and who fails to report this immediately to the Office of Admissions will be subject to disciplinary action, including possible dismissal from the university.

The student registered in non-degree seeking status is subject to all university regulations governing registration, attendance and academic standing. Credit earned in non-degree seeking status is recorded on the student’s permanent record and may be applied in an undergraduate degree program when the student has satisfactorily established degree status by meeting the entrance requirements of the university and of the degree-granting college of his or her choice.

Non-degree seeking students applying for regular status are required to follow admission procedures and to provide all items required of transfer students.

Students who intend to enroll at The University of Southern Mississippi must be offered admission on or before the deadline indicated by the Office of Admissions.

Applicants without a Diploma from a Regionally Accredited High School; Home School Students

The following are documentation requirements for specific groups of applicants:

  1. Applicants who have completed high school from a school that does not hold regional accreditation must submit the following:
    1. Transcripts reflecting academic performance or a secondary school leaving form
    2. ACT or SAT scores
  2. Home-schooled applicants must submit the following:
    1. Home-schooled transcripts or portfolio summarizing home school education.
    2. ACT or SAT scores
  3. Domestic applicants who have not completed high school must submit the following:
    1. Qualifying scores on a state approved high school equivalency examination
    2. Transcripts reflecting academic performance or a secondary school leaving form
    3. ACT or SAT scores

Admission Appeal Procedure 

Applicants who fail to meet admission requirements and believe that they have extenuating circumstances that prevent them from doing so, may contact the Office of Admissions to obtain further information to seek consideration.

Admission for International Students

Requirements for International Freshmen

  1. International students without previous records at colleges or universities who graduate from high school outside of the USA must present a 2.5 cumulative high school grade point average and meet English proficiency requirements. Applicants who graduate from a high school in the USA must meet the requirements outlined for admission as a freshman (see Application Requirements for Freshmen).
  2. International applicants must be at least 17 years of age by the first day of classes for the term t
  3. Applicants from countries other than United Kingdom, Australia, English-speaking Canadian provinces, New Zealand, Ireland, and English-speaking Caribbean Islands, must submit scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL IBT) 71, The International English Language Testing System (Academic) (IELTS) 6.0, Cambridge English B2 or higher, Pearson Test of English (PTE) 54, or International Test of English Proficiency Exam (Academic) (iTEP) 4.0, or meet one of the qualifying exceptions. 
  4. The English proficiency requirement may also be met if the student satisfies one of the following:
    • Student has completed International Baccalaureate, Cambridge, IGCSE/A-Level, or an accredited US or Canadian curriculum high school abroad with a minimum grade equivalent to C or better in all English courses and with attendance in the final three years offered.
    • Student has attended their final three years of secondary school education in the US, U.K., Canada, Australia, or New Zealand, with minimum grade equivalent to a C in all of their English courses and with attendance in the final three years offered.
    • Student has attended an accredited US college or university and obtained grades of C or better in English Composition I & II. 

Requirements for International Transfer Students

  1. Applicants from countries other than United Kingdom, Australia, English-speaking Canadian provinces, New Zealand, Ireland, and English-speaking Caribbean Islands, must submit scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL IBT) 71, The International English Language Testing System (Academic) (IELTS) 6.0, Cambridge English B2 or higher, Pearson Test of English (PTE) 54, or International Test of English Proficiency Exam (Academic) (iTEP) 4.0, or meet one of the qualifying exceptions. Freshman applicants from African countries must submit proof of English proficiency.
  2. The English proficiency requirement may also be met if the student satisfies one of the following:
    • Student has completed International Baccalaureate, Cambridge, IGCSE/A-Level, or an accredited US or Canadian curriculum high school abroad with a minimum grade equivalent to C or better in all English courses and with attendance in the final three years offered.
    • Student has attended their final three years of secondary school education in the US, U.K., Canada, Australia, or New Zealand, with minimum grade equivalent to a C in all of their English courses and with attendance in the final three years offered.
    • Student has attended an accredited US college or university and obtained grades of C or better in English Composition I & II.

International Student Application Procedures

  1. Because application processing requires more time for international students residing outside the United States, your application and all supporting materials must be received by May 1 for fall admission, and October 1 for spring admission. International student applicants residing inside the United States must submit all application materials at least three weeks before the proposed date of entry into the university.
  2. A $45 nonrefundable fee must accompany each international student’s application for admission.
  3. International students applying for admission to regular university programs should send documents and correspondence to
    International Student and Scholar Services
    The University of Southern Mississippi
    118 College Drive #5135
    Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001
  4. English Language Proficiency Review/Appeals Committee: An International Admissions Review/Appeals Committee comprised of Southern Miss faculty and staff familiar with admission policies in international education and academic English language proficiency may review applications not meeting the above English proficiency requirements. The committee can review applications upon written request to the Office of the Provost by an individual student or by an academic or other university unit.

Immunization Requirements

All students (including transfers) entering the university for the first time and enrolling for academic credit must document proof of two doses of MMR vaccine - measles, mumps and rubella.

  1. Proof of immunization may be documented in the following manner:
    1. Obtain a Certificate of Compliance with Immunization (Form No. 121-C) from the Mississippi State Board of Health office if you are a resident of the state of Mississippi. Two doses of measles vaccine are required. All international students must have a chest X-ray to screen for tuberculosis, and Quanti FERON blood test upon arrival.
    2. Documentation (month and year) of immunization that was received after the first birthday
    3. Positive measles and rubella serology titer with date
    4. Physician-documented history of having had measles with date of disease; history of rubella not acceptable
  2. Temporary exceptions - one semester:
    1. Pregnant women
    2. Women suspecting pregnancy
    3. Women anticipating pregnancy within three months
  3. Permanent exceptions:
    1. Medical disease that will cause a permanent contraindication to immunization
    2. All persons born prior to 1957
    3. Religious exemption

Reapplying to the University

Students who have previously attended the university and have a break in attendance of one or more terms must file an application for readmission and a $25 reapplication fee. Readmission documents required include an official transcript from each institution attended since leaving Southern Miss, and if a degree has been received from another institution, an official transcript showing that degree.

Students must meet the minimum admission standards of the university and must have attained a 2.0 cumulative GPA from all institutions attended since leaving Southern Miss in order to be eligible for readmission. Students who have been suspended from the last institution attended since leaving Southern Miss may not be readmitted.

Students who reclassify will be discontinued in the Graduate School and will have to submit all appropriate paperwork to be readmitted to graduate studies in the future. Reclassified students previously seeking a graduate degree will not have that degree posted until they are readmitted to graduate studies and registered for graduate hours. If students are preregistered for any classes on the graduate level, they will not be able to be reclassified until the next semester. Once reclassified, students are responsible for registering for undergraduate courses during the next open registration period. A student’s existing undergraduate major will be changed to “no-major general studies.” It is the responsibility of the student to contact the appropriate academic department or dean’s office on the procedure to declare an undergraduate major.

Questions concerning undergraduate readmission should be directed to the Office of Admissions. Questions concerning graduate readmission should be directed to the Office of Graduate Admissions.

Students seeking readmission must be offered readmission by the stated deadline on

Military Readmission Policy

The following policy applies to voluntary or involuntary service in the armed forces, including service by a member of the National Guard or Reserve on active duty, active duty for training, or full-time National Guard duty under federal authority, for a period of more than 30 consecutive days under a call or order to active duty of more than 30 consecutive days. This also includes National Guard service under state authority. The cumulative length of absences for service can not exceed five years.  This five year period does not include the service time (34 CFR § 668.18, (e)); whereby, the student is allowed to resume the original unchanged educational plan.

Requirements of Student Service Member:

Notification of military service. The student (or an appropriate officer of the armed forces or official of the Department of Defense) must give oral or written notice of such service to the school as far in advance as is reasonable under the circumstances. This notice does not have to indicate whether the student intends to return to the school and may not be subject to any rule of timeliness. Timeliness must be determined by the facts in each case. Alternatively, at the time of readmission, the student may submit an attestation of military service that necessitated the student’s absence from school. No notice is required if precluded by military necessity, such as service in operations that are classified or would be compromised by such notice.

Notification of intent to return to school. The student must also give oral or written notice of their intent to return to the school within three years after the completion of the period of service. A student who is hospitalized or convalescing due to an illness or injury incurred or aggravated during the performance of service must notify the school within two years after the end of the period needed for recovery from the illness or injury. A student who fails to apply for readmission within these periods does not automatically forfeit eligibility for readmission but is subject to the school’s established leave of absence policy and general practices.

For additional questions about USM’s Military Readmission Policy, contact Naomi Clement, Assistant Director of Operations of The Office of Admissions. Email address:

Tuition and Fees: If the student is readmitted to the same program for the first academic year in which the student returns, the University of Southern Mississippi will assess the tuition and fee charges that the student was or would have been assessed for the academic year during which the student left the school. However, if the student’s veterans education benefits or other service member education benefits will pay the higher tuition and fee charges that other students in the program are paying for the year, the school may assess those charges to the student as well.


Mississippi Residency Regulations

Petitions for Change of Residency for Tuition Purposes: Petitions for change of residency must be made on or before the last day of late registration. Forms are available in the Office of the University Registrar. Residence for tuition purposes is governed by the State Attorney General’s Office, Mississippi Section 37-103-1 et. seg. Mississippi Code of 1972.

Legal Residence of Students: The definitions and conditions stated here are as required by state law in the classification of students as residents or nonresidents for the assessment of fees. Requests for a review of residency classification should be submitted to the university registrar; forms for this purpose are available from the Office of the University Registrar.

A Minor: The residence of a person less than 21 years of age is that of the father. After the death of the father, the residence of the minor is that of the mother. If the parents are divorced, the residence of the minor is that of the parent who was granted custody by the court; or, if custody was not granted, the residence continues to be that of the father. If both parents are deceased, the residence of the minor is that of the last surviving parent at the time of that parent’s death, unless the minor lives with a legal guardian of his or her person duly appointed by a proper court of Mississippi, in which case his or her residence becomes that of the guardian.

An Adult: The residence of an adult is that place where he or she is domiciled, that is, the place where he or she actually physically resides with the intention of remaining there indefinitely or of returning there permanently when temporarily absent. Adult students who are residing outside of the state of Mississippi, but whose parents have moved to this state and have become residents, must establish residence in their own right. In determining residence for tuition purposes of persons who return to Mississippi after temporary departures such as school attendance, work elsewhere or military service, cognizance is taken for evidence showing continuity of state residence and demonstrated intent to return to the state.

Removal of Parents from Mississippi: If the parents of a minor who is enrolled as a student in an institution of higher learning move their legal residence from the state of Mississippi, the minor is immediately classified as a nonresident student.

Twelve Months of Residence Required: No student may be admitted to the university as a resident of Mississippi unless his or her residence, as defined herein above, has been in the state of Mississippi for a continuous period of at least 12 months immediately preceding his or her admission.

A student who has lived within the state for 12 months following his or her 21st birthday may establish residence in his or her own right by showing that he or she is living in the state with the intention of abandoning his or her former domicile and remaining in the state of Mississippi permanently or for an indefinite length of time. Intent may be demonstrated or disproved by factors including, but not limited to, filing of Mississippi income tax returns, eligibility to vote in Mississippi, motor vehicle registration in Mississippi, possession of a Mississippi operator’s license, place of employment and self-support.

Residence Status of a Married Person: A married person may claim the residence of his or her spouse. Foreign students should refer to Legal Residence of a Foreign Student.

Children of Parents Who Are Employed by the University: Children of parents who are members of the faculty or staff of the university may be classified as residents without regard to the residence requirement of 12 months.

Military Personnel Assigned on Active Duty Stationed in Mississippi: Members of the armed forces on extended active duty and stationed within the state of Mississippi may be classified as residents, without regard to the residence requirement of 12 months, for the purpose of attendance at the university. Resident status of such military personnel, who are not legal residents of Mississippi, as defined above under legal residence of an adult, shall terminate upon their reassignment for duty in the continental United States outside the state of Mississippi.

Military: Eligible applicants who are engaged in or honorably discharged from active duty in the United States Armed Services including academically eligible current of surviving spouse and dependent children, including stepchildren, would receive a waiver of the non-resident surcharge.

Children of Military Personnel: Resident status of children of members of the armed forces on extended active duty shall be that of the military parent for the purpose of attending the university during the time that their military parents are stationed within the state of Mississippi and shall be continued through the time that military parents are stationed in an overseas area with last duty assignment within the state of Mississippi, excepting temporary training assignments en route from Mississippi. Resident status of minor children shall terminate upon reassignment under permanent change of station orders of their military parents for duty in the continental United States outside the state of Mississippi, excepting temporary training assignments en route from Mississippi.

Certification of Residence of Military Personnel: A military person on active duty stationed in Mississippi who wishes to avail himself or herself or his or her dependents of the provisions of the paragraph titled “Military Personnel Assigned on Active Duty Stationed in Mississippi” must submit a certificate from his or her military organization showing the name of the military member, the name of the dependent, if for a dependent, the name of the organization of assignment and its address (may be in the letterhead), that the military member will be on active duty stationed in Mississippi on the date of registration at the university; that the military member is not on transfer orders; and the signature of the commanding officer, the adjutant or the personnel officer of the unit of assignment with signer’s rank and title. A military certificate must be presented to the registrar of the university each semester at (or within 10 days prior to) registration for the provisions of the paragraph Military Personnel Assigned on Active Duty Stationed in Mississippi, named above, to be effective.

Legal Residence of a Foreign Student: Students with permanent immigrant status or refugee status can establish residence in the state by meeting the provisions of the Mississippi statute.

A student who has reached the age of 22 and has met the requirements to become a resident (has lived in Mississippi the past 12 consecutive months, used a Mississippi address on his/her State and Federal Income tax return, registered to vote in Mississippi, and has a vehicle registered in Mississippi) and shows intent to make Mississippi his/her home, may petition the University Registrar for a change in residency.

The following documentation is required by law in order to obtain Mississippi residence. These are statutory requirements, not University policy, and are rigidly enforced:

  • Mississippi income tax returns
  • Mississippi driver license
  • Vehicle registration (MS. car tag) - Persons moving into the state on a permanent basis have 30 days per state law to register vehicles.
  • Mississippi voter registration
  • A home deed or lease reflecting 12 continuous months of domicile in Mississippi (On campus housing is not considered a permanent residence)
  • Must have a Mississippi home address on file with the Registrar’s Office
  • Military orders if applying based upon active duty military exception