Sep 27, 2024  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology

  • ECET 111L - AC Analysis Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ECET 111 .
  • ECET 120 - Electronic Graphics

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): EET 120L Computer-aided drafting principles for orthographic projections; schematics, wiring diagrams, and symbols.
  • ECET 200 - Electronics Assembly and Fabrication Practices

    1 hr.
    Concurrent registration in ECET 200L  required. Computer-aided printed circuit board (PCB) design, layout and fabrication.
  • ECET 200L - Assembly and Fabrication Laboratory

    1 hr.
    An optional laboratory designed to accompany ECET 200 . Concurrent registration in ECET 200  required.
  • ECET 210 - Electronic Devices and Circuits

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECET 111 . Corequisite(s): ECET 210L  and PHY 201 . Theory and application of solid state devices; diodes, junction and field-effect transistors, IC fabrication; small signal BJT amplifiers.
  • ECET 210L - Devices and Circuits I Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ECET 210 .
  • ECET 230 - Electronic Instrumentation

    1 hr.
    Prerequisite(s): ECET 111 . Corequisite(s): ECET 230L . Theory of operation and industrial use of common electronic instruments.
  • ECET 230L - Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ECET 230 .
  • ECET 240 - Introduction to Digital Electronics

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECET 110 . Corequisite(s): ECET 240L . Theory and application of pulse and digital signals and the circuitry for their generation and conditioning; introduces number systems, digital logic, data encoding and processing methods and circuits.
  • ECET 240L - Digital Electronics Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ECET 240 .
  • ECET 300 - Intermediate Network Analysis and Design

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Corequisite(s): MAT 167 . Develop additional skills in the time/frequency domain; network analysis.
  • ECET 301 - Logic Circuit Design

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECET 240 . Corequisite(s): ECET 301L . Introduces the basic tools for logic circuit design and analysis; provides an understanding of common logic constructs such as multiplexers, demultiplexers, encoders, decoders, multivibrators, counters, registers and memories.
  • ECET 301L - Logic Circuits Design Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ECET 301 .
  • ECET 302 - Microprocessor Architecture and Applications

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECET 301 . Corequisite(s): ECET 302L . Introduction to the design and programming of microprocessor based circuits and systems, including the design and programming tools necessary to create stand-alone microprocessor systems; comparison of different microprocessor architectures and applications.
  • ECET 302L - Microprocessor Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ECET 302 .
  • ECET 311 - Applications of Semiconductor Devices I

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECET 111  or ECET 300 . Corequisite(s): ECET 311L  and PHY 112 /PHY 202 . Analysis and design of DC and small-signal amplifiers based on BJTs and FETs; difference amplifiers.
  • ECET 311L - Applications of Semiconductor Devices I Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ECET 311 .
  • ECET 312 - Applications of Semiconductor Devices II

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECET 311  and PHY 201 . Corequisite(s): ECET 312L . OPAMPS, power amplifiers, voltage regulators, special devices.
  • ECET 312L - Applications of Semiconductor Devices II Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ECET 312 . Laboratory applications of linear devices and circuits.
  • ECET 315 - Communication Systems

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECET 311 , MAT 167  and PHY 202 . Corequisite(s): ECET 315L . RF amplifiers and oscillators; signal spectra; noise; modulation; demodulation; phase-locked loops.
  • ECET 315L - Communication Systems Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ECET 315 .
  • ECET 316 - Digital Communications and Computer Networks

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECET 302 . Corequisite(s): ECET 316L . Digital communication concepts including modulation, data transmission, transmission media, computer networks.
  • ECET 316L - Digital Communications Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ECET 316 .
  • ECET 323 - Advanced Analytical Methods

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): MAT 168 . Laplace transform methods for analog signals and systems; transfer functions; z-transform methods for discrete time signals and systems; frequency-domain methods.
  • ECET 324 - Applied Discrete Transforms

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): CET 323 . System transfer functions, system response analysis, digital filter design, state-space system representation.
  • ECET 342 - Electrical Energy Systems

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECET 111  and PHY 202 . Corequisite(s): ECET 342L . AC and DC motors and generators.
  • ECET 342L - Electrical Machinery Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ECET 342 .
  • ECET 360 - Electromagnetic Fields and Waves

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): MAT 280 . Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations; time-varying fields; Maxwell’s equations; transmission lines, antennas and propagation.
  • ECET 370 - Hardware Systems

    3 hrs.
    Corequisite(s): ECET 370L . Design, analysis and implementation of digital logic systems with emphasis on circuit construction and verification; this course does not satisfy major requirements for computer or electronics engineering technology students.
  • ECET 370L - Hardware Systems Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ECET 370 .
  • ECET 390 - Computer Networking Fundamentals

    3 hrs.
    A comprehensive examination of computer networking architectures and evolving technologies.
  • ECET 392 - Special Problems

    1-3 hrs.
  • ECET 396 - Engineering Laboratory Internship

    1-3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Assistance with engineering laboratory development, preparation, operation, and experimentation. May be repeated for a total of six hours.
  • ECET 400 - Senior Project

    2 hrs.
    Fee A special fee is charged for this course. (See Special Fees listing in Student Expenses section.) (All labs are subject to a usage fee.)
    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and approval of faculty adviser. Project should be in area of student’s specialization. Senior Honors Project (Students undertaking a Seniors Honor project will enroll in EET 400H.)
  • ECET 401 - Senior Project

    2 hrs.
    Fee A special fee is charged for this course. (See Special Fees listing in Student Expenses section.) (All labs are subject to a usage fee.)
    Prerequisite(s): ECET 400 . Senior Honors Project (Students undertaking a Seniors Honors project will enroll in EET H401.)
  • ECET 412 - Advanced Circuit Analysis

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECET 111 , ECET 323  and PHY 202 . Corequisite(s): ECET 412L . Transfer functions; network analysis by Laplace transform methods.
  • ECET 412L - Advanced Circuit Analysis Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ECET 412 .
  • ECET 420 - Embedded Microcomputer Design

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECET 302 . Corequisite(s): ECET 420L . Review of embedded computer applications followed by a detailed examination of microcomputer circuit design and commercial product development.
  • ECET 420L - Embedded Microcomputer Design Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ECET 420  
  • ECET 437 - Microcomputer Design

    4 hrs.
    Advanced microcomputer architecture and operation.
  • ECET 450 - Data Acquisition

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECET 302 , ECET 316 , CSS 331 , CSS 334 . Corequisite(s): ECET 450L . A detailed study of computer data acquisition hardware and software techniques.
  • ECET 450L - Data Acquisition Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ECET 450 .
  • ECET 452 - Microwave Technology

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECET 315 , MAT 168 , PHY 202 . Corequisite(s): ECET 452L . Introduction to microwave technology with special emphasis on microwave communications systems and radar; microwave components and circuits; measurement techniques; fault isolation.
  • ECET 452L - Microwave Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ECET 452 .
  • ECET 461 - Electrical Power

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): PHY 202  and senior standing. Power generation and distribution, load flow, faults, grids and layout.
  • ECET 472 - Advanced Programmable Devices

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECET 301 . Corequisite(s): ECET 472L . Synchronous logic design through the use of state machine models and other advanced design tools; designs implemented and tested in VLSI programmable logic devices.
  • ECET 472L - Programmable Devices Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ECET 472 .
  • ECET 477 - Control Systems

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECET 323  and PHY 202 . Corequisite(s): ECET 477L . Fundamental control system theory and applications; servomechanisms; process control; measurement and instrumentation.
  • ECET 477L - Control Systems Laboratory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ECET 477 .
  • ECET 478 - Digital Control Systems

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECET 323 ; Corequisite(s): ECET 478L . Design of systems incorporating a computer as an online element; design of control algorithms and optimal control techniques.
  • ECET 478L - Digital Control Systems Labortory

    1 hr.
    Corequisite(s): ECET 478 .
  • ECET 480 - Antennas and Propagation

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): MAT 280 , PHY 202 . Basic antenna principles, several important types of antennas, and radio waves propagation characteristics in communications.
  • ECET 483 - Windows Networking

    3 hrs.
    A comprehensive examination of the Windows 95 networking architecture and capabilities.
  • ECET 486 - Intranetworking

    2 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): CET 485 or permission of instructor. A continuation of SET 485 that will emphasize intranetworking directory architecture, binding of network protocols, creation and management of user and group accounts.
  • ECET 488 - TCP/IP

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ECET 483 . A comprehensive examination of the Internet’s standard protocol suite TCP/IP.
  • ECET 492 - Special Problems

    1-3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and approval of faculty adviser; supervised study in areas not covered by available courses.
  • ECET 496 - Industrial Internship

    1-6 hrs.
    A minimum of 400 total hours of internship under the direct supervision of industrial professionals in collaberation with Southern Miss faculty.
  • ECET 499 - Undergraduate Research

    1-3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Introduction to methods of engineering research. May be repeated for a total of six hours.

Electronics Engineering Technology

  • EET 324 - Applied Discrete Transforms

    3 hrs.


  • ENG 90 - Developmental Writing

    3 hrs.
    Develops basic writing skills (Open only to students in Developmental Education program).
  • ENG 099E - Expanded Composition Studio

    1 hr.
    Supports student work in ENG 100E  through additional writing instruction; required of students with a below-minimum ACT score and does not fulfill any core or degree requirement.
  • ENG 99 - Introduction to Composition

    3 hrs.
    Required of and open to entering first-year students enrolled in fully online programs with a below minimum English score on the ACT. Does not satisfy any University core or degree requirement.
  • ENG 100E - Composition I – Expanded

    3 hrs.
    The prerequisite course for students who do not place into ENG 101 . Course stresses critical reading, reflection, and writing skills in a variety of academic and social contexts. Course does not count toward elementary education endorsement hours.
  • ENG 101 - Composition One

    3 hrs.
    Taken the first semester at the university or immediately following ENG 100E . Stresses clear, effective writing with special attention to syntactical and organizational skills. (CC 1113, 1213)
  • ENG 102 - Composition Two

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 . Refines compositional skills and stresses additional rhetorical and research methods. (CC 1123, 1223)
  • ENG 110 - Basic Grammar

    3 hrs.
    Stresses grammar, mechanics, usage and other basic writing skills. (may not count toward a major, minor or core).
  • ENG 200 - Introduction to Drama

    3 hrs.
    Focuses on drama of the western world.
  • ENG 201 - Introduction to Fiction

    3 hrs.
    Focuses on the various types and modes of fiction, both short stories and novels.
  • ENG 202 - Introduction to Poetry

    3 hrs.
    Focuses on major English and American poetry.
  • ENG 203 - World Literature

    3 hrs.
    Acquaints students with a range of world literature representing a diversity of geography, historical period and genre.
  • ENG 221 - Fiction Writing I

    3 hrs.
    Introduction to fiction writing.
  • ENG 222 - Poetry Writing I

    3 hrs.
    Introduction to poetry writing.
  • ENG 223 - Creative Writing I: Mixed Genre

    3 hrs.
    Introduction to creative writing, including poetry, prose (fiction and/or creative non-fiction).
  • ENG 301 - Advanced Grammar

    3 hrs.
     A study of the structures, origins, power, and rhetorical nature of language and the effects of different approaches to grammar.
  • ENG 311 - Survey of Contemporary Literature

    3 hrs.
    Surveys major contemporary writers and their influences (required for secondary or middle grade certification).
  • ENG 312 - Postcolonial Literature

    3 hrs.
    A study of literature concerned with the discursive, cultural and political independence of peoples subjugated by colonial empires.
  • ENG 313 - Survey of Multiethnic Literature

    3 hrs.
    Provides a comparative survey of writers from mulitple ethnic backgrounds. Repeatable with varied content to six hours.
  • ENG 314 - Popular & Genre Fiction

    3 hrs.
    Variable topic survey of popular genre fiction and literature, such as science fiction, mystery, fantasy, or noir. Repeatable with varied content to six hours.
  • ENG 319 - Literary Study of the Bible

    3 hrs.
    Examines the literary structure, style and content of the English Bible.
  • ENG 321 - Fiction Writing II

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 221  or ENG 223 . Stresses the techniques of short fiction writing.
  • ENG 322 - Poetry Writing II

    3 hrs.

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 222  orENG 223 .

      Stresses the techniques of poetry writing.

  • ENG 330 - Writing and Education

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  and ENG 102 . Emphasizes writing and speaking in professional education settings.
  • ENG 332 - Advanced Composition

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  and ENG 102 . Junior standing recommended. Emphasizes writing, research and documentation skills needed for professional papers.
  • ENG 333 - Technical Writing

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 , ENG 102  and junior standing or 12 hours in student’s major field. Stresses report writing in student’s major field.
  • ENG 340 - Analysis of Literature

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 , ENG 102 , ENG 203 . Introduces the discipline of literary criticism.
  • ENG 345 - Introduction to Children’s Literature

    3 hrs.
    Studies in children’s literature from the 17th century to the present.
  • ENG 350 - Survey of British Literature I

    3 hrs.
    Surveys major British literature from the Old English period to the Romantic period.
  • ENG 351 - Survey of British Literature II

    3 hrs.
    Surveys major British literature from Romantic period to the present.
  • ENG 365 - Digital Literacies

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  and ENG 102 . Introduces the history of writing as a technology and the rhetoric of digital design in a variety of contexts.
  • ENG 370 - Survey of American Literature I

    3 hrs.
    Surveys American literature from its beginnings to the Civil War.
  • ENG 371 - Survey of American Literature II

    3 hrs.
    Surveys American literature from the Civil War to the present.
  • ENG 372 - African-American Literature

    3 hrs.
    Surveys major African-American writers and their influences.
  • ENG 373 - American Poetry

    3 hrs.
    Surveys American poetry.
  • ENG 400 - Senior Seminar

    3 hrs.
    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing. Explores various literary topics in a seminar setting; repeatable to six hours.
  • ENG 401 - Composition Study for Teachers

    3 hrs.
    The study of composition and composition theories with pedagogical applications.
  • ENG 402 - Literature Study for Teachers

    3 hrs.
    The study of literature and literary theories with pedagogical applications.
  • ENG 403 - Language Study for Teachers

    3 hrs.
    The study of language and language theories with pedagogical applications.
  • ENG 406 - History of the English Language

    3 hrs.
    Surveys the development of the English language from Old English to the present.
  • ENG 410 - Studies in Ethnic Literature

    3 hrs.
    Provides a focused study of ethnic writers; repeatable to six hours with varied content.
  • ENG 411 - Studies in Postcolonial Literature

    3 hrs.
    Examines postcolonial literature from the 19th century to the present.

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